
In this page you'll find information on the configuration of the Canary Historian software, from CanaryLabs.

On this page:

Canary Configuration Procedure

Once you have the Canary Historian software and the Canary Admin application installed, you will need to configure some permissions for the connection to work. 

Admin Configuration

Open the Admin Tab.

Under Endpoints, select every checkbox, but do not change the port numbers.

Under Access, add the users that will be allowed to access the CanaryAdmin programs.

  • Anonymous
  • System
  • Administrator
  • Interactive
  • Everyone
  • ?Your User?.

Under Settings, make sure the checkbox for the Persist Last Connection is selected. 

Receiver Configuration

Open the Receiver Tab.

Under Endpoints, select every checkbox, but do not change the port numbers.

Sender Configuration 

Open the Sender Tab.

Under Configuration → Endpoints, select every checkbox, but do not change the port numbers.

Under Configuration → Access, add all the users that will be allowed to write in the Canary Historian. E.g.:

  • Anonymous
  • System
  • Administrator
  • Interactive
  • Everyone
  • ?Your User?.

Views Configuration

Open the Views Tab.

Under Configuration → Endpoints, select every checkbox, but do not change the port numbers.

Under Configuration → Access, add all the users that will be allowed to write in Canary Historian. E.g.:

  • Anonymous
  • System
  • Administrator
  • Interactive
  • Everyone
  • ?Your User?.

Under Security → Permissions, add the users for the Root path with the ReadWrite AccessType.

Under Security → Settings, make sure the Security Enabled checkbox is selected.

In this section:

  • No labels