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<h1 style="text-align: center;">Solutions Manager</h1>


Introduction to the Solutions Manager


The platform was is designed for developing and delivering applications that handle creating real-time data . Applications created using this platform are applications, structured into Solutionssolutions.

A Solution encompasses the configuration for different functional Modules, which can include Tag definitions, Alarms, Communication, Displays, and more. 

The tool utilized for selecting and opening a Solution is known as Solutions Manager.

By using the Solutions Manager user interface, you can easily organize your various Solutions, from local your local computer or remote devices, to streamline your workflow and increase productivity.

A solution includes configurations for various functional modules, such as tag definitions, alarms, communication, and displays.

The Solutions Manager is the central hub for organizing and managing your solutions. It enables you to create, open, and edit solutions from your computer or remote devices, facilitating efficient workflow and productivity.

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On this page:

Table of Contents

Key Concepts and Terms

Solution File / Solution Name

The configuration of an application (solution) is saved is a file with extension .dbSln. All modules settings are stored in that file. The solution name matches the name of the configuration file.

Project File

In order to facilitate distinction with legacy product versions, Project File, refer to files with extension .tProj, a legacy configuration.

Understanding the Solutions Manager

The Solutions Manager interface is the main hub for managing and organizing your Solutions. From this interface, you can create new Solutions, edit existing ones, and and run Solutions located in your computer or remote

Some very unique and powerful features about Solution management tools include:

  • This interface is product version agnostic. You can manage and open Solutions created with different product versions without upgrading the Solution in the field or switching the engineering tool in your computer.
  • The platform creates a file for each


    solution. All


    configurations, including tag



    displays drawing

    display drawings, images, and report templates


    , are stored in a single

    file — an

    file—an encrypted SQL database with the extension .dbsln

    — for

    —for easy management.

  • You can open multiple

    Solutions at the same time

    solutions simultaneously or allow multiple engineers to work on each



  • You can access solution files located on your computer or on remote devices with the Platform Services enabled. When accessing remote devices, you can use a pure HTML5 interface without needing any local installation.

  • To

    In order to

    enable multiple users to work concurrently on the same


    solution, follow the procedure described


    in the


    section Multi-


    User Collaboration.

Server Information

The Solution Manager allows access to the Server Information.It presents information about the computer and folders based on the list of Solutions built.  It includes the Solution LocationConnected Server InformationLocal Computer Management, and Local Search Folders. Clicking Server Information allows managing the Solution Server Service settings. There are two options for Solution Server: Localhost or Remote. If you select Remote, you will need to set it up.

See the Configuring Solution Server page for more information.

License Information

The Solution Manager allows access to the License Information. It enables managing licenses and requesting by generating a softkey and activating it. There are flexible licensing options for each business's needs.

See Licensing and Activatingfor more information.

Product Information

The Solution Manager allows access to the Product Information. It presents information about the installed product and version. Also, it allows checking Communication Protocols and AddOns enabled for the product.

Navigating the User Interface

The User Interface is composed by the following sections:

  • The right side contains help-only information; you can close that section if you wish.

  • The middle box, called the Solution List, displays a list of solutions on your computer or on a previously set remote computer.

  • The left side provides summary information and navigation for additional content. It includes:

    • Server Information Page: Select folders, view, and manage connected servers (or local computers).
    • Licensing And Activation: See and modify the license on the connected server (or local computer).
    • Product Information: Displays the current version and list of installed drivers.

Selecting a Solution

The main area in the Solution Manager is where you can select a solution and execute commands on the selected solution or create a new solution.

The middle box, called the Solution List, shows a list of solutions on your computer or on a previously set remote computer. Click "Refresh" to update the solutions list in case external applications or users modify the contents of the folders.

Each item in the solution list represents a complete configuration for an application, with each image corresponding to an independent solution. The image used for the solution preview is the content of the display named "MainPage" in that solution.

In the top right corner, you can select List, Cards, or Table view

Solution Selector

Solution Selector refer to the main area on the Solution Manager, where you can execute many commands and actions around solutions.

The middle box is called Solution List and shows a list of Solutions on your computer or on a remote computer set previously. Click Refresh to update the Solutions list. Each item in the Solution list is a complete Solution with the configuration for an application.

On the top right corner, you can select List, Cards or Table view. 

Each image below is an independent Solution. The image used for the Solution preview is the contents of the display named MainPage in that Solution.

