This document has only the specific information about the device connection settings and its address syntax.

Refer to the User Guide for more information on the  Device Module.


ASCII driver implements communication with any device using ASCII protocol on TCP/IP or serial networks. The communications blocks are dynamically created according the pooling cycle defined on the AccessType for each Device Point.

Communication Driver Information
Driver nameASCII
Assembly NameT.ProtocolDriver.ASCII
Assembly Version1.2.0.0
Available for LinuxFalse
Devices supported 

Any device compatible with ASCII Protocol

ProtocolGeneric ASCII
PC RequirementsEthernet port

Channels Configuration

Protocol Options

BlockSize: Defines the maximum amount of characters, the default value is 250.

StartChar:  Defines the start character  of coming message.

EndChar:  Defines the end character  of coming message.


Serial and MultiSerial channels:

Default configuration:

  • BaudRate: 9600
  • DataBits: 8
  • StopBits: 1
  • Parity: None

TCP/IP channels:

NodeConnections: Defines the maximum number of parallel requests that will be sent to each node (asynchronous communication)

Nodes Configuration

Station Configuration

Serial channels:

  • Nothing


TCP/IP channels:

  • Station syntax: <IP address> ; <Port number>

Where :

  • <IP address> = IP address of the slave device in the ASCII network
  • <Port number> = TCP port where the slave device is listening (default is 502)

E.g.: ; 502

Points Configuration

The syntax for the ASCII communication points is: <SequenceId>:<SizeOf>


  • <SequenceId> indicates the data order where the TX message will be created:
  • <SizeOf> indicates the characters amout from the configured tag

Access Point

Read and Write commands will generate the same TX message.

Incoming messages from device will be treated as an Unsolicited Message.


  • Point 1

TagName: TagA (value equal ABCD)

Address: 0:3


  • Point 2

TagName: TagB (value equal 1234)

Address: 2:3


  • Point 3

TagName: TagC (value equal abcd)

Address: 1:4


The TX message created is: ABCabcd123

Driver Revision History

ASCII Revision History
Version Notes release on new documentation standards

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