Versions Compared


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Solutions refer to the applications developed on the software platform. Their purpose is to store all configuration information for your application. The solution saves its configuration in a file with the ".dbsln" extension. It is a database file that stores all configuration items of an application, such as Tags, Alarms, Device configurations, graphical displays, scripts, etc.

When you create a new Solution, you create a new .dbsln file, with some basic settings, like name and description. The remaining of the solution configuration is executed using the Designer software tool

Solution management cover the routines you use to manage solutions within the Solution Manager. This includes creating new solutions, making edits, viewing details, running them for execution, upgrading to newer versions, and utilizing solution templates. These workflows simplify developing, deploying, and managing industrial applications.

For a complete overview on the Solution Manager user interface, see Solutions Manager.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Creating New Solutions

To create a  new Solution:

On the Solution

a new solution, in the Solutions Manager, click the New...

  • Select a target platform where your Solution will be installed and click Next.

  • Select a product family and a product model. Then, click Next.
  • Put a name and a short description to the new Solution.
  • Select a Solution template.
  • Click Create New Solution to finish.

  • Wizard Step 1: Target Platform selection 

    When creating a new Solution, you will need to select a target platform. 

    A Target Platform is where you intend to deploy your Solution for execution in production. Here are the options, with guidance for selection:

    Windows:  Use this option if Windows Authentication is required or if Canary Historian or any other product or library that requires Windows will be used in the same computer.

    Multi-Platform: This solution will execute in any device compatible with .NET Framework 4.8.

    Wizard Step 2: Selecting the FrameworX Product 

    Tatsoft's FrameworX technology powers 3 products option:

    button at the top of the solution list to start the New Solution Wizard.

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    Wizard Step 1 - Product Features

    Define the Product Series for your solution by selecting the product family and the product model.

    The software platform technology powers four product options:

    • Unlimited: Unlimited tags, unlimited users, unlimited communication points, and all platform features.
    • FactoryStudio: Scalable models based on the number of
    FactoryStudio: scalable models based on the number the
    • communication points, enabling SCADA, MES, Advanced HMI,
    • and a wide range of industrial applications.
    • EdgeHMI:
    • Scalable models
    • based on the number of communication points, with
    the sub-set of FactoryStudio
    • a subset of features typically
    • required for HMI on machines and embedded devices.
    • EdgeGateway:
    • Scalable models based on the number of communication points, with
    • features
    to perform data collections on
    • for data collection in the field, including various protocols, data logging, and scripting.

    You can keep select the selection of FrameworX product as FrameworX, when creating Solutions solutions for Unlimited unlimited communication points , and Unlimited unlimited users.

    According the selecting or the product, the various options of communications are presented. 

    titleProduct Models and Licenses

    FrameworX configuration Solution Configuration tools are available free or chargedof charge, but you require a license is required to put deploy your Solution solution in a production on the fieldenvironment.

    The Product Family and Model (number of points) selected when create creating a new Solution, solution should reflect the intended license you plan to be acquired acquire for production installation. 

    You still can change those settings after creating the Solutionsolution, at in the Solution Designer tool , under Solution Settings

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    Wizard Step

    3: Customizing Solution Name and other options 

    New Solution Wizard




    Enter a name for the Solution.


    (Optional) Enter a description of the Solution.

    Location and new folder check box

    Click the"..." button to select a folder or use the check box to create a new sub-folder for the Solution.

    Remote access is configured by a Solution's folder. You can select where the Solution is created. Be sure to place local Solutions in their own folder. Do not add them to the same folder that has Solutions with remote access. 

    Product Model info

    Depending on your license, this setting may give you options to build applications for a specific product model. The product model is connected with the number of real-time communication points you are allowed on that Solution.

    Canary Historian combo box

    Sets how many tags will be stored on Canary Historian

    Template selector

    Selects a Solution template, which a pre-created Solution with some displays and functionality. See Solution Templates for more information. This is a optional step, you may also start with a blank solution.

    About the Folder Structure for Solutions

    FrameworX Solutions are created in a way that is possible to have multiple Solutions in one folder. 

    Each Solution file, TPROJ, has all the configuration of the Solution, and some files that are dynamically created, such as retentive tag databases, or user UI settings, they carry the name of the Solution. 

    Therefore when create multiple simple Solutions, typically for tests and demos,  it is easier to keep in the same folder. But, when created larger applications, or Solution for formal field deployment it's a good procedure to do in a new folder.r 

    Canary Historian:

    FrameworX applications bring the benefit to allow, at no extra cost, the usage up to 500 historian points, using the Canary Historian tools. You can upgrade to a higher tag counting.

    When using that feature, even for the built-in 500 points, it's necessary to add the Canary license. See Canary Integration for more information. 

    AnchorEditing or Viewing ProjectsEditing or Viewing ProjectsEditing and Viewing Solutions

    The View button opens a ready-only version of the Solution configuration, which is very useful if you just want to put the Solution in execution or check its configuration. 

    The Edit button enables modifications in the Solution. You may need to use the Logon button in the toolbar before editing if the Security Solutions were enabled to that Solution. 

