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This page has detailed information about updates, enhancements, and bug fixes in our latest software releases, ensuring you are always updated about our ongoing developments.

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Major FeatureMajor FeatureCanaryLabs IntegrationMajor FeatureMajor FeatureAsset improvementMajor FeatureMajor FeatureTagProviderMajor FeatureMajor FeatureMajor Feature:
Azure IntegrationMinor FeatureDataAccessEnabled Tag Provider objects in DataAccessMinor FeatureDeviceEnabled Tag Provider objects in PointsMinor FeatureManagerEnabled Device/Points/Modifiers column for new OPC_UAPerformanceMQTTDisabled auto discovery for channel 'EoN Node' typeMinor FeatureOPC UANew OPC UA server and client based on Unified Automation API

This is the first release or FrameworX v10.

More than just modifications on top of previous release, FrameworX v10 was a generation change of technologies, user interface concepts and enhancements on the internal architecture. 

Therefore the Release notes shall include the future modifications on top of the FrameworX initial release, but it does not include the all the modifications comparing with FactoryStudio releases. In order to review the major differences of FrameworX v10 comparing with previous product line, refer to the section What is new in FrameworX v10


Major Feature:CanaryLabs DriverMinor FeatureClientNow arguments "left" (3) e "top" (4) of methods "OpenDisplay" and "Newpopup" works even in DockPanel layoutPerformanceDeviceCreated new option "ChangedToWrite" in DrvItem class. It is a flag to indicate while using "EnableWriteGroup" and item was changedMinor FeatureDisplayImproved visualization of dashboad items while displaying as stack panel (vertical)Minor FeatureEngWrapperCreated new methods on EngWraper: IsRuntimeRunning, RunStartup, ShutdownRuntime, HotStartup, ConnectToRuntime, IsConnectedToRuntime and DisconnectFromRuntimeMinor FeatureHTML5The multiple popup feature already supported in .NET is supported now for HTML5.
Method Client.NewPopupMinor FeatureHTML5TreeView component added for HTML5 environmentMinor FeatureHTML5Enabled vertical alignment to TextBox, RadioButton and Checkbox controlsMinor FeatureHTML5Created new methods:
symbol = T.Library.FrameworkElementExtensions.GetParentSymbol(element);
display = T.Library.FrameworkElementExtensions.GetParentDisplay(element);Minor FeatureHTML5Enabled array multidimensional when using html5 pagesMinor FeatureHTML5Created TK.CreateSymbol method to html5 pagesMinor FeatureHTML5Implemented TK.GetChildrenElements method to HTML5 pagesMinor FeatureHTML5Included Map and added features to Treeview html5 controlMinor FeatureHTML5Improved perfornmance when using many symbols with Visibility dynamicMinor FeatureHTML5Enabled Dashboard and added HTML5 Custom controls for Mono projectsMinor FeatureHTML5Improved perfornance when using many symbols with Visibility dynamicMinor FeatureHTML5Enabled retentive tag clientPerfomanceHTML5Improved first open for text controlsPerfomanceHTML5Removed Loading message while opening displayMinor FeatureLicensingAdded new premium protocols: ICCPCLIENT and ICCPSERVERMinor FeatureManagerImplemented auto scrolling of treeview while expanding node in "Select Object" dialogMinor FeatureManagerIncreased width of treeview in "Select Object" dialogMinor FeatureManagerNow when creating component if it already exists and Version field is blank so Version is auto incremented from existing project.Minor FeatureManagerEnabled creating of displays HTML5 and Dashboard with "Import from CSV" optionPerfomanceManagerImproved performance while saving display for big Types schemaMinor FeatureMQTTCreated button to MQTT Broker startup when configuring a MQTT device.Minor FeatureMQTTFixed issue with MQTT Driver to allow using a different port than 1883.Minor FeatureMQTT.CellEditorAdded tooltip in "Selected Topic" label of "Search Item" dialog.Minor FeatureMQTTspBAdded the Broker items browse in Devices → Points → Address.Minor FeatureMQTTspBEnabled several settings for GroupId and EdgeNodeId to same device channel when client type is EoN nodeMinor FeatureMQTTspBEnabled several settings for GroupId and EdgeNodeId to same device channel when client type is EoN node - Revision 1 - NDEATHMinor FeatureMQTTspBNow value, quality and timestamp of events are used when publishing tag objectsMinor FeatureMQTTspB/DriverImproved log message for debugging NBIRTH/DBIRTH messagePerformanceMQTTspB/DriverImproved performance when using big tag arrays with MQTTspBMinor FeatureOPCUADriver now accepts array element without index in Device → Points → TagName; Array elements will be mapped to addresses automatically.Minor FeatureOPCUACreated new options "CertificateDomainMustMatch" (Default: false) and "BranchSeparator" (Default: '.' (dot))Minor FeaturePropertyWatch/TRichClient/TSmartClientImplemented auto scrolling of treeview while expanding nodeMinor FeatureRemoteAssetsEnabled RemoteAsset register in block when using MQTT and CanaryLabs objectsMinor FeatureRemoteAssetsAdded trace message when receiving changed values with RemoteAssetsMinor FeatureRemoteTags/RemoteAssetsNow Express projects also can use RemoteTags/RemoAssets methods of Client namespace (Ex: Client.RegisterAssets)Minor FeatureSNMP.CellEditorAdded configurable Community field in Devices → Nodes of SNMP driverMinor FeatureSNMP.DriverAdded ReadGroup support to SNMP driverMinor FeatureTKCreated new methods on TK: "AddTagAndDevicePoint", "StartOnlineConfig" and "FinishOnlineConfig" in ProjectDB classMinor FeatureTMQTTBrokerAdded port number in tooltip of tray icon barMinor FeatureTraceWindowNow modules DataSet, Device and Display are initialized for tracing messages when project is created.Minor FeatureTServer/TRunModuleSimplified process and usability when working on Docker (Windows)Minor FeatureTundraUpdated Tundra SDK to access the Tundra historian