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Designed to deliver world-class mission-critical applications
Redundancy switch time and high volume data was tested to meet rigorous offshore requirements.
Total flexibility to define privileges based on groups or specific users. Permissions can be global or tied to a specific display, object, or input action.
Dynamically create users and store credentials in SQL databases. Get users from Active-Directory or third-party system for integrated security or unified login.
Identification policies, session duration, control, automated logoff, e-sign, audit-trail, and a complete set of user management features are available.
FactoryStudio allows delivering applications in conformance with Title 21 CFR Part 11, and it was designed following the applicable recommendations from NERC, such as the CIP- 007-1-Cyber Security-System Management.
Security must be implemented at the core, not applied externally. FactoryStudio modules have built-in security related components designed from the core.
FactoryStudio automatically initializes and continues to synchronize the primary and secondary server. The Device communication channels are also easily setup for redundant physical networks and redundant PLC nodes.
The Alarm and Historian database can be assigned to a third-party external cluster or replicated automatically when running on the FactoryStudio servers.
Engineering tools provide features to simplify configuration and updates in redundant scenarios.
Redundant or stand-alone servers allow dynamic switching of project versions, without interrupting service for connected clients and keeping the real-time database loaded.
Real-time tags, Devices, Alarms, Historian, Scripts, Clients, all FactoryStudio's modules, were designed from the ground up to meet redundancy and hot-swapping requirements.
See “Redundancy and Server Configuration” for more information.