Default demo installed with FrameworX Update 1c.
- Solution Name: Demo v10
- Software Version: v10 Update 1c
- Keywords: UNS, Unified Namespace, Responsive UI, TagProviders, Layouts, Mobile, HTTPS
On this page:
Technical Information
This Demo showcases, among others, the following features:
- Create a local UNS, with tags and templates.
- Map an external TagProvider (MQTT in this case) for dynamic assets.
- Organize the displays for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile sharing the displays.
- Manage the display navigation according the selected asset and User context.
- Integrate Dashboard pages with Canvas (process diagram pages) with a fully responsive User experience.
- Create an Area display that automatically will expand to show all Lines found in that area (UNS children).
- Create a display using Reference Tags, to map automatically to the selected Local Tag.
- Create a display using Asset() syntax, to map automatically to a dynamic external asset.
- Allow connections from Windows Native Graphics (WPF), HTTP and HTTPS from the same server.
- Leveraging Execution Profiles to allow same application to run from the Cloud Server and locally with the proper settings.
- Use of client side Tags and Scripts for advanced UI. In this case managing SolarPanel and Production assets, and simplifying the UI development.
- Use of Server side scripts for data calculations (in this case, simulation, similar concept applies to analytics).
In this section:
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