The FileExplorer component allows users to navigate directories and select files in a user interface. It includes five configurable fields: Control Name, which assigns an identifier for backend access; Directory Tag, specifying the target directory; SelectedFile Tag, capturing the path of the chosen file; Refresh Tag, triggering a component refresh when updated; and Show Directory Tree, enabling the display of directory structures.
On this page:
This components runs only on Windows, on RichClient and SmartClient clients.
To configure a FileExplorer:
The configuration of this component is simple, using only five fields, follow a table explaining each one:
File Explore Settings | |
Field | Description |
Control Name | Defines a name for the control so it can be accessed in the CodeBehind script. See Display CodeBehind. |
Directory Tag | This tag will receive the path of the currently selected directory as a string |
SelectedFile Tag | This tag will receive the full path of the currently selected file as a string. |
Refresh Tag | When this Tag value is changed, the component will refresh. |
Show Directory Tree | Option to enable the Directory Tree. |
In Runtime, the control has embedded controls to allow the Operator to modify the view.
Typically the configuration settings of <> is attached to a Tag exposed in the Display User Interface, allowing the operator to select <. >.
In this section: