The Canary Labs TagProvider integrates and visualizes real-time data from Canary Labs without manual tag creation. Configure a connection to access data directly, enabling exploration and analysis within the Unified Namespace. This TagProvider enhances data accessibility, providing a streamlined method for incorporating Canary Labs data into applications.

On this page:


To set up Canary Labs as a TagProvider, navigate to Unified Namespace → TagProvider Connections and select the Canary Labs Communication Driver option.

Connection Parameters




Specifies the system the TagProvider will interface with. In this case, it interfaces with the Canary Labs Communication Driver.

Access Mode

Determines permissions for interacting with tags.

Read allows data reading.

Write permits data writing.

ReadWrite enables both reading and writing.


User-defined name for the TagProvider instance. Identifies the specific configuration in the system.


Explains the TagProvider's purpose or the systems it interfaces with. Provides context for its usage.


Defines specific communication settings for the connection to the device.


Determines whether to include tag properties in communication.


Displays the connection string used to connect to the Canary Labs server. Defines connection settings for the Canary Labs server, including server name, client ID, connection type, username, password, view, and dataset. Make sure to test the connection with the Test button once you add all the information.



Server Name

Specifies the server name where the Canary Labs Communication Driver is hosted.

Client Id

Unique identifier for the client connecting to the Canary Labs server.


Defines the type of authentication used for the connection. Options include Anonymous, Windows, and Username.

Anonymous: Allows connection without any specific authentication.

Windows: Utilizes the credentials of the Windows user.

Username: Requires a specific username (and potentially a password) for connection.


Specifies the username for authentication if the ConnectionType is set to Username or Windows.


Specifies the password for authentication if the ConnectionType is set to Username or Windows.

Enable Backfill Insert

Enables the backfill insert feature, which allows for historical data to be inserted into the database. Toggle this option if you wish to retrieve historical data from CanaryLabs, filling any gaps in the data timeline.


Specifies the view name within the Canary Labs system to access the data.


Defines the dataset within the Canary Labs system to retrieve data from.


Verifies the connection settings to ensure successful communication with the specified server.

Connection Str

Displays the full connection string used to connect to the Canary Labs server. Provides a summary of all connection parameters.

In this section:

  • No labels