The alarm process starts when a monitored tag or expression violates a set condition. It triggers an alarm event and sends notifications (visual, audible, email, etc.) based on the alarm group's settings. Operators acknowledge the alarm and begin troubleshooting the root cause. Once addressed, the alarm condition clears, and the system may automatically clear or require manual alarm clearing. Optionally, an auto-acknowledgment timeout may be in place. All alarm events, state changes, and user actions can be logged within the system, providing a robust audit trail for analysis, troubleshooting, and compliance.
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Alarms Events Cycle
An alarm workflow begins when a monitored tag or expression meets a defined alarm condition. This condition might signal a value exceeding a limit, a rapid rate of change, or another system event. The system detects the condition and generates an alarm event.
The system sends out notifications based on the configuration of the associated AlarmGroup. These notifications can include visual alerts on operator screens, audible alarms, emails, text messages, or integration with external systems. Notifications target the appropriate personnel based on alarm priority and area.
Operators acknowledge alarms, indicating awareness of the issue. The AlarmGroup might require acknowledgment before certain actions occur or to silence audible notifications. Acknowledgment status is tracked within the system.
Operators investigate and address the root cause of the alarm. This might involve corrective action, system adjustments, or equipment maintenance. Once the underlying issue is resolved, the alarm condition clears.
Clearing and Auto-Acknowledgment
When the alarm condition no longer exists, the alarm clears. Some alarms might clear automatically, while others might require manual clearing by an operator. The Alarms Module can also employ auto-acknowledgment timeouts, where an alarm automatically transitions to an acknowledged state after a set period if the operator has not taken action.
Logging and Audit Trails
The Alarms Module logs alarm events, acknowledgments, state changes, and any associated user actions. This log creates a comprehensive audit trail. It assists in troubleshooting, analyzing system performance, and ensuring compliance with any required standards or regulations.
Runtime Execution
Once the AlarmGroup and items have been configured, the Alarms Module can be executed to start monitoring the specified tags and conditions. During Runtime, the Alarms Module continuously evaluates the conditions of the AlarmItem and generates alarms when the conditions are met. The alarms are then added to the alarm database and can be visualized and acknowledged by the operators. The runtime behavior of the Alarms Module can be controlled through runtime attributes such as alarm logging level, acknowledge timeout, and alarm retention time.
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