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As each alarm item must belong to a group, the settings pertaining AlarmGroups refer to the set of alarm items are made here and applied to all items belonging to the same group.

There are three available groups by default, but the user can create as many as necessary.

A Group defines several general characteristics of the alarm, such as:

  • Whether user acknowledgment is required.

  • Whether it will have sound.

  • Minimum time for the condition to trigger the alarm.

  • Type of notification.

alarm feature to group alarms items according to shared characteristics to enhance the organization and alarm monitoring. They streamline alarm management by allowing users to configure settings collectively. These settings include acknowledgment requirements, notification methods, sounds, colors, logging preferences, and minimum active times. 

The software platform offers pre-defined AlarmGroups to categorize alarms by severity and purpose. Warning alarms indicate potential issues or deviations from normal conditions. Critical alarms signal urgent situations that require immediate operator intervention to prevent severe consequences. AuditTrail alarms track system events, actions, or modifications, providing a record for analysis, security monitoring, and compliance.The Alarms Groups properties allow users to define and manage collective behaviors of alarm items bundled into specific groups. Each group can have unique characteristics, such as whether acknowledgments are required, how they're visually or audibly represented, and the notification methods employed. The properties also facilitate categorization and provide metadata to track group modifications.

On this page: 

Table of Contents

titleSolution Example

Alarms Examples

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Configuring AlarmGroups

Creating And Managing AlarmGroup

AlarmGroup are a way to group together alarms that share common characteristics, such as the same priority, area, or notification method. In FrameworX, AlarmGroup are created and managed using the "Group" tab.

To create a new

Alarm Group

AlarmGroup, follow


the steps below:

Open the Alarm in the Designer
  1. Access Alarms / Groups.
  2. Click
on the "AlarmGroup" tab.
  • Click the "New item..." button.

  • Give the group a name, description, and choose the desired settings for that group, such as the priority level, notification method, etc.

  • Click "Ok" to create the new group.

    1. the Plus icon to create a new group.
    2. Enter a Name and Description for the group.
    3. Click Ok to save the new group.
      Image Added
    4. Now, edit the properties, such as Sound or Log Events, by double-clicking the desired one. See the next section on this page for more details on the available properties.
    5. Once finished press Enter on your keyboard to save the edit.

      titleEdit existing group

      You can also do this to edit an existing group. Double-click the desired property to edit it, and press Enter on your keyboard to save it.

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    To delete an AlarmGroup, select it from the list of groups and click the red X icon

    Image Added


    Before Deleting an AlarmGroup, ensure all associated Alarm Items are detached. Go to Alarms / Items to verify if any alarms are still linked to the specific group. Additionally, utilize the Track Changes / Cross Reference tool to see if the alarm group is currently in use.

    AlarmGroups Properties

    The AlarmGroups properties allow users to define and manage collective behaviors of alarm items bundled into specific groups. Each group can have unique characteristics, such as:

    • Whether acknowledgments are required.
    • How they present themselves visually and audibly.
    • The notification methods employed.

    The following is a table describing each available property field for AlarmGroups:


    If a property column is not visible on the grid, enable it by right-clicking the grid header and selecting it from the list.

    Alarm Groups Configuration Table




    Defines the name of the AlarmGroup.

    Ack Required

    Defines the acknowledgment necessity status, indicating that if an alarm is triggered, it stays

    Once an Alarm Group has been created, it can be edited, disabled, or deleted. To edit an existing Alarm Group, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Alarm in the Designer.

    2. Click on the "AlarmGroup" tab.

    3. Select the group you want to edit from the list of groups.

    4. In the selected row, edit the desired properties.

    5. Make the desired changes to the group settings.

    6. Click "Save" to save the changes.

    To disable an Alarm Group, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Alarm in the Designer.

    2. Click on the "AlarmGroup" tab.

    3. Select the group you want to disable from the list of groups.

    4. Click the "Disable" button.

    5. Confirm that you want to disable the group.

    To delete an Alarm Group, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Alarm in the Designer.

    2. Click on the "AlarmGroup" tab.

    3. Select the group you want to delete from the list of groups.

    4. Click the "Delete Selected Item" button.

    5. Confirm that you want to delete the group.


    Deleting an Alarm Group will also delete all of the alarms associated with that group.

    Alarms Groups Properties


    Name of the alarm group.


    Acknowledgment necessity status. If an alarm goes off, it remains

    active until acknowledged by the user, even if operating conditions return to normal.


    Duration within which

    Specifies the time period during which the system ignores active alarms

    are ignored




    Defines the timeout period for acknowledgment..


    Automatic acknowledgment time setting

    Specifies the time period after which the system automatically acknowledges the alarm if the user has not already done so.



    Defines the sound alert linked to the

    group. When running a Rich Client, if the application has an alarm window and an alarm goes off, this client will play the configured sound until the alarm is acknowledged.

    AlarmGroup. The system plays this sound when an alarm triggers until the user acknowledges the alarm. For more information, please see the Alarm Groups Sounds page.


    Indicates whether the system displays


    Display status of

    alarms from this group.



    Specifies logging status for group events.


    Color codes associated with

    Defines the color codes assigned to alarms in

    the For custom applications, there is a way to call

    this group for visual identification.


    Method used for sending notifications.

    Defines the method used to send notifications. Sending notifications involves calling a Class method from the Script module

    to perform any automatic process like

    in custom applications. This allows for performing automated processes such as sending emails, SMS, or

    anything that can be programmable

    any programmable action.



    Specifies the category designation for the group.



    Shows current lock status of the group.



    Identifies the user or system that locked the group.



    Shows the date the group was last modified.


    Date the group

    Shows the date when the AlarmGroup was created.


    Cross-reference information for the group.


    Detailed description

    Provides a detailed explanation of the

    alarm group

    AlarmGroup and its purpose.

    In this section



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