The FileExplorer component allows users to navigate directories and select files in a user interface. It includes five configurable fields: Control Name, which assigns an identifier for backend access; Directory Tag, specifying the target directory; SelectedFile Tag, capturing the path of the chosen file; Refresh Tag, triggering a component refresh when updated; and Show Directory Tree, enabling the display of directory structures.

On this page:


This components runs only on Windows, on RichClient and SmartClient clients. 


To configure a FileExplorer:

  1. Go to Displays / Draw.
  2. Select Viewer, then FileExplorer.
  3. Add it to the Draw area by clicking or dragging and dropping it.
  4. Double-click the object to open the setting window.

The configuration of this component is simple, using only five fields, follow a table explaining each one:

File Explore Settings



Control Name

Defines a name for the control so it can be accessed in the CodeBehind script. See Display CodeBehind

Directory Tag

This tag will receive the path of the currently selected directory as a string

SelectedFile Tag

This tag will receive the full path of the currently selected file as a string.

Refresh Tag

When this Tag value is changed, the component will refresh.

Show Directory Tree

Option to enable the Directory Tree.

Runtime Execution 

In Runtime, the control has embedded controls to allow the Operator to modify the view.

Typically the configuration settings of <> is attached to a Tag exposed in the Display User Interface, allowing the operator to select <. >.

In this section:


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