This document has only the specific information about the device connection settings and its address syntax.
Refer to the User Guide for more information on the Device Module.
Communication Driver Information | |
Driver name | MQTTWEG |
Assembly Name | T.ProtocolDriver.MQTTWEG |
Assembly Version | |
Available for Linux | False |
Devices supported | Any device compatible with the MQTT protocol |
Manufacturer | N/A (Not Applicable) |
Protocol | MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol |
Interface | TCP/IP |
PC Requirements | Ethernet port |
Implemented Methods | Connect, Disconnect, Subscribe, UnSubscribe and Publish |
Channels Configuration
Protocol Options
Not used in this driver.
Nodes Configuration
Station Configuration
Station syntax: <BrokerURL>; <Port>; <ClientID>; [Username]; [Password]; [NetworkSecurity]; [X509Certificate]; <Qos>; <KeepAlive>
<BrokerURL>: MQTT Broker (Server) name. It must be the same name is configured in the bind_address parameter in the Broker.
<Port>: MQTT Broker port. It must be the same port is configured in the Broker to be listening. Default value is 8883.
<ClientID>: Indicates the client identification used for connecting to the MQTT Broker.
[Username]: Optional. Username defined on MQTT Broker. This will be requested if the Broker has the allow_anonymous parameter as false. Whether this parameter is set as true on Broker, keep this field empty. Default value is empty.
[Password]: Optional. Password defined on MTQQ Broker. This will be requested if the Broker has the allow_anonymous parameter as false. Whether this parameter is set as true on Broker, keep this field empty. Default value is empty.
[NetworkSecurity]: Optional. If the Broker works using certificates, this field is mandatory and must match the same option defined in the Broker. Options are TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3.
[X509Certificate]: Optional. Path of X509 Certificate using TLS v1.0. This must be the complete path of X509 certificate in the client computer. The certificate must be installed in the computer.
<QoS>: Quality of Service (QoS) is an agreement between sender and receiver of a message regarding the guarantees of delivering a message. There are three QoS levels:
<KeepAlive>: Ensures that the connection between the Broker and Client is open and both parties are aware of the connection. Default value is 60 seconds.
One of the easiest ways to install the certificate on client computer is to use the wizard to import the certificates is through the "Internet Options" to import the certificate in the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities”. You need to import the certificate in DER format.
Station Examples
Broker configuration with no Username and Password and no SSL/TLS
Station Configuration
Port: 8883
ClientID: MyClient1
Username: <empty>
Password: <empty>
NetworkSecurity: None
QoS: AtLeastOnce
KeepAlive: 60
Broker configuration with Username and Password and no SSL/TLS
Station Configuration
BrokerURL: MSI
Port: 8883
ClientID: MyClient1
Username: Guest
Password: 1234
NetworkSecurity: None
QoS: AtLeastOnce
KeepAlive: 60
Broker configuration with SSL/TLS and no Username and Password
Station Configuration
BrokerURL: MSI
Port: 8883
ClientID: MyClient1
Username: <empty>
Password: <empty>
NetworkSecurity: TLSv1.2
QoS: AtLeastOnce
KeepAlive: 60
Broker configuration with SSL/TLS and Username and Password
Station Configuration
BrokerURL: MSI
Port: 8883
ClientID: MyClient1
Username: Guest
Password: 1234
NetworkSecurity: TLSv1.3
QoS: AtLeastOnce
KeepAlive: 1
Points Configuration
The syntax for the MQTT communication points is called Topic:
- Topic is a string, which is used by the broker to filter messages for each connected client. A topic consists of one or more topic levels. Each topic level is separated by a forward slash (topic level separator). Wildcards are not supported.
E.g.: USA/Houston/Station1/Level
Driver Revision History
MQTT Revision History | |
Version | Notes | | The initial release was published by following the new documentation standards. |
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