The ChildDisplay refers to a graphical component that allows linking another display using the Linked Display field. Its purpose is to integrate multiple displays for comprehensive visualization.
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This components runs only on Windows, on RichClient and SmartClient clients.
Configuration requires accessing Viewers for WPF Only in Components Panel, selecting ChildDisplay, and clicking or dragging-and-dropping on the Drawing area to use in your displays. Double-click in the object to configure it.
The ChildDisplay graphical component allows linking another display via the Linked Display field. Only you need to select the desired display. You can do this by clicking the ellipsis button to open the display selector popup window and selecting the desired display. Additionally, there is a checkbox for enabling the scrollbar to navigate through the linked display content if it exceeds the visible area, ensuring access to all parts of the linked display.
Runtime Execution
During runtime execution, the ChildDisplay component shows an embedded visualization of the linked target display, seamlessly integrating multiple visual elements.
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