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Update 1c

This is the latest release or FrameworX v10.

Published on February 24, 2025. (Build




Added new demo that shows how to visualize asset, dashboard, flow panel, link data with geolocation, have dynamic external modeling, in addition to pointing to the traditional Andon, Process, Solar Panel and OEE demos.


Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.


RichClient: When the Timeout field (RuntimeStartup) is set to 0, a 3s default is used.


  • Added support to include new parameters in the Startup command line using the Designer UI.

  • The URL on Runtime Startup now correctly adds the ":" for the port.

  • AssetTree: When using the "New TagProvider Connection" button, the folder is automatically created, and the "Edit Link" option with the new TagProvider is displayed.

  • Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.


  • The GetResource method is now capable of returning a brush, which can be used to fill elements like rectangles.

  • The VerifyArrayForProductFamilyModel method is now available.


  • @Client.Localization works correctly when writing the value for the first time.

  • It is now possible to disable the "Localize" option for specific objects like buttons and rectangles.


  • The GetControl method now works properly on Dashboard displays.

  • The PageBackground theme is applied to Layouts.

  • Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.


  • LCP: Added TCP/IP interface.

  • MQTT, MQTTspB: Updated QoS information.

  • Genisys Driver: Resets all components when sending individual commands.


  1. DatePicker and DateTimePicker: Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.

  2. ListBox: Populating by code works correctly when using DisplayIsOpening.

Update 1b

Published on February 17, 2025. (Build




New feature that allows you to centralize the visualization of several edge applications, both from the point of view of real-time values and historical values. This functionality covers both alarms, trend graphs, devices and general edge information.

Project Upgrade

  • Expression of a textBox that was migrated to the textBox label is now correctly being placed in the LinkedValue

  • Plugins with hidden content remain hidden after project upgrade.

  • DB UserName retained after project migration.

  • The "comment" field setting is being transferred correctly to the "display text".


  • The Solution Creator and the EngWrapper API now allow the creation of TagProvider, AccessType, ProfileSettings and Asset, in addition to allowing the editing of existing scripts.

  • Created a new command-line parameters to allow usage of Solution Creator without UI.


  • Sort of asset tree elements should be first “branches” sorted alphabetically and after final nodes (attributes) also sorted alphabetically, applied to Object Browser and Select Object Dialog too.

  • Possible copy/paste themes between different solutions.

  • Improved browser of tags when using DataTemplate.

  • Modified Pipe symbol to not switch between each other.

  • Online configuration with Remote Server detects when the remote solution is running in production mode.

  • Correctly handling object name paste with space.

  • Allowed to export reports using the export feature.

  • When Copy/Paste from excel with Category column, if the category doesn't exist create the category.

  • DRAW vs AssetTree enhancements.

  • TagProvider Asset Folders is available in TagSelection.

  • Plugin RollBack enabled.

  • Importing a display with images as plugin is working properly.

  • Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.

Connections Monitor

  • Minor enhancements and corrections on the Connections Monitor user interface and its overall execution. 

RuntimeUserUI Controls
  • AssetTree:

    • Increased the performance when working with many assets.

    • Improved to allow changes to your binding options.

  • GaugeText: Values with int datatype and string datatype are without decimals.

  • CenterValueGauge and SemiCircularGauge: Allowed to change the Scale text colors.

  • Button: Button opacity working correctly when disabled by security.

  • CheckBox: Configuring the label to be Left of the box is working properly.

  • TrendChart:

    • Improvements on Client.TrendChart related to real-time modifications.

    • Bind to Pen will be empty by default. The client needs to set Client.TrendChart.Pens manually if they want to change pens dynamically (for a trend chart) or create tag pens for each chart when there is more than one.

  • PieChartPlus: Added new control with more configuration options.

  • TimelineControl: Added new control.

  • TTimePicker: Works correctly with different timezone format and languages.

  • PDFViewer: Enabled to work on HTML5.

  • DataGrid:

    • Accept JSON data source.

    • Easy way to customize color of TDataGrid Rows in HTML5.

    • Enabled 'Selected Values' and 'Selected Index' properties of DataGrid control in HTML5.

    • Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.

  • AlarmViewer: Additional properties and methods were exposed so that there was no need to access more internal objects of the control.

