The InfluxDB TagProvider allow dynamic retrieval of data from InfluxDB database, as well to save tags values to the InfluxDB databases. It can be used in read-only mode mode, or updating values, using as an Unified Namespace TagProvider, or it can also be used in Historian, Storage Locations, to act as one of locations where the Historian Module can save its data. 

On this page:


To set up InfluxDB as a TagProvider, navigate to Unified Namespace → TagProvider Connections and select the InfluxDB Connector. Or the same configuration dialog will be presented when selecting InfluxDB from Historian → StorageLocations.

System Requirements

This TagProvider requires the user to have access to an InfluxDB Server with support for API Version 2.0 or greater.

Connection Parameters




Specifies the system the TagProvider will interface with. In this case, it interfaces with the InfluxDB Connector.

Access Mode

Determines permissions for interacting with tags.

Read allows only data reading.

Write permits only data writing. 

ReadWrite enables both reading and writing.


User-defined name for the TagProvider instance. Identifies the specific configuration in the system.


Defines a short description for the TagProvider's purpose or the systems it interfaces with. Provides context for its usage.


Defines specific communication settings for the connection to the device.


Defines connection settings for the InfluxDB, including IP address, port, token, bucket, and organization.

IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the InfluxDB server.


Sets the port number used for communication with the InfluxDB server.


Specifies the token for authentication with the InfluxDB server.


Defines the bucket within InfluxDB to retrieve or store data.


Specifies the organization associated with the InfluxDB instance.


Verifies the connection settings to ensure successful communication with the specified server.


Displays the full connection string used to connect to the InfluxDB server. Provides a summary of all connection parameters.

  • Collector: Specifies the type of Collector to be used. Each one have a specific behavior in Runtime. Options are:
    • Default: Connects to any InfluxDB Database without any custom TreeView is based only on Filter configuration.
    • SolutionHistorian: Is used to Write ProjectTags Historian data in a custom.
      • Filters field will always be disabled, with measurement and field columns added to.
      • When Provider is used as Historian, Historian TableName will be used as measurement.
      • TreeView structure will behave different than Default and MQTT More details available in following sections.
    • MQTT: Is used to Read Data that was stored using Telegraf’s MQTT Plugin pre-defined column structure.
      • The Topic information MUST be stored in a column named topic.
      • Filters field will always be disabled, with measurement, topic and field columns added to
      • TreeView structure will behave different than Default and tProj Historian. More details available in following sections.
  • Filters: Defines a hierarchical order for columns, separated by comma (","), when assembling the TreeView.
  1. You can browse the columns to be discarded at the "+"
  2. Click on + or - to add / remove And Up/Down arrows to change the filter order.

Collector Selection

When using the InfluxDB in conjunction with Unified Namespace TagProvider, the Collector Default and MQTT can be used.

When using the InfluxDB as a Historian Storage Location, the Collection SolutionHistorian shall be used. 

The Filters are used to define the Query to be executed when assembling the TreeView. In this example with measurement and field, the structure would be as follows:

 TreeView Structure Behavior.

CustomColumns in InfluxDB

TagProvider connections cannot create new CustomColumns in InfluxDB Database, only access existing ones. To create new CustomColumns, use the Device Module Configuration.


Default Collector

This collector will access any InfluxDB Database, and create the TreeView Structure based on the Filters. 

This Collector can Read/Write data, and it is used with the Unified Namespace TagProviders.

MQTT Collector

This Collector is used to Read Data from an InfluxDB Database Structure that was stored using Telegraf’s MQTT Plugin pre-defined schema, with MQTT topic stored in a column called topic.

The filters are, by default, defined as _measurement, topic and _field.

In Runtime, the TreeView Structure will use the MQTT Topic similar to what is done in MQTTspB ExternalTags.

As an example, let us assume we have an MQTT Client publishing to Topics:


The _measurement is defined as mqtt_consumer and _field is value.

Our TreeView Structure is illustrated below.

TreeView Structure For MQTT Collector.

SolutionHistorian Collector

This collector is used with the Historian Storage Location configuration. 

In this case, the InfluxDB is used as one of the repositories for the Historian Module of the solution. 

In this Configuration, Tags added on Historian /  Historian Tags, into a Table targeted for InfluxDB Provider, will be automatically logged in your Database.

The Historian Table Name will act as our _measurement and the Complete TagName will be added to the field column.

Reading Historical Data

By using the Complete TagName as _field, the TreeView can use that information to transform that name into a multi-level structure as illustrated below.

InfluxDB Table TagProvider as Historian

In this section:

  • No labels