Factory Studio has the capability to generate reports on the fly, even on client displays or saving into files, like XPS, HTML, Unicode, ASCII, PDF.

The reports can have multiple graphical components like tables, tags, grids, trends, and others. All these components have the capability to update the data once the report is generated, allowing users to always have the most recent data on their reports. 

On this page:

Creating Reports

This section lets you configure and save the basic properties for a report. Standard content can be added with the report editor. Application users can then run reports.

To create or edit a report:

  1. Go to Edit > Reports > Reports.
  2. Select a report name, or select the insert row (first row) to create a new report.
  3. Enter or select information, as needed.




Enter a name for the report. The system lets you know if the name is not valid.


Select padding to use when replacing a tag name with its value (field starts with space for the same number of characters as the tag name):

  • Compact—Removes any extra characters and displays only they tag value.
  • PadRight—Puts extra space for each character to the right of the tag value.
  • PadLeft—Puts extra space for each character to the left of the tag value.


Select the report format:

  • XPS
  • HTML
  • Unicode
  • PDF


Enter a string, along with {ObjectProperties}. Use the full path.


Enter with an object property to be the trigger.


Enter the file to append the report


Report size configuration.


Check the user groups that can edit the report


Choose another report to be the Header.


Choose another report to be the Footer.


Read-only. Show if the report is a legacy.


Enter a description of this report.

[Other columns]For definitions of other columns that are available in this table, see "Common Column Definitions".

To change the report format between “portrait” and “landscape”, you need to change it in both NovaPDF (printer used by FactoryStudio) and the target printer.

Using the Report Editor

You create the text, formatting, and values for the report using the text editor.

To use the text editor:

  • Go to Edit > Reports > TextEditor.
  • Create the text, tags, and formatting for the report.
  • Click Save.
  • Configure the report properties for the display dynamics or script that will run the report.

Report Runtime Objects

The namespace Report lists all configured reports.

The most commonly used method of the report is the Save Command:


See "Namespaces" for the complete programming reference on runtime objects.

  • No labels