This section contains the reference links for the User Controls used to display information about the Solution Modules.
The following components are available:
ChildDisplay: platform native drawing primitives: Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Polyline and Path (Path is combination of shapes)
HTML5 Control: Graphical images imported and embedded into the solution, from various graphical file formats.
PdfViewer: native platform feature to allow easy use of most typical industrial icons for navigation and User Interface information.
ReportViewer: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.
WebBrowser: User Interaction Elements, like Buttons, Text Elements, and typical Windows Controls like CheckBox or RadioButton,
WPF Control: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.
Go To <Shapes page>
HTML5 Control
Go To <Shapes page>
Go To <Shapes page>
Go To <Shapes page>
Go To <Shapes page>
WPF Control
Go To <Shapes page>
In this section: