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Tags, Assets and Templates

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TAT and Real-Time Elements

Tags, Assets, and Templates are the core components to real-time data modes and are the power of FactoryStudio. Our company name,  (Tatsoft, ) even has Tags, Assets, and Templates built into it. The  The FactoryStudio system has a built-in, real-time, event driven, in-memory database, that manages tags, assets, and events.

Real-Time Tag Types

A typical HMI-SCADA system has only basic tag types, such as numeric and message tags. As FactoryStudio targets IT and MES systems, it goes far beyond basic tag types and supports real-time entities that match every SQL type and many .NET Framework entities, including Images and a complete DataTable in a single real-time tag.

Dynamic Arrays and References 

FactoryStudio was the first and only real-time system with built-in support for tri-dimensional dynamic arrays, lists, and type-safe reference tags with dynamic assignments. This creates reusable components on displays, symbols, reports, calculation, and in any part of your project.

SQL Databases and .NET

The built-in tag types allow direct mapping to any SQL database or .NET variables.

titleAbout TAT

TAT can stand for Tag, Assets, and Templates, but it is also a word from the Sanskrit language, related with the physical reality of the Universe. Visit Tatsoft forums to learn other TAT meanings

Assets and Categories

Organize your project with categories and assets. An asset is composed of tags and other application objects connected to your process hierarchy. FactoryStudio allows implementation of ISA 95 modeling specifications, which can be essential in large systems.  


Templates are user-defined structures, similar to .NET classes, that allow composition and hierarchy. Besides the built-in basic types, real-time tags can be created based on templates that reflect physical assets, which speed up and simplify the application development. 

Import and Synchronize 

Tags and templates can be imported and automatically synchronized from various data sources including: XML and CSV files, OSIsoftTM PI SystemTM and PI AFTM, RockwellTM ControlLogix program files, and OPC servers.

Tag Editing Features:

  • Tag based Security
  • Refactoring, allows renaming any object, anytime. No more need for global search and replace commands 
  • Intellisense shows shows sensitive auto-fill context sensitive information in all fields. No more typing names
  • Cross-reference is is available to for all project elements, not only tags!
  • Dynamic validation: system validation means the system validates the fields as you type, preventing which prevents configuration errors.

Automated Project Definition

Standard Project Configuration

Each FactoryStudio project is stored in its own encrypted SQL database file. This architecture makes it very easy to update to newer versions of FactoryStudio as whenever we may add any additional tables or columns to existing tables, which . This is easier to do than working with proprietary file structures.

External Tag Integration

As of this printing, FactoryStudio can automatically use tags from Rockwell ControlLogix and CompactLogix, OPC Servers, Unity Pro PLCs, Wonderware Intouch projects, Beckhoff TwinCAT, OSIsoft PI Systems, or PI Asset Framework (AF) Servers.

FactoryStudio includes the ability to import resources such as graphical objects, script code, communication configurations, and project components, and to do so . This can be done directly into any configuration table being used. To take that concept even further, entire Entire project configurations can be managed outside of FactoryStudio, and then imported all at once.

.NET API for project definition

A powerful , yet and simple to use , .NET interface , provides the ability to use C# or , VB.NET, or any .NET language , to create project configurations from your own code. 

From Excel/CSV to tags and displays

All Tag definitiondefinitions, alarms, communication mappingmappings, historianhistorians, even and symbols for displays , can be created from a one file CSV import. Create Easily create your project by creating your project'sspecification in Excel , and importing them with one click you have your project created. 

OSIsoft PI Integration

FactoryStudio supports native connectivity , to OSIsoft PI Systems, directly accessing PI tags. It also supports native connection for the Asset Framework (AF) and Event Frames (EF). The entire AF data structure can be either imported to FactoryStudio, or accessed directly from the AF server, with no data replication or importing.

Bring legacy HMI/SCADA projects

Use the reporting and export tools from your old HMI and SCADA software, to To automatically bring in automatically most of your previous project definition to state-of-the-art FactoryStudio projects, you can use the reporting and export tools from your old HMI and SCADA software. 

Object Model configuration

FactoryStudio'suse of templates, with connected Symbols and properties, cuts the time needed to create your application, while providing easier maintenance and extensibility. 


See detailed documentation of this feature here.