
On creating displays for web deployments (Portable or HTML5 displays),  CodeBehind and expressions on the graphical elements, are compiled to .NET 8. 

This brings some incompatibilities with code created only for WPF, which are presented in this section. 

On this page:

Comparing Strings

The Net.8 compiler for VB.NET CodeBehind and embedded expressions won't accept the simplified syntax: if ( Tag.test = "ABC", .....

When you need to compare string the script.Compare() method should be used.

Displays Expressions Examples
If (string.Compare( tag.Test, "abc") == 0, "equal", "not equal")
If (string.Compare( tag.Test, "abc", true) == 0, "equal", "not equal")
If (string.Compare( tag.Test, "abc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0, "equal", "not equal")
VB.Net CodeBehind Example
Dim s as string
If (string.Compare( @tag.Test, "abc", true) == 0) Then
   s = "equal"
  s = "not equal"

C# Code Behind

If the CodeBehind is in C# (CSharp) the syntax with the direct is still accepted:  Test = "abc" 

Methods Not Available




Replace by calls to TK or other .NET methods

In this section...

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