List View

Projects exhibited in listImage Modified

Card View

Projects exhibited as cards

Table View

Projects exhibited in a table

Working with Solutions 

The buttons on the top of Solutions List allow to manage the select solution or create a new one.

Image Added New:  go to Creating a New Solution

Image Added Edit: Open the Designer software, to configure the selected solution

Image Added View: Open the Designer software, in Read-Only mode, which is useful if you simply want to check its configuration.

Image Added Run: Starts the execution of the selected solution. It will start in Production mode using guest credentials. For more options on starting, you can use the Manage Button. 

Image Added Manage: navigates to the Solution Manager page, allowing to perform various actions with the selected solution. 

Solution Configuration File

The configuration for the entire Solutionsolution, is stored in single file with the extension .dbsln. That file is an encrypted embedded SQL database, with the configuration tables of the various modules, like Tags, Alarms, Scripts and Displays. 

You can move, rename, duplicate, back up, backup and restore the Solution solution files, working directly on in the computer folders, just as you 'd do would with any other file. The When moving or adding Solution files directly on in the computer folders, you need to press the "Refresh" button , so to update the list will update the content of the folders.

Other files extension for Solutions are created, when using the Publish feature, as described in the chapter Runtime Build and Publish.

titleRenaming or Deleting Solution Files

Be extremely careful when renaming solution files (or solution names). There are macros and properties with the solution name that may have been used to create database files, configuration files, or other application-specific implementations. When renaming a solution that is already in production, it is necessary to address any specific configurations or external connections that might have been created using that specific name.

If you want to Delete a Solution, you just need to Delete the <solutionName>.dbsln file that cantatas the solution configuration. The folder named <solutionName>-Designer contains users settings and temporary files and it can be deleted anytime. When the solution runs, it may create databases files, text files, that are application-specific implementation, and those files should be traced and deleted, similarly when you are renaming solutions.

Solution Workflows

Check the related contents about:

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Upgrade from Legacy Projects 

When a file with the extension .tProj is found, it appears in the Solution List with the prefix "Project." Only projects from versions 9.1 and 9.2 can be upgraded directly. For older project files, you must first use the 9.1 or 9.2 product to upgrade them to those versions.

When a legacy project is selected, the "Upgrade Version" command button is enabled.

titleLegacy Projects Editing

In order to Edit a legacy project, you need to use the tools for the specific version of that Project. The Solutions Manager will only handle upgrades for that project to the current solution features. 

For further details on the Upgrade process to the page Migrating Legacy Projects.

Access Solutions on Remote Computers

By default, the system will display solutions from your local computer first. You can modify the list of visible solutions by going to the Solution Server page. At that page, you can select to show the solution files from the Local Computer for from a Remote Computer. 

For Remote Computers: If the remote computer has the Web Server enabled and you are using a Windows computer, you can view the solutions on the remote computer via the URL.

Select the Desired Solution: You can use the search box or modify the visualization options to find and select the solution you need.


The Solutions Manager can access configuration files from other computers and devices through two methods: connecting to a Remote Server via Server Information or using a URL to open an interface.

Both methods require that the connected server has TWebServices running and that the necessary firewall ports are open. On Windows computers, you can set up TWebServices by opening a local instance of the Solutions Manager on the target server and configuring TWebServices on the Server Information page. For Linux and other operating systems, you need to configure TWebServices to run on startup using the OS's tools. By default, TWebServices uses port 10108.

When multiple users open the same solution from the Server, it allows  Multi-User Collaboration on the solution development.

Connecting to a Remote Solution Server 

On the Server Information page, simply enter the IP address or domain name of the server you want to connect to and press the Connect button.

Read more about the Server Information page.

Using the Solution Manager Web UI 

It is possible to access solutions on a remote server without installing the product on your local computer.

Just open browser and use the url:  http://<Server IP or Name>:10108/solutions. Example:

The requirements are that the remote device has TWebServices running. If the device has a security AccessKey defined, the URL shall be:


Using the Designer in Click-Once Mode

When you are using the Solutions Manager WebUI and open a solution for editing, it is not necessary to have the Designer pre-installed on your computer. The system will use ClickOnce technology (if supported by the browser) to open a Designer window, retrieving the necessary files from the remote computer. Most common browsers allow ClickOnce; check the browser's technical information to confirm ClickOnce compatibility.

In this section:

Page Tree
