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This Historian module relies on other modules to store Tags' data. Therefore, the Historian Monitor provides exclusive information regarding the Historian system that manages Tags' information storing process. However, the Historian Monitor will not provide information regarding the database's operation status.

As a result, many potential issues regarding data storage are out of the module's scope. Problems are usually related to external database repository, which requires specific tools to diagnose the problem. Despite being out of the Historian module scope, you can use the Diagnostic Tool, such as Module Information and Trace Window, to acquire additional information regarding the Historian module operation.When the solution is running and the Designer is connected with the runtime, the Historian Monitor page show basic status of its HistorianTable and an User Interface created using the Trend Chart Control, which allows to monitor historical data.

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Monitoring the Historian Module

The Historian Monitor menu provides a way to monitor real-time information related to the Historian module operation. As the Historian Monitor has a monitoring-only function, you can't edit or interact with Historian Tags, Historian Tables, or Archive Locations.

The information available when you access the Historian Monitor is described in the table below.

Monitor information



Historian Table unique identifier.

Name Space

Specifies the namespace the item belongs to.


Historian Table's name

Rows Count

The total number of rows of data stored in the Historian Table.

Success Count

The total number of times the system successfully stored data in the database. [NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE]

Error Count

Records the number of times the system failed to save data into the database.  [NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE]

Last Stored Time Stamp

Informs the timestamp of the last data entry stored in the database.

Last Stored Error Message

Logs the last error message encountered.

titleAccess to the Historian Monitor

Your solution must be running to have access to the Historian Monitor information. Use the Runtime to start the solution.

Local Diagnostic Tools

As the Historian Monitor cannot provide additional information regarding the connected databases, you can use the Diagnostics tools for it. You will acquire additional information from the Module Information and the Trace Window. You can find the  Diagnostic tools by accesing Runtime → Runtime Diagnostics.

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titleAccess to Module Information and Trace Window

You can only access these tools while your solution is running. Use the Runtime to start the solution.

Module Information

The diagnostic tool from the Information module updates real-time information about the execution of several modules. To verify the Historian information, access the Module Information (info icon) and select the Historian option in the tree. By doing this, you can monitor the state of connected databases. The following table describes each available property when you select the Historian.

TablesThe total number of Historian Tables.


StoreAndForward.IsEnabledSpecify if the system is using the Store and Forward feature.
UseStoreAndForwardDatabaseAlwaysNOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE
HasPairRedudantStoreAndForwardPendingIndicates if a Forward process to update the database is waiting due to connection issues.
Redundancy.LastSyncMessageThe last message received after synchronizing data with the database.
Redundancy.LastSyncTimestampSpecify when the last synchronization happened.
Redundancy.LastSyncErrorMessageInform the last error message received when the synchronization failed.
Redundancy.LastSyncErrorTimestampSpecify when the last failed synchronization happened.
StoreAndForward.IsFixingDatabaseInform if the system is currently fixing the database data after facing issues synchronizing data.
StoreAndForward.FixDatabaseMessageNOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE
StoreAndForward.FixDatabasePercentThe total percentage already fixed from the database (Archive Location).
StoreAndForward.FixDatabaseElapsedTimeThe time spent since the Store and Forward had started.

If you select one specific Historian Table in the tree under Historian, additional information described in the following table will be available:

You can access the monitor by navigating to Historian → Historian Monitor.

When the solution is runtime, the monitor will display a Trend Chart page, and a table with the runtime properties of the HistorianTables.

Trend Chart Page 

This TrendChart Page an out-of-box User Interface to monitor Historian Data, created using the same tools available to create displays and the Trend Chart Control.  When creating displays in your application there is template in Charts similar to this one embedded in the Designer. 


Using a Browser, with no installation required, you can verify the Historian Status of remote server. With the following URL.


Locahost: shall be replaced by the IP or Computer Network Name of the computer you want to access. The port 3101 shall reflect the Port the Runtime is using, typically it is 3101 for production profile, and 3201 for Development profile. The reaming for the URL remains the same.

Historian Monitor Table Columns

The information in this table is constructed from the runtime properties of the object: Historian.Table.<Name>.  

The properties shown in the monitor table can also be accessed in Displays or Scripts using the following syntax:


HistorianTables Monitor Columns




Specifies the namespace the item belongs to.


HistorianTable's name




Table NameThe Historian Table's name.
Number of History ItemsNOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE
Number of Rows

The total number of rows of data stored in the

Historian Table


Initialization Message



message provided when stating the Historian Table.
DisableNotifies if the Historian Table was disabled by the user before or while running the solution. You can control this option by accessing  Runtime → Runtime Diagnostics.
Time DeadbandThe dead band time configured for the Historian Table. For additional information, access Historian Tables.
Life TimeThe duration in days for retaining records on the Archive Location. The system automatically deletes data older than the specified value.
Save On ChangeNotifies if the Historian Table uses the Save On Change configuration to store new data. If true, whenever Tag's value changes, it triggers an event to store the new data.
Save QualityNotifies if the Historian Table is using the Save Quality feature. Access Historian Tables for additional information related to the Save Quality.
NormalizedNotifies if the Historian Table uses the Normalize table schema for SQL databases. For more information on SQL database schemes, refer to the Archiving Process.
Last Stored Time StampThe date and time of the previous data stored in the database.
Last Stored Error MessageMessage alerting about the issue connected to the previous problem that is preventing the storage of data.
Last Deleted Time StampThe timestamp indicating the most recent instance when data was deleted from the database.
Last Deleted Error MessageMessage alerting of an issue linked to the previous problem that hinders the removal of data from the database.
Last Step During SavingNOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE
Error CountTotal number of errors related to the Historian Table operation.
Success CountThe total number of successful data storage actions.
StoreAndForward.IsActiveNotifies if the Historian Table is using the Store And Forward feature. NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE
StoreAndForward.NumberOfRowsNOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE
StoreAndForward.LastStartedTimeStampProvides information on the most recent synchronization of data between the Store and Forward process and the database.
StoreAndForward.LastSyncTimeStampNotifies the last time the database was synchronized.

Note that some information available when selecting the Historian Table from the Module Information are the same ones you can access when using the Historian Monitor.

Historian Trace Window

The Trace Window logs events connected with the Historian module execution. The Trace Window logs can have four message levels:

  • Info: Report actions related to the usage of the Historian module. 
  • Warning: Alerts you to potential issues not currently blocking the system but may require your attention. 
  • Error: Report problems blocking one or more features from working properly, such as a database connection issue. 
  • total number of times the system successfully stored data in the table. 


    The number of times the system failed to save data into the table. 


    The timestamp of the last data entry stored in the table.


    The last error message encountered

    Debug: Generated when you use debugging tools to inspect the state of an application at Runtime


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