This User Manual of twelve chapters will help you to better understand FactoryStudio, its unique technical features and how to take advantage of everything the software can offer your company.

Chapter 1: Managing Projects

The applications you develop using FactoryStudio are organized into projects. This chapter explains projects and describes how to create and manage them.

Chapter 2: Engineering Workspace

The Engineering Workspace is a comprehensive display application that provides the tools and information you need to manage every aspect of FactoryStudio. This chapter explains the workspace and its various components.

Chapter 3: Tags Assets and Templates

This chapter explains what tags and templates are, describes the built-in tag types, and how to create, edit and use tags and templates.

Chapter 4: Displays and Symbols

Displays are the graphic regions or windows that make up the overall layout of the FactoryStudio user interface. Symbols are the individual elements included in a display. This chapter describes how to work with the user interface.

Chapter 5: Tag Historian and Data Logging

The Tag Historian module performs automated data logging of selected tags to SQL databases, and others. This chapter describes how to configure tag data logging.

Chapter 6: Devices and Interfaces

Devices in FactoryStudio are any live real-time data source. Typically a device is a PLC, another FactoryStudio, an OPC server, a PI System, or any equipment that has a communication protocol. This chapter describes how to work with them.

Chapter 7: Alarms, Events and Audit Trail

The applications you develop using FactoryStudio are organized into projects. This chapter explains projects and describes how to create and manage them.

Chapter 8: Datasets and Data Exchange

This chapter explains how to setup your database in FactoryStudio, using the built-in internal database or connecting to an existing external database. 

Chapter 9: Scripts and .Net Frameworks

All programming in the FactoryStudio application consists of C# or Visual Basic 100% managed code designed to run in the Microsoft .NET framework. Users may create scripts in these languages that are run periodically or when specified events occur. This chapter descibes how to create and work with these scripts.

Chapter 10: Reports and Data Access

This chapter describes how to create reports, use the report editor and what it and how to work with report runtime objects.

Chapter 11: Run, Test and Publish Projects

This chapter discusses procedures for building your applications and running them, either for testing or for production, and describes how to build and test applications.

Chapter 12: Deploying Applications

When you are finished developing and testing your project, you can deploy the runtime application for use by end-user clients. This chapter discusses the various methods for deploying these applications.

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