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The Draw environment provides construction tools for building your application screens. The vertical toolbar allows you to select an object and add it to a display. Click on items in the vertical toolbar to select the type of object you want and add it to your display. The horizontal toolbar provides you with various tools to align, group, merge, and/or rotate an object.

The Project Configuration Environments are:



Selection Tool

  • Click on an object to select it.
  • CTRL+click selects multiple objects and object groups. Hold down the CTRL key as you click on each object.
  • Shift+click to choose a main object from among a group of selected objects
  • Click in an open area of the display and highlight several elements to select a group of elements 
  • Double-click on an object to open the "Dynamics configuration" window that provides settings for dynamic object properties.

Direct Selection Tool

Use this tool to select an object inside a group and modify its properties. Click on the object once to select it.

You can also add, remove, and modify the points in a Polyline with the Direct Selection Tool.

  • To move the point, click on the point to select it and hold down the left mouse button. Drag the point to its new position.
  • Double-click on a point to add a new point adjacent to the selected point.
  • Right-click on a point to delete the selected point.

Hand Tool

The Hand tool can be used to modify the view window. Click once on the display background and hold down the left mouse button. Then, shift the display to the desired position. 

More on the QuickStartGuide

Page Tree
rootProject Configuration Overview

Create a Rectangle object. 

 Create a Polygon object. 

 Create an Ellipse object. 

 Create a Polyline object.

 Create a Button object

Create a CheckBox object.

Click on this box to access the tools located in the horizontal popout menu. When a tool is selected from this menu, it becomes the main tool for this block in the vertical bar. These tools let you create a Radio-Button object, a ComboBox, a ListBox, PasswordBox, DatePicker, or a DateTimeTextBox

 Open the Symbol Library.

Using the graphical development tools, you

You can create symbols

for you

to use in your projects

. The

by using the graphical development tools. The library comes with an extensive set of symbols such as Switches, Tanks, Meters, Pumps, Buttons, Gauges, Sliders, etc.

 Insert Images.

You can import images or select them from the resource library.

Advanced control object.

Right click on the advanced control object to access tools that are in the horizontal popout menu. This tool can be used to create a Web Browser, a PageSelector, a ReportViewer, XPSViewer, a CircularPanel, Calculator, or WPF Component object. 

Create an Alarm Window.

You can create and position an Alarm Window. 

Create a Trend Window.

You can create a trend window and position it in the display. Double-click to open the configuration window.

Create a DataGrid Window.

Click on this to display and interact with data from the most common databases and data sources: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, CSV files, Microsoft Access, PI, Firebird, Informix, and Excel. Any database that supports ODBC, ADO.NET, or OLE-DB can be accessed. 

Horizontal Toolbar

The Horizontal toolbar provides the tools needed to manipulate objects within the display. These tools provide the following functions:

  • Grid definition
  • Screen Zoom
  • Group
  • Ungroup
  • Union
  • Intersect
  • Exclude
  • Exclusive-Or
  • AlignLeft
  • AlignHorizontalCenter
  • AlignRight
  • AlignTop
  • AlignVerticalCenter
  • AlignBottom
  • Move To The Front
  • Move To The Back
  • Resize Width
  • Resize Height
  • SpaceEvenlyHorizontal
  • SpaceEvenlyVertical
  • FlipHorizontally
  • FlipVertically
  • LockElement
  • UnlockElement (use Direct Selection Tool to select the locked object)
  • UnlockAllElement