  • ReporViewer: Correctly opens only one print dialog when multiple print triggers occur.


  • Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.


  • OPC UA: “Map to the solution to Devices” allow create tags, node and points and map an entire template.

  • ControlLogix: Show the address correctly.


Improved LDAP usage to not return InvalidUserName when the user is correct.



  • Minor improvements relate with Authorization column to allow save data correctly.

  • IntelliSense list SaveCommandAsync() as one of the methods of WebData objects.


  • Report is working correctly when configured with footer.

  • Barchart is showing correctly.

  • Improved report header execution performance.

  • Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.

OPC UA Server

Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.


  • OnScreenKeyboard opens only one dialog box at a time to avoid generating an operation error.

  • Improved Dashboards look and feel.

  • Improved HTML5 performance, when loading images.

  • The algorithm for positioning rectangles between WPF and HTML5 has been improved.

  • Improved popup behavior related to screen positioning.

  • Possible to modify the color of the button text in HTML5.

  • Minor enhancements and corrections on themes running in HTML5.

  • "Add Menu Resizer" is working as expected.

  • Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.

Protocols & TagProvider

  • OPC UA:

    • Improved client certificate management.

    • Fixed BadNodeIdUnknown error in trace appears when using the character “;“.

    • Improvements to reach data that was not visible on certain servers.

  • MQTT/MQTTspBPub:

    • Create InitialBranch configuration field.

    • Allowed use of asset syntax in device point.

    • Enabled AutoMapping for MQTT protocol, so UserTypes can be used in Device > Points.

    • Created new option "Force Message Timestamp" for MQTTspBPub. (Exclusively in BIRTH)

    • Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.

  • Builtin MQTT Broker: Removed node with product name from tree published via internal publisher MQTTspB.

  • CDU - Generic ASCII Master Protocol Driver: Added this protocol.

  • CODESYS: connection working in runtime with solution as Multi Platform.

  • SQLDatabase Connector: Added this new Tag Provider..


  • Allowed use of asset syntax in device point configuration.

  • Created option in the context menu of a TagProvider in the tree "Edit Asset Folder".

  • Enabled tooltip in the tree to help with visualization.

Script & TK

  • TK: New methods “Round”.

Solution template

All solutions created with the solution templates will use the improvements to the LogOn page, now correctly using the Client.InputPassword property.

Debug & Diagnostics

  • Added back StackTrace in TraceWindow when debug information option is enabled in solution builds.

  • To avoid excessively large log files, the generation of advanced logs triggered by the SaveLog parameter should be separated by the log's date.


Minor enhancements and corrections on the software user interface and its overall execution.

Update 1a

Published on December 26, 2024. (Build




  • Fixed error with tags configured in the AuxValue column of Alarms, → being displayed as Tokens, until the cell is edited.
  • Tables created in Alarm and Historian modules should use ID column as AutoIncrement.
  • Now the Store&Forward database in not necessary a SQLite Database. Important to Store&Forward with  high peformane database.
  • Enable settings of StorageAndForward and KeepLocalCopy for Alarm and Historian modules.
  • Alarm issue on Brewery demo when changing between online and history.

Asset & Script

  • In cases where one class references another and vice versa with a circular reference. Detailed best practice on documentation. 
  • Some methods in TK are returning wrong tooltip in Script Editor when they return Task type with value.
  • Issue when compiling string with "\\".
  • Access value from data table tag using @Tag.DataTable(index, "column_name").
  • Fixed http://VB.NET 'For' loop error when the iteration variable is not declared, addressed the "Exit Sub" error in functions, made the "My" resource accessible and correction on DataTable Tags using reference to DataTemplates.

New methods created:
public static async Task CopyAssetToTagAsync(string assetSource, string tagNameTarget)
public static async Task CopyAssetToTagAsync(string assetSource, UserType tagTarget)
public static async Task CopyTagToAssetAsync(string tagNameSource, string assetTargt)
public static async Task CopyTagToAssetAsync(UserType tagSource, string assetTarget)

Used to copy from Asset, where there may be external TagProviders, to Tags and vice versa.


Fixed error with AutoStartClient that could not run and gave a warning related to .NetFramework, even though everything was installed correctly.


  • Fixing the @Info.CategoryItem, to return the solution's category list correctly.

