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Setup Tutorial
- Start the software, and select New Project
- Select Enterprise in the Product Family, and click Create New Project. (Make sure you have the license to use the interface with PI.)
- Go to Devices, and create a new PI Database Channel. If PI does not show on the list, the computer probably does not have the license for that interface. Contact us in this case.
- You can use the default settings for the Channel Name and Description.
- On Edit >→ Devices → Nodes, create a new Node on the PI channel. Click on the PrimaryStation cell to edit the Node address.
- You can connect to a PI server or to the AF server by selecting them in the ServerType combo box.
- When connecting to the AF server and after testing the connection, you need to select the AF Database. You need to replace the “Default” option, in the combo box, with the AF Database you want to connect to.
- After creating your nodes, select a row and click the Import/Sync button.
- The first time this step is performed, the system will import all the selected objects from the PI or AF server. The next time you click the button, only new objects will be present for synchronization.
- The tags, templates, and connections are automatically created or updated to the PI or AF server.
- You can also include or change addresses on Devices → Points by calling the PI points/AF search dialogs directly.
- When connecting to the AF server, the elements tree, categories, and attributes are also fully synchronized with the AssetsView.
- Go to Run → Test or Run→ Startup, and click the Run button to execute. Enable the Property Watch for a quick view of tag values.
- For a quick verification of tag values, you can type tag names (using InteliSense auto-fill), or copy/paste the row from the Tags → Objects table.
Driver Revision History
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