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 This page contains information about the web client connection checklist.

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Remote Access

In order to use the remote access, either for project configuration or web/ipad clients, you need to have the TWebServer or IIS web server running.

You can check it opening the platform, going to the Server tab. This page should show at the top the IP address used by the server, as well as the services running: TProjectServer and iDataPanel

Localhost field

If the services are not running, you need to install IIS (see instruction at user Manual) or to verify the installation of the built-in TWebServer.

If the services are running, the remote engineering access is enabled, based on the folders enabled to access.

To access runtime displays, the project must be running and the RichClient, SmartClient or WebClient must be started on the remote client. (Using URL or command line as described at the user manual)

IMPORTANT: The firewall or routers must allow communication at port 80 (or at the port used by the WebServer) and at the port 3101, when using Rich/Smart clients. (those ports numbers can be changed customizing the product installation).

If the remote web clients are not connecting, follow the next items to review the most common causes.

Internet Explorer Settings

Microsoft automatic updates of Internet Explorer may change some defaults on .NET support. That may cause you browser to have disabled XAML browser based applications. In order to check it, open the Internet Options on Internet Explorer, and navigate as presented at the image below.

Make sure that on .NET Framework section, the XAML browser based applications is set to Enable.

Check if the Guest user can access the project

When starting a client display — either RichClient, SmartClient or WebClient —, you can specify the user name to login on the server. Usually, it is not necessary as the default user GUEST has access to the server.

However, it is possible that the configuration was changed inside your project configuration.

You need to check if the GUEST user has access to run the application, or to specify a user name at the command line when starting the clients

In order to verify the guest permission:

Go to Security → Permissions and check which permissions are set for the Guest username. The Guest user is by default with the GUEST group. You must ensure that the "CLIENT START" or the unrestricted option is enabled, as in image below.
Enable the Unrestricted option for the Guest user


The remote connection requires "Runtime Clients" enabled. Go to LICENSE tab and make sure the number of RUNTIME WEB CLIENTS is one or greater number.

Running the SERVER process

The Web Clients (according to the FrameworX version) will connect only with the STARTUP — not with the TEST mode. Before connection, make sure the application is running in the StartUp mode.

Open the browser locally

It is quite common to have firewall preventing the remote access of the application. So, before accessing remotely, try to open a local copy of the browser locally at the server. That means run the server and the client at the same computer, before trying the remote access.
{+}http://localhost/fs-2012.1/TWebClient.Xbap+  or {+}
or with another Port number, for instance 1234
http://localhost/fs-2012.1:1234/TWebClient.Xbap or

Check the Web Server Port

Folder 2012.1 or 2014.2 will depend on your FrameworX version installed.

If it is running locally, but not remotely, it is very likely to be a firewall restriction or a proxy setting.

Previous product versions used the name TVisualizerWeb.Xbap instead of TWebClient.Xbap, if you system does not have yet the TWebClient we recommend to update the FrameworX version

Test the Rich and Smart clients

In order to find if there is a specific problem with the web, you may want to run the Rich or Smart clients. Remember that it is necessary to have user, licence, RichClient too, since the license web is different than RichClient.

For RichClient, use the Windows Start to run: TRichClient.exe

Use the browser with the URL: {+}

FactoryStudio update

We are continuously enhancing the product, as well as diagnostics messages, it a good procedure to update the system to latest update.

This description is for version 2012. For version 2014, you should replace the string for 2014 and the download link for the latest version is another one.

Check the Web Server Port

The examples in this document are using the default port for the Web Server (port 80).

When you use a communication other than port 80 for the web server, you need to specify that port on the client URL.
You need to add :portNumber after the computer name or computer IP, see the following examples using the port 1200 to connect to the computer at IP
For web client:
For Smart client:
You do not need necessarily to use IP, you can also use the computer name or site names, for instance computername:1200 instead of
The firewall must have the port 1200 open for both clients. The port 3101 must also be open for the SmartClient.
When using the project selection tool, you should also add the PORT at the REMOTE port, when using the SERVER interface.
When you use those URLs on remote computers, if the applications starts to download but there is no data, or if the download of page does start, that will help to find the issue. Typically, there is a firewall or router block, or misspelling on client URL, or the server is not running in Startup Mode. Or the WebServer (TWebServer or IIS) is not running at all.

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