This document describes how to import TwinCAT tags from TMC, TPY, XML files, or directly from the Bechkoff devices into a project; automatically creating thousands of Tags, Templates, and all devices configuration in just a few seconds.

Installation Notes

This feature requires the software version 2014.2.12 or newer. Go to Run → Extensions → Import and locate the TwinCAT option. 

TwinCAT option location


Double-click the TwinCAT option, and click the Execute button.

A configuration dialog will appear for the AMS Net Id and AMS Srv Port. This information will be used to create the Device configuration for future communication between the runtime project and the Bechkoff device. Also, it will be used to import the TwinCAT tags directly from the devices.

TwinCAT properties

After adding the AMS Net ID and Port, the TwinCAT import dialog will appear. This dialog has two options to load the imported TwinCAT tags: Local File or PLC Memory. For the Local File, we need to configure which file you want to import. To do so, you must use the Filename field and select the file name. TMC, TPY, and XML files are supported.

TwinCAT import dialog

If you choose the PLC Memory option, it will connect to the Bechkoff device using the AMS Net Id and Port configured in the previous dialog, and it will get all the TwinCAT tags when you click the Refresh button. In this case, you do not use the Filename field.

TwinCAT import dialog

When you click the Refresh button, the TwinCAT tags will be appear for you to select what you want to import to your project. You can use the Import column to enable or disable each specific tag.

 TwinCAT tags shown after clicking Refresh

When you finish checking and selecting the TwinCAT tags, click  Ok to create the Tags, Templates, Device Channel, Node, and all Points.

After the first import, you have the option to Sync the TwinCAT tags already imported with the current file or device configuration. To do this, go to Device → Nodes, select the Node, and click the Sync button.

On Nodes tab, click the Sync button

After the Sync Device Node appears, select the File or PLC and click the Refresh button. The TwinCAT tags that were already imported will be presented in the list with a red "X".

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