  • New functionality, when copying/pasting from Excel with the Category column, if the category does not exist it will automatically create the category.


  • DataAccess - Create WaitReceiveInitialValue property in DataAccess.


  • OPCTools: Fixed the "Map to the solution to Devices" that was unable to map a simple item, the node was created but not the point, and when mapping an entire template the runtime failed to communicate.

  • ControlLogix: Fixed listing of addresses such as "DINT:Watchdog_Edge" and "DINT:Watchdog_PLC" that appeared incorrectly in the Data Explorer address list.


  • InsertCommandWithStatusAsync Method does not exist in Datasets Module intelisense.
  • Dataset 'InsertCommand()' error fixed.


  • TDataGrid property typo: TDataGrid control has a property called “LinkedValvue“.
  • OPC UA PrimaryStation was not enabled to configure any URL.
  • A typo in the settings window of components without custom settings, such as IndustrialIcons (“available“).
  • Duplicated "Application Modules" option on Manage UI filter in designer.
  • OPC Server URL issue in DataExplorer OPCUA: If the URL is written without ”opc.tcp://” when click on test the popup window show the corrected string and the test succeed.
  • A typo in the popup that opens when you try to start RichClient, SmartClient or WebClient without connecting Runtime (“becuase“).
  • Occasionally, the NavigationPath in the Assets Tree tab displays an incorrect path when selecting an Asset from a TagProvider link.
  • Designer - Removed “Import File“ button from “Select Image“ dialog. To import file, go to “Displays/Images“ table, and press “Import from a File“ button .
  • Color square for LabelColor don't update when changing font color for text in TextBox control.
  • Plugin readonly issues.
  • The function TDataGrid.ExportToCsv(“grid“) now working in HTML5.
  • Scrollbar with NoAction option in "On Resize" display field.
  • Fixed duplicate level tags during plugin import.
  • Asset Tree was not working correctly for TcpDataAccess providers when linking to a Provider with empty connection string.
  • ShowOnscreen Keyboard appears not to be working using TWpf.ShowOnScreenKeyboard.
  • Create "Refresh" message (Getting Data from server...) while getting data from TDataGrid/DataSource. 
  • When creating a new tag with the New Tag icon, the default AccessType is now set to ReadWrite instead of DeviceControl (Write Only).
  • Provide additional guidance on fixing issues when migrating from v9.2 to v10.
  • BarChart preview brush fixed when selecting items.
  • Asset:

    • New functionality created so that an AssetTree (Designer and Runtime) can support the “+” wildcard and thus be able to define a data modeling with a customized tree structure.

    • General improvements such as created DataTemplate, changed "Insert Data from TagProvider", reformulated the "New Tag Provider Connection" dialog and new option "Edit Asset Folder" in the context menu.

  • ConnectionsMonitor:

    • Fixed "UNS - ConnectionsMonitor" freezing when browsing items in a TagProvider.

    • Changed the way Tree items are sorted in the Connections Monitor. Tree elements should be sorted first into “branches” in alphabetical order and then into final nodes (attributes), also sorted in alphabetical order.

    • General improvements, such as new toolbar option, create tags, create template and filters

  • AssetTree in Draw: General improvements, such as filter, collapse all, ""<>"" command, bug fixes.

  • Symbols in Draw: New ""replace element"" command to replace a symbol with another, keeping all settings.

  • DataGrid in Draw: Now accepts JSON data source.

  • Removed build number information from the Designer main page, this information is still available in HELP-ABOUT.

  • Fixed issue in engineering environment not recognizing that a given solution is running in production when that solution is running on another machine (i.e. using Remote Server functionality).

  • Fixed error when copying/pasting object names containing spaces, which is not allowed, except for Asset names, using Alias.

  • Fixed an issue that occurred when closing the Designer window during runtime startup.


Device module now accepts ASSET syntax in point configuration.


  • Enabled Asset methods for portable controls and symbols in RichClient and HTML5Client.
  • Fixed SmartClient to work with non-default TCP ports.
  • Correction to AssetTree icons in the HTML5 Client and correction in the Historian Monitor when adding a pen.
  • Fixed the behavior of the @Display.<DisplayName>.OpenModal() method to block execution until the dialog is closed.

