
This document contains information related to a problem that may occur when running a SmartClient and a dialog error appears.

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The Problem

When the user opens the browser and paste the URL to access TSmartClient, it starts the download and a message error appears saying that it is not an application verified by Microsoft, as shown in the image below:

Print of the error message

The Solution

How to solve Microsoft blocks SmartClient download

The problem can be solved by following the steps:

1 - Click the Windows start button, type Settings

2 - Search for Apps

In Settings, select Apps

3 - As in number one, go to Apps, and as in number two, there is an option called “Choose where to get apps” as shown in image. You can just see it being the administrator user. 

4 - Select the Combo Box and you will see that it was probably set as “The Microsoft Store Only (recommended)”, change it to “Anywhere” or “Anywhere, but warn me before installing an app that’s not from the Microsoft Store” as you wish. 

Now you are able to download an SmartClient application without any problem.

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