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Client Settings is a configuration interface for managing initial conditions, display behaviors, and user interface customization for all clients: RichClients, SmartClients and WebClients. 

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Table of Contents

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Client Setting Configuration

The Client Settings are organized into the following sections:

Understanding Client Settings

Initial Execution Conditions

It refers to a configuration group that defines the startup layout and theme. Its purpose is to initialize the application interface according to user preferences or operational needs. It allows for selecting layouts and themes and restricts views to web or Windows clients. Users can apply these settings in scenarios requiring specific startup interfaces. Before usage, ensure that predefined layouts and themes exist. Use this group to set initial conditions for application startup.

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Initial Execution Conditions


Selects the initial layout from predefined configurations in Displays/Layouts.


Chooses the initial theme from predefined options in Displays/Themes.


Limits the view to specific clients. The options available are:

On WebClients: restricts the view to web-based clients, preventing access from desktop applications.

On Windows: restricts the view to Windows-based clients, preventing access from web applications

  • Layout: Dropdown menu likely for selecting the initial layout of the application.
  • Theme: Dropdown menu to select the visual theme, with "Steel" being the current selection.
  • ViewOnly: Options to restrict the view mode to web clients or Windows clients


    Indications for Tag Quality and Security

    • Dropdown menus and checkboxes for handling security restrictions, undefined quality, and bad quality tags. These settings probably control how the application reacts to various quality and security scenarios.
  • Enable Multiple Monitors (RichClients Only):

    • A checkbox to enable multi-monitor support for rich clients, which are likely more feature-rich versions of the application.
    • Number of Monitors: Dropdown to select the number of monitors, with "2" being the current selection and settings for the second monitor.
  • The following settings are available only for RichClients and SmartClients (Windows):

    • Title: Text field labeled "Startup Window", presumably to set the title of the initial window.
    • MinimizeBox, MaximizeBox, CloseBox, Resize: Checkboxes to enable or disable window control buttons.
    • Start Maximized (Except on Development Profile): Checkbox to start the application maximized on the screen, except when in development mode.
    • Show Menu: Checkbox that might control the visibility of the application's main menu.
    • Options like File, Tools, Security are listed, indicating different menus or sections within the application. They are accompanied by checkboxes, which may enable or disable these menu items.
    • Always shows Menus in Development Profile: A checked checkbox, indicating that menus will always be shown when in development profile mode.
  • Mouse Cursor Visible, OnScreen Keyboard:

    • Checkbox to make the mouse cursor visible.
    • An option for an on-screen keyboard, which would be useful for touch-based interfaces or when a physical keyboard is not available.
    • Set Default: A button that might restore default settings for these options.
  • Multiple windows on the same computer share user logon:

    • A checkbox that likely allows multiple instances of the application to share the same user credentials on a single computer.
  • Heading 3


    At Displays > List you can setup global configuration for the behavior of the client displays, for .NET and HTML5 clients. 

    It includes the default Layout that will be opened by default, as well other settings that specific for the .NET or HTML5 clients.

    << The following sentence must be moved to the section ClientTypes, or event main page, to explain Why .NET clients, instead of only HTML5: Some advanced features, such as automatically blocking the ability to task switch is available only on .NET>>

    It refers to the definitions group, which configures visual indicators related to tag quality and security restrictions. Its purpose is to provide clear cues for identifying quality and security issues. Main functionalities include setting symbols for security restrictions and enabling indicators for undefined and bad-quality tags. This is useful in environments where visual feedback is needed to monitor system integrity. Configure it by selecting appropriate symbols. Use this group to set visual indicators.

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    Indications For Tag Quality And Security

    On Security Restrictions shows

    Sets indicators for tag quality and security with options such as V, ?, $, *, #, and Strikethrough.

    On Undefined Quality shows

    Enables an indicator to show for undefined quality tags, unlocking additional settings for handling undefined quality.

    On Tag Bad Quality shows

    Enables an indicator to show for bad quality tags, unlocking additional settings for handling bad quality.

    Enable Multiple Monitors (RichClients Only)

    It refers to a configuration group that allows multiple monitors with RichClients to be used. Its purpose is to enhance display capabilities. It enables the specification of the number of monitors and the selection of the target display for the startup layout. This applies to scenarios requiring extensive display areas, such as control rooms. Before usage, ensure that the system supports multiple monitors. Use this group to configure and optimize multi-monitor setups.

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    Enable Multiple Monitors (RichClients Only)

    Enable Multiple Monitors

    Allows the use of multiple monitors for RichClients.

    Number of Monitors

    Defines the number of monitors to be used for RichClients.


    Sets the target display for the selected layout.


