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Unified Namespace
(Tags and UDTs)

Introduction to the Unified Namespace

The Unified Namespace provides a centralized data repository and a standardized method for organizing and accessing data from various sources. This concept streamlines data management, enhances system interoperability, and simplifies the development of applications that utilize data from multiple sources.

On this page:

Key Concepts and Terms

Asset Tree

A hierarchical representation of the solution data model, containing variables and data templates matching sensor reading physical equipments, setpoints, recipes, management data, and all the variables necessary to implement and operate an application.

Data Template (UDT)

User-defined data structure that includes variables and references to other templates, creating a hierarchical data structure.

External TagProvider

Enable direct interaction with variables in remote systems without creating specific tags, enhancing data access within the Unified Namespace.


Process variable representing real-time and historical data, created locally or accessed remotely.


Define potential values or ranges for a variable, mapping messages and colors to each state.

Runtime Database

In-memory real-time database for Unified Namespace data, ensuring efficient data management during solution execution.

Understanding the Unified Namespace 

Module Features

  • Real-time Elements: The system has a built-in real- time, event driven, in-memory database, that manages the tags, assets and events in the application. 

  • Real-time Tag Types: A typical HMI-SCADA system has only basic tag types, such as numeric and messages. As the system also targets IT and MES systems, it goes far beyond, supporting real- time entities that match all the SQL types and many .NET Framework entities, including Images and a complete DataTable in a single real-time tag.  

  • Dynamic Arrays and References: The system offers built-in support for tri-dimensional dynamic arrays, lists and type-safe reference tags with dynamic assignments, creating reusable components on displays, symbols, reports, calculation and at any part of your solution.  

Tags vs External TagProviders

Give the proximity of the teams, its important to get clear the differences of those 2 concepts.

TagExternal TagProvider

Tags represent real-time and historical data variables that modules can read, write, and subscribe to.

External TagProviders enable direct interaction with variables in remote systems, bypassing the need to create specific tags in the solution.


Tags can be created locally within the solution.

The connection settings are defined in the solution. The data itself, tag names, structures, are defined in the remote system.


Tags are central to the solution configuration and are used by various modules (Devices, Datasets, Scripts, Historian, Displays).

External TagProviders allow the use of remote data directly within the solution, supporting protocols like OPC UA, MQTT, and various historian systems.

Configuring the Unified Namespace 

Configuration Workflow

The Solution Designer is interface where you can build your models.  This is found in the Unified Namespace.

From this centra point, you can create or import Tag definition, organize the hierarchy and monitor the current values of your variables. 

When you start a new Solution, two folders will be generated.

  • The "BaseTags" folder is where all new Tags are created by default.

  • The "ExternalTags" folder is where all new External TagProviders connections are added by default. 

The typical process on creating the model is:

  1. Creating Data Templates for Assets

  2. Creating and Organizing Tags and Folders. You can also use dynamic Tag definition from external data sources using the External TagProviders features. 

Values of Tags will be read from physical Devices, like PLC's or field devices, or used in Displays, Scripts and other modules. But those configurations are executed in each module and not in the data model.

Data Templates

Data Templates provide a way to create custom data structures that allow you to define reusable Tag configurations. They can be used to create hierarchical structures representing assets or information models.  They can also streamline data management and improve system efficiency. For example, a template could be created for a specific type of equipment, with tags for its operational parameters and status information. 

→ Read more about Data Templates.

Configuring the Asset Tree

  • Create a new folder: Folders allow you to organize, group and create hierarchies for your assets. Click the new Asset Folder icon to create one or right click the Asset Tree.
  • Create new Tags: After selecting a folder, use the New Tag toolbar button or right-click menu, to create a new tag inside that folder.
  • Move Tags to selected folders: Just drag tags from the BaseTags folder — or other location — to the desired placement level at the tree.
  • Insert Remote Assets: If there is a ExternalTags connection defined, you can insert specific assets from the external system in the asset tree.

→ Read more about Assets Tree.

*The maximum number of tags is different based on product license. To determine max tags, follow this formula --> 
(ProductModel * 20) + 5000 = maximum number of tags allowed in the solution.


Tag Objects represent real-time variables and their associated historical data within the Unified Namespace, managing and editing these objects ensures seamless integration with other modules and systems.