  • Fixed when the display had many dynamics with expressions with errors and dynamics without errors were being impacted by the errors of other dynamics.

  • Fixing error when the value of the object configured in the TextBox's Linked Value contains a value containing the @ character. The TextBox value was not updated at runtime.

  • Bargraph: Fixed the bar chart orientation being wrong based on the icon setting in the settings dialog.


Fixed behavior of some symbols randomly switching between each other. The issue was reproduced with the pipe symbol.


  • Bar Chart Flashing in HTML5.
  • Bargraph overlay any text in HTML5.
  • HTML5 Client doesn’t work, it just returns “Cannot load Types”.
  • Fixed blink of a TextBlock fill color in HTML5 that should switch between the chosen color and transparent, but was switching between the chosen color and black.

MQTTspB & Broker

  • Changed the automatically published tree for the builtin Broker. It changed from "SpB1 > FrameworX (group) > Runtime (Node) > Solution (Device)" to "spB1 > Runtime (Group) > <SolutionName> (Node) > Asset Folders (device)". The content of the published tree was also simplified to not publish unnecessary data.
  • TMQTTBroker now correctly loads the "TMQTTBroker.config.xml" file from the "MachineSettings" path.

OPC UA Server

  • The issue of OPC UA Server working on some machines and not on others has been fixed. This happened when the settings were not saved, returning to the default configuration.

  • Fixed saving of important certificates. Previously if you closed the OPC UA Server Configuration Helper, the certificate would no longer be visible there.

  • Fixed an issue with the OPC UA Server not closing after closing the solution. A new system restart caused multiple OPC UA Servers to remain running.


Fixed visibility issue of plugins migrated from v92.

Project Upgrade

  • Fixed problem in migrating projects that used expressions in TextBoxes and used binding mode with OutputOnly.

  • Fixed when a project is migrated to v10 and the username configured in Dataset-DB is lost. For projects already migrated previously, the username will need to be configured manually.

  • Modified migration process to replace TK.ProjectDB.ApplyProjectChanges to TK.ProjectDB.ApplySolutionChanges.


  • ControlLogix: Fixed address browser to find string type tags in PLC. If configured manually, communication already worked.

  • OPC UA Client:

    • Fixed issue with OPC addresses that contained the ";" character. When this error occurred we had a BadNodeIdUnknown error in the trace window.

    • Fixed an issue after creating a certificate using the security dialog, where the following issue appeared in the Trace window: The certificate is not trusted.

  • MQTT:

    • MQTT, MQTTspB and MQTTspBPub - MQTT protocols with EnableCheckingWorkItemAfterWriting flag enabled by default to improve performance.

    • MQTTspB, MQTTspBPub - A typo in MQTTspB and MQTTspBPub StationEditor. There’s “password” written in one of the configuration boxes. 
    • Created new parameter in Device > Points (MQTT protocol) for Retained Message Flag.

    • Enables AutoMapping for MQTT protocol, so UserTypes can be used in Device > Points.

  • MQTTspBPub:

    • Fixed an issue where MQTTspBPub did not save the GroupID name set when creating the Channel. After creating an MQTTspBPub channel, the GroupID was erroneously returning to its default value.

    • Fixed MQTTspBPub  address dialog that was cutting off configuration fields.

    • Included new option "Force Message Timestamp" to  Channel configuration. Exclusively in BIRTH, the Timestamps of all Tags must be the same as the main Timestamp.

  • TwinCAT: Fixed TwinCAT configuration file name.

  • ControlLogix - Enabled to run multiple channel instances inside of the same process TServer.
  • UnityPro:
    • protocol was not enabled to open address browser.
    • Enable Simulator button to Control Expert/Unity Pro protocol.
    • Unity Pro protocol renamed to ControlExpert.
  • Device module with improved traces about success or fail.


  • WebData:

    • Exposed the SaveCommandAsync method for the Report Web Data module in intellisense.

    • Fixed save of a webdata report.


  • Fixed configuration error on the Login page. New solutions will already have this fix, solutions already created will need to be modified manually. It is necessary to remove the {} from the password field, as an object and not a string is expected in this field, therefore, the Client.InputPassword cannot be between {}.

  • Fixed the two methods Security.RemoveRuntimeUserAsync and Security.UpdateRuntimeUserAsync.