    Selects the initial layout from predefined configurations in Displays/Layouts.

    Settings available only for RichClients and SmartClients (Windows)

    This group provides configuration settings reserved for RichClients and SmartClients on Windows. Its purpose is to customize the user interface. Main functionalities include overriding layouts, setting window properties, and managing menu and cursor visibility. Applications include customizing the interface for different operational requirements. Before usage, ensure that predefined layouts and properties are available. Use this group to tailor the UI for specific needs.

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    Settings Available Only For RichClients And SmartClients (Windows)

    Layout Override

    Overrides default layout settings with options from Displays/Layouts for RichClients and SmartClients.


    Enables and sets the title of the startup window.


    Enables the minimize window control button, allowing the window to be minimized by the user.


    Enables the maximize window control button, allowing the window to be maximized by the user.


    Enables the close window control button, allowing the window to be closed by the user.


    Allows the window to be resized by the user.

    Start Maximized

    Starts the window in a maximized state, except in the development profile.

    Show Menu

    Displays the menu bar in the startup window.


    Shows the File menu in the startup window.


    Shows the Tools menu in the startup window.


    Shows the Security menu in the startup window.

    Always shows Menus in Development Profile

    Ensures menus are always visible in the development profile.

    Mouse Cursor Visible

    Controls the visibility of the mouse cursor on the screen.

    OnScreen Keyboard

    Enables the on-screen keyboard feature, making it available for user input.

    Active Area Edges

    Defines the active area edges for mouse interaction within the window.

    Active Area Mouse

    Sets the mouse cursor type within the active area.

    None: When this option is selected, no specific mouse cursor type is assigned to the active area. The default cursor will be used, which typically appears as an arrow or the standard operating system cursor. This setting is useful when no special cursor indication is needed for the active area.

    Arrow: When this option is selected, the mouse cursor is displayed as an arrow within the active area. This is the standard pointer appearance and is used to indicate a normal selection or navigation action. It helps users identify areas where they can interact with standard interface elements like buttons and menus.

    Hand: When this option is selected, the mouse cursor is displayed as a hand within the active area. This cursor type is often used to indicate interactive elements such as hyperlinks, buttons, or other elements that respond to clicks. It helps users recognize that the area is interactive and clickable, providing a clear visual cue for interactive elements.

    Multiple windows on the same computer

    Allows multiple windows to share the same user logon on the same computer, facilitating user access across different sessions

    Portable Clients Settings



    Disable Commands

    Select to prohibit application users from sending commands to the PLC.

    Desktop Initial Page

    Select the display that desktops users see when they start the application.

    Mobile Initial Page

    Select the display that mobile users see when they start the application.

    .NET Clients Settings



    Maximize When Open

    Select to maximize the client window to fit the monitor.


    Select how the layout stretches when clients use the application:

    • None — Layout does not resize; it displays the exact size you configured for the layout. We recommend selecting the Scrollbar option.
    • Fill — Layout resizes to completely fill the available space on the client’s monitor, without regard to the layout’s aspect ratio.
    • Uniform — Layout resizes proportionally to the client’s monitor size, maintaining the layout’s aspect ratio.
    • UniformToFill — Layout resizes to maintain the aspect ratio and to completely fill the available space on the client’s monitor. This can result in cutting off some parts of the layout.


    Select to have a scrollbar display in the client window.


    Enter a title for the client window.


    Select to display the standard minimize button.


    Select to display the standard maximize button.


    Select to display the standard close button.


    Select to display the standard resize handle.


    Select which menus to display:

    • File
    • Tools
    • Security

    Always shows titles and menus in Test Mode

    Select to always show the Minimize, Maximize, Close, and Resize buttons when running a project in Test Mode.

    OnScreen KeyBoard

    Select to display a virtual keyboard.

    When Mouse Is Over Command Areas

    Select behavior when the mouse is over an object:

    • Show object edges — Creates edges on command objects
    • Cursor — Select the type of cursor.

    Mouse Cursor Visible

    Select for the mouse pointer to be visible.

    Verify Tag Quality on Client Displays

    • Tag Security protection show — Select the option and character to show in place of the Tag value if the user does not have the necessary security level.
    • On undefined quality show — Select the option and character to show when the PLC determines data quality is undefined.
    • On OPC Bad quality show — Select the option and character to show when the OPC server determines data quality is bad.

    Disable Web Commands

    Select to prohibit application users from sending commands to the PLC.

    Multiple windows on same computer share user logon

    Users can run multiple instances of the application on the same computer. The user may need to log in as a different user from time to time. Select this option to automatically change the logged in user in all running instances of the application on the same computer


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