Managing Tags Allows You To:

  • Create, Modify and Delete Tag Objects. 
  • Import and Export Tag Objects
  • Use Built-In Tools for Search and Filtering
  • Bulk-Edit

→ Read more about Tags.


Enumerations are sets of named integer values used to represent discrete options or states. By assigning meaningful names to integer values, you will improve code readability and reduce errors.  An example of this is a set of named states for a pump, such as "Off", "On", and "Fault", with corresponding integer values of 0, 1, and 2.

To Create Enumerations

  • Go To Unified Namespace → Enumeration.
  • Click 'New' on the Grid Toolbar
  • Open the 'Create New Enumeration' pop-up window.
  • Enter the Name of the Enumeration and Click 'Ok' to Create a New One.
  • Add the Properties of the Enumeration Set.
  • Add On and Off options
  • Set Default Value to Each

*for example, '1' for 'On' and '0' for 'Off', and customize any enumeration properties, such as ActiveColor and InactiveColor, and several other available properties.

→ Read more about Enumerations.

External TagProviders

The External TagProviders is a tool that allows you to access Data Models definitions from external systems.  You can also access those variables and structures in any module directly, without having to create any local definition of Tags inside your solution.

This feature is available for:

→ Read more about External TagProviders.

Working with the Unified Namespace

Runtime Execution

When the solution execution starts, the Unified Namespace definition is loaded into an in-memory real-time database, implemented by the TServer.exe process. During execution, the real-time database provides event-driven data exchange of tag and asset values between various modules, like alarms and displays. 

→ "Runtime (Solution Execution)."

Accessing Assets in Scripts and Expressions

The platform's various modules, like Alarms and Displays, can access any variable from the Unified Namespace using its full name or path. For example, to access a tag when creating an operator display, use "Tag" to access available tags. A tag called Temperature from a data template named Machine 1 would have the full path: Tag.Line.Machine1.Temperature 

This information is also accessible to other applications using the built-in MQTT broker or its native ability to act as an OPC Server.

RemoteAssets Methods

RemoteAssets methods allow interaction with assets remotely. They provide functions to map and unmap entire assets.  They also refresh readings of the registered elements:

RegisterElementToTag: Maps an entire RemoteAsset to a tag, requiring a template with the same structure as the asset.
@Client.RegisterElementToTag(string assetName, string tagName, [bool readOnly=false])

RefreshRemoteTags: Performs a new reading on the registered elements.

UnregisterElementToTag: Removes the RemoteAsset from the registered list.
@Client.UnregisterElementToTag(string assetName)

UnregisterAllAssets: Removes all RemoteAssets from the registered list.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

Best Practices and Recommendations

To get the most out of the Unified Namespace, follow these best practices:

Organization of the data structure

  • Organize tags into a clear hierarchy with folders and templates for easier navigation and understanding.
  • Plan data structures carefully, considering relationships between assets, tags, and templates.
  • Use templates for reusable data structures, reducing redundancy.
  • Integrate external data sources seamlessly using ExternalTags Sources.
  • Use consistent naming conventions for tags to simplify navigation and troubleshooting.

Status Monitoring 

  • Add specific displays and scripts to monitor system performance and connection status regularly.
  • Implement alarm conditions for critical connection losses.

Common Issues and Solutions

Some common issues while working with the Unified Namespace include:

Inconsistency or missing data from external systems:

When using ExternalTags Sources, ensure the external application provides and maintains the Unified Namespace, including variable names and structure.

Refer to the UNS External TagProviders section for diagnosing connections.

When mapping Tags to Device Communication drivers, the Tag Definition is the Solution, so the Tag name will always show property in the Unified Namespace, but its value in depending on the connection with the remote device.

Refer the Devices (Field Communication) section on the documentation for information on setup and diagnose connections with field devices. 

This concept applies to any external data source being used by the system, like remote SQL database or custom scripting using external APIs.

Inconsistency or missing data after importing:

Ensure import files (Excel, CSV, or other formats) are properly formatted, with required columns present, and compatible data types and values.

Performance issues

Here are some key areas to review when improving performance: 

  • Target Solution: Structure and organize solutions efficiently to improve performance.
  • Driver Communication: Use the Monitor Page and Runtime Diagnostics to monitor driver communication.
  • Displays: Avoid overloading displays with excessive information.
  • Optimization and Grouping: Use only necessary tags, group them logically, and reuse assets when possible.
  • Modular Templates: Design modular templates to reduce redundancy and streamline management.

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