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The primary function of a web server is to store, process, and deliver web pages to clients. Communication between the client and server takes place using HTTP (or HTTPS).
The web server, TWebServer, is automatically installed with the Product. If it fails to automatically install, the computer has the Microsoft web server, IIS, already installed or some other application using the port 80.
For this, you need to setup the Product services over the ISS, or to install the TWebServer so that it uses another port.
The IIS setup is described in FactoryStudio and IISS.
This document will review how to determine which application is using the port 80, and how to manually install the TWebServer in another port.
When installing the Product, the InstallTWebServer is executed to register the port 80 to the web server. If an error occurs when you run the TWebServer, it is because you were not able to install the application.
If the InstallTWebServer is successful, it must only be executed one time. After that, you just need to start the TWebServer.exe or add it to the Windows startup folder.
To find the processes using web services, at the DOS prompt, you should run
netstat -aon:
This will display all the ports in use. Look after the 0.0:80 or 8080 string sequence on the Local Address column and get the PID (process identification).
This will display all the process names and their identifications, so you can find which one is using the port 80.
If the application using Port 80/8080 is an application you can stop, stop it and use the standard Product installation; otherwise you should install the Web services in another port.
To run the TWebServer in another port, you need to do the following steps:
Uninstall the current TWebServer from port 80, at the command prompt.
C:\Program Files (x86)\...\<ProductName>, execute: InstallTWebServer /uninstall /port:80
Install the service on the target port. For instance, 1234
InstallTWebServer /port:1234
On the Windows startup, modify the TWebServer.exe shortcut by adding the parameter: /port:1234. To create a shortcut for the TWebServer using custom ports, you can go to the Product’s installation folder, right click on top of the TWebServer, and select ”Send to desktop as a shortcut”, or you can search for the shortcut in the Windows Startup folder.
Then, you should right click on the shortcut to edit its properties and change the ”Target” to:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\...\<ProductName>\TWebServer.exe" /port:1234
To run the TWebServer as service, the procedure is described below:
Uninstall the current TWebServer. At the command prompt execute:
InstallTWebServer /uninstall /port:<portNumber>
Install it again, using the command line below:
InstallTWebServer /windowsservice /port:<portNumber>
The service can be configured for a specific user account by accessing the TWebServer service properties and setting the LogOn property to the desired account.
The uninstall and install procedures are executed only one time. The call to TWebServer /port:1234 should be executed every time you login the computer The new port should be specified in the client URL configuration. E.g.: -- For Port Number 1234