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This section contains the reference links for the User Controls used to display information about the Solution Modules.

The Editors Controls refer to graphical elements group enabling specific data interactions like color picking, date and time selection.  The following components are available:

  • BrushEditor: platform native drawing primitives: Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Polyline and Path (Path is combination of shapes)

  • Calculator: Graphical images imported and embedded into the solution, from various graphical file formats. 

  • DatePicker: native platform feature to allow easy use of most typical industrial icons for navigation and User Interface information.

  • DateTimePicker: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.

  • TimePicker: User Interaction Elements, like Buttons, Text Elements, and typical Windows Controls like CheckBox or RadioButton,

  • Calendar: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.



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Calculator (WPF)

This extensible component provides a calculator that can map the result to a Tag in the application. See Calculator Control for more information.

CircularPanel (WPF)

The TCircularPanel implements a custom navigation tool, where the options are placed around a main circle. See CircularPanel Control for more information.

DateTime Pickers

DateTime Pickers are graphical components for selecting and editing date and time values, combining calendar and clock functionalities with configurable options like input masks, step intervals, and display settings. DatePicker, a subset of DateTimePicker, focuses on date inputs using a calendar interface, excluding time functionalities. TimePicker, another subset, concentrates on time inputs, providing options for hours and minutes adjustments, excluding date functionalities. See DateTime Pickers Control for more information.


Allows users to show Media files on Windows and Web pages. See MediaElement Control for more information.


Represents an individual option or command within a menu. It provides a specific action or navigates to a particular section, enhancing user interaction with the application. See MenuItem Control for more information.


Allows users to navigate between different pages of content or data. It facilitates quick access to various sections or data sets within an application, improving the browsing experience. See PageSelector Control for more information.



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