
(Audit Trail and Alerts)

Introduction to the Alarms Module

The Alarms Module monitors and manages real-time alarm events, alerts, notifications, and Audit Trail information. It provides alerts for critical events and stores data for future analysis. Key functions include:

  • Real-time alarm states processing

  • Storage on any database provider

  • Hierarchical organization of alarms

  • System AuditTrail events and operator actions tracking

On this page:

Key Concepts and Terms


A tag monitored by the Alarm Module, containing information such as tag name, alarm condition, AlarmGroup, Limit, Deadband, and Message.


Collection of AlarmItems sharing properties such as AckRequired and AutoAckTime.


Hierarchical grouping of AlarmGroups for better organization.

Audit Trail

Logs changes and events when executing the solution, tracking who made changes and when. Useful for troubleshooting, analysis, and compliance.

Understanding the Alarms Module

Module Features

  • AlarmViewer Control and AlarmAreas Control for displays.
  • Real-time alarm processing
  • Hierarchical alarm management
  • Dynamic language localization for messages
  • High-precision timestamps
  • Custom notifications (e.g., SMS, email)
  • Store and Forward archiving
  • Automated replication in hot-standby scenarios

Monitoring Tags and Evaluating Conditions

When the Module Alarm is execution, all tags defined on AlarmItems are subscribed, so the alarm conditions are evaluated every time the tag as new value. 

If a condition is reached, the alarm is issued, according to the behavior defined by its AlarmGroup. Notifications are sent if enabled to that group.

Configuring the Alarms Module

Configuration Workflow

Alarms Module Configuration Workflow




Create AlarmItems

Alarms → Items

Create an AlarmItem.  It will be associated with a tag by inserting the tag's name into the Tag Name column. Learn more at AlarmItems.

Define conditions

Alarms → Items

Define the alarm behavior, configuring the Condition to trigger the alarm and the Limit for the threshold value. Learn more at AlarmItems.

Create or edit AlarmGroups

Alarms → Groups

Define the AlarmItems that share common characteristics and use them to define several alarm attributes. Learn more at AlarmGroups.

Create or edit AlarmAreas

Alarms → Areas

Create a hierarchically structured group of Alarms. Learn more at AlarmAreas.

Define settings

Alarms → Global Settings

Configure database settings for logging alarm events, behavior upon system startup, and specific alarm handling parameters. Learn more at Global Settings.

Pre-Defined AlarmGroups

The Alarms module provides a predefined AlarmGroup to quickly configure alarms for common applications. These groups have pre-configured properties that make it easier to create and configure alarms for standard purposes.

To use a predefined AlarmGroup, you simply need to select it from the list of available groups and configure additional properties as needed. 

The pre-defined AlarmGroups are:

  • Critical: High Priority Alarms that requires acknowledgement and History logging.
  • Warning: Medium Priority Alarms and Low Priority Alarms, which don't require acknowledgment, but are logged.
  • Audit Trail: Alarms and Events that don't show on Operator Displays, but are records on the History log.

AlarmHistorian Database on Datasets

The Alarm Historian database is where the Alarms module stores all alarm events and audit trail information. The AlarmHistorian database can be defined using datasets, which allows for easy configuration and modification of the database properties. The datasets can define the database connection settings, the schema of the database tables, and the properties of the alarm events and audit trail entries.

Working with the Alarms Module

Once you have set up your AlarmGroup, AlarmArea, and AlarmItem, you can use the Alarms module to monitor your process and respond to any changes in conditions.

Runtime Execution

You can control the Alarms Module execution while running your solution. You can Run, Pause, or Stop the Alarms Module directly from the platform. 

Access Runtime → Runtime Diagnostics to find the tools you can use to control the module.

Monitoring the Alarms Module Execution

The Alarms Monitor lets you see real-time information about the module when the solution is running. It showcases total, unacknowledged, active alarms, their priority, and the most recent alarm notification.

Read more about Alarms Monitor.

Visualizing Alarms on Displays

The Displays module can be used to create displays that visualize alarms in real-time. The alarms can be displayed in tables, custom graphics, objects and others with the ability to sort and filter based on various alarm properties. The displays can also include interactive components, such as acknowledging alarms and displaying alarm details, to allow operators to quickly respond to alarms.

→ Read more about the AlarmViewer Control and AlarmAreas Control.

Handling Notifications with Scripts

The Scripting module can be used to create custom scripts that handle alarm notifications. These scripts can define the behavior of the Notification Method property of the AlarmGroup, allowing for more customized notifications based on the type and severity of the alarm. The scripts can also define notification methods beyond the built-in options, such as sending emails or SMS messages. 

Read more about  Alarm Email Notifications.

Customizing Alarm Sounds

Sets the sound played when an alarm goes off.

Read more about at AlarmGroup Sounds.

Alarms Advanced Topics

Alarm Execution Process

Presents in the detail the processes when executing the Alarm Engine. 

Read more about Alarm Execution Process

Alarm Runtime Attributes

The Alarms Namespace exposes properties and methods from the .NET objects used by the Alarm Module execution.

Read more about Alarms Runtime Attributes

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

Best Practices and Recommendations

To ensure the smooth operation of the Alarms module, follow these best practices:

  • Use clear and descriptive names for Alarm Group, Alarm Area, and Alarm Item.
  • Configure alarms with proper priority and severity levels.
  • Use deadbands and delays to prevent alarm flooding.
  • Regularly check and maintain the alarm configuration.
  • Configure notifications and acknowledge alarms in a timely manner.

Common Issues and Solutions

The Alarms module may encounter some issues in its operation. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Alarm not firing

Check the tag name, condition, and alarm item configuration. Ensure the tag is valid and the condition is met.

Alarm not acknowledged

Check the alarm acknowledgement configuration. Ensure that the alarm acknowledges property is set and the acknowledgement timeout is not expired.

Database connection error

Check the database connection string and ensure that the database is reachable.

Alarm flooding

Check the alarm configuration and ensure that the deadband settings are properly configured.

Notification not received

Check the notification configuration and ensure that the notification method is properly set.

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