  • AD: Fixed the use of AD for cases where the InvalidUserName error was returned, even when the user existed.


  • Historian Postgres not saving the first position of tag array.
  • Improved Historian performance to huge amount of data.
  • Documentation about Historian Timestamp detailed.
  • Historian - Improved performance on initialize.
  • Fixed when InfluxDB did not function as expected when configured as a Historian.
  • Historian and Trend running with bad quality values.
  • Issues accessing Canary data and view it in the TrendChart.
  • TagsDictionary table is now created automatically by the Historian module.
  • Added Historian access to TagProviders.


  • DataAccess Browser slow performance with huge solutions.
  • Issues with TagProvider Server to Server. Copying the PATH in DataExplorer and placing it in PropertyWatch shows it as undefined (only in Server to Server Tag Provider)
  • Server to Server TagProvider can not read DataTable Tags.
  • Create TagProvider for a normalized SQL Historian Tables.
  • Improved performance of Assets with TagProviders when used directly in multiple dynamics on the same screen page.

  • MQTT and MQTTspB: Created InitialBranch configuration field for TagProviders MQTT and MQTTspB. For some brokers it is only possible to access the data if requested from an initial path.

UI Controls

  • DigitalGauge: Fixed the control to show the separator between the integer part and the decimal part, it was using space as separator.

  • AssetTree: Configuration dialog now allows to configure binding options without reporting configuration error.

  • Button: Fixed issue with button color indication not working when disabled by security after switching between screens.

  • TrendChart: Fixed TrendChart using Client.TrendChart that was unable to persist changes made in real time to the pens, so now if you exit and enter the screen the changes will no longer be lost.

  • TrendChart: Only for new controls inserted on the screen, if the TrendChart mapped in "Bind to Tag" has a Pens template internally, this mapping was done automatically if the "Bind to Pen" field was blank, now the behavior has been changed, this mapping no longer happens automatically, requiring the configuration of "Bind to Pen" if you want any pen mapping.

  • TimeControl: TimeControl  that existed in v92 has now been included in v10.

  • TextBox: Fixed TAB behavior not working with TextBox. If Multiline is unchecked, after pressing Tab key, focus should go to next control.

  • CenterValueGauge:
    Now the value linked with int data type and string data type must be without decimal places.

  • CenterValueGauge and SemiCircularGauge:
    The system has been modified to allow changing the colors of the scale texts. (The theme's foreground color will be used)

Symbol Library

  • Network SymbolLibrary are with Token but internally all dynamics were disable.
  • Save button no longer activates after viewing symbol properties without making changes.
  • PushButtonGreen1 and PushButton2 now display correctly in preview mode.


  • Improvements in plugin usability.

Solution Template

  • Template Alarm + Historian review.

Solution Manager

  • BuildNumber should be checked to overwrite some the installation files (Demos, Templates, Library, etc).


  • The Login page from Monitor displays (Historian, Alarm, SystemMonitor) show a Login dialog with  duplicated OK button.
  • Historian - Make the monitor pages responsive to work properly when resizing the display.
  • Remove shutdown option from Diagnostics - Monitor  pages


  • Utilities - Created BAT to TDatabaseBuilder on Utilities folder.
  • Created new utility to allow print PDF on server domain scripts.
  • Created a SolutionCreator utility that allows the user to create solutions from a CSV.

All modules

  • Added protection against denial-of-service attacks related to CVE-2024-48924.


  • Modified system to return expected result even though there was no actual security risk or vulnerability. (Running a Nessus Scan for vulnerabilities) 
  • Issue with tag TimeSpan and Timestamp property.


  • Solution Manager shows wrong license Product Series when using a 1500-point license.

Initial Release

This is the first release or FrameworX v10.

FrameworX v10 represents more than just an update to the previous release; it marks a generational shift in technology, with major advancements in user interfaces, concepts, nomenclature, and functionality. It also includes significant enhancements to the internal architecture and product-wide performance optimizations.

As a result, the release notes focus on modifications introduced after the initial release of FrameworX, rather than listing all changes compared to FactoryStudio. To review the key differences between FrameworX v10 and previous product, refer to the section: What is new in FrameworX v10


Published on October 10, 2024.

  • No labels