    Many Solutions can be opened at the same time. When a second instance of the same Solution is opened, the second instance will open as read-only.

    To enable concurrent users, your Solution server must be licensed for multiple engineers. See Licensing and activating for more information.

    Steps to open am existing Solution.

    Start Solution.exe: Run the Solutions application, using the Solution.exe command line, or desktop icon. 

    Select Local or Remote computers: By default, the system will show the Solutions from the last location, or from your local computer on the first. You can modify the list of Solution, going the Solution Server page.

    For remote computers, you can use the Web UI: If the remote computer has Web Server enabled, and you are in Windows computer, you can start see the Solutions of remote computer with the URL: <<<<<<<<<<I

    Select the desired Solution at the List: you can use the search box or modify the options for visualization. When using Tables, you can sort by columns clicking in the tiles, or right click to switch column visibility.

    titleOpening in View mode

    If the Solution file is locked, or there is another local instance of the Solution open, the Solution will open in Read-Only View mode. In that mode is still possible to Run or Export configuration, but no to edit.

    Running Solutions

    You can run a Solution by:

    • Using the Run button in Solution Management.
    • Starting the execution manually after you open the Solution for editing (Execute → Startup → Run Startup). 
    For more information, see Runtime Environment.

    Upgrading Solutions

    Solutions retain information about the platform's version used to create the Solution.

    Opening a Solution with a previous version without upgrading it will require a platform's equivalent version installed.

    Also, you can upgrade the Solution to the latest version using the Upgrade Version command button. 

    When Upgrading:

    • A copy of the Solution is executed, creating a new file named: <Solution-name>-<preivous-vesion>.tproj.
    • A new empty Solution is created named <Solution-name>.tproj.
    • The Previous Solution is imported to the new Solution.

    After upgrading, it is recommended to open the new Solution and build it (Execute → Build and Publish → Build... operation), so the system checks all its scripts.

    2  - Platform

    Define the target platform for your solution by selecting Windows or Multi-platform.

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    A Target Platform is where you intend to deploy your solution for execution in production. Here are the options, with guidance for selection:

    • Windows: Use this option if Windows Authentication is required or if Canary Historian or any other product or library that requires Windows will be used on the same computer.

    • Multi-Platform: This solution will execute on any device compatible with .NET 8.

    Wizard Step 3 - Solution Name and template

    Image Added

    Define the name and review the location for saving your solution file. Then, you can select a solution template and press the Create New Solution button. If no template was selected, the HeaderLayout template will be used by default. 

    Solution Templates
    Solution Templates
    Solution Templates

    Solution templates can greatly accelerate

    AnchorProject TemplatesProject TemplatesSolution Templates

    Solution templates can be a great way to speed up the development process by providing pre-configured settings and modules. Templates They offer a useful starting point for building your application and can be customized to fit your specific needs, and can be a useful starting point for building your application. When selecting a template, consider the functionality you need required and the type of application you are building. Examples of different available templates available include web applications, mobile apps, and desktop applications.

    Pre-built Solution solution templates help you get you started faster quickly by building providing the foundational structure for your solutions you need. Some Solution templates are available when you install the software, such as Blank, Default, TrendChart, TrendChart with Alarm Pages and Alarm Footer, Redundancy Solutions, and Asset Viewer.





    TrendChart and Alarm

    TrendChart and Alarm Footer


    Log on dialog



    Several themes



    Header page navigation using Industrial Icons



    Empty main page



    Layout with Header and Main page



    included with the software installation.

    You can add, modify, or create additional templates by editing the solution files in the Templates folder

    Server Information page using the Dashboard display




    System information template and Scripts




    System Information Data Historian configuration




    UI data template





    TrendChart display





    TrendChart data templates





    Alarm Online display




    Alarm Historical display




    Alarm data template




    Alarm Footer display



    Redundancy Information display


    Select and run a template to check the displays available on each template, and explore its settings. By that, you can check if one of the templates meet your needs and speed up your Solution development.

    In addition, you can add or create more templates on your own.

    Adding New Templates

    The templates presented available when creating a new Solution solution are standard Solution solution files located in the product installation folder in user's Documents folder under Templates. 

    If you receive a new template from your vendor or integratorsintegrator, copy it to that Solutionfolder. You can also modify existing templates in that directory by editing the solution files.

    To add create a new template, simply create a Solution solution and save it in the Template Templates folder on within the installation Documents directory, such as the following sample path: "C:\Program Files\...\Product\Version\Templates"
    . For example, you might use a path like: Documents\<productName>\Templates.

    In this section:

    Designing a New Solution

    The platform uses multi-user and multi-project organization to edit and run multiple projects simultaneously. All modules are combined in a simple unified user interface: the Solution Designer.

    Change project settings using the Solution Designer, an integrated and user-friendly environment that performs all setup and test tasks, from tag definition and communications to drawing user interface displays.

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    titleSolution Configuration

    Check Solution Designer for tips about common configurations and overall information about its settings.

    In this section...

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