The Asset Tree refers to the asset modeling is a graphical tool on the software platform . It provides a structured way to organize and categorize solution elements for organizing solution data within a customizable hierarchy. It enhances navigation, data management, and visualization of complex industrial systems. The feature is available on the software platform, allowing users to create levelsUsers can create folders, add tags, and associate metadata (e.g., alarms, historians). During runtime, the Asset AssetsTree Control component displays the hierarchy, enabling users to interact allowing interaction with elements and view viewing of relevant data.
Additionally, asset elements can be accessed programmatically using the ASSET() syntax, providing flexibility for integrating other system components and processes.
This feature streamlines the representation of real-world assets or logical groupings within the software platform, aiding in monitoring and analysis.Tip | ||
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This page presents information on how to work with the Asset Tree. The typical action when configuration the Asset Tree are:
Create a new folder: Folders allow you to organize, group and create hierarchies for your assets. Click the new Asset Folder icon to create one or right click the Asset Tree.
Create new Tags: After selecting a folder, use the New Tag toolbar button or right-click menu, to create a new tag inside that folder.
Move Tags to selected folders: Just drag tags from the BaseTags folder — or other location — to the desired placement level at the tree.
Insert Remote Assets: If there is a ExternalTags connection defined, you can insert specific assets from the external system in the asset tree.
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The maximum number of tags that can be included in a solution, based on the Product Model of the license, follows the formula below: (ProductModel * 20) + 5000 = maximum number of tags allowed in the solution |
It will also show one of ways one can create some custom graphics objects, like DataGrid Tables and Text Output, which will map automatically to the selected asset in the tree.
For an a more advanced example on how the Asset Tree can be used in solutions, go to Self-Aware Asset Displays.
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Configuring the Asset Tree
Configuration Workflow
The Asset Tree configuration is located at Unified Namespace → Asset Tree.
The Asset Tree has pre-defined folders:
BaseTags: All local tags created in the solutions that were not placed in any folders (levels) are automatically placed in this folder.
ExternalTags: When creating ExternalTags connections, they are automatically included in this folder, so you can easily browse the dynamic contents of the remote system.
The typical action when configuration the asset tree are:
Create a new folder: Folders allow you to organize, group and create hierarchies for your assets. Click the new Asset Folder icon to create one or right click the Asset Tree.
Key Concepts and Terms
Asset Tree
A hierarchical representation of the solution’s real-time data variables, composed of tags and nodes.
Any item in the Tree, whatever is a node or a final branch.
Asset Folder
Nodes in the tree that are containers for other objects or partial paths for TagNames.
RootTags Folder
Pre-defined node holding all tags not in any Asset Folder, helping manage large solutions.
Linked Folder
A folder dynamically linked to data from a TagProvider Connection.
Understanding the Asset Tree
The Asset Tree is the main centralized location for configuring your Unified Namespace, tags, and assets organization. In this interface, you can create AssetFolders, new tags, move elements within the tree, and create TagProvider Connections.
When the solution is running and the Designer is connected to the runtime, the Asset Tree also displays the current values for the tree elements.
Asset Tree User Interface
- Left Side: Shows the Asset Tree with a toolbar for localized actions.
- Right Side: Displays detailed information about the selected Node and its children
Asset Tree Toolbar
Button actions
- Reload the Tree: Refresh the Asset Tree structure.
- New Asset Folder: Create a folder in the Tree to store assets.
- New Tag: Create a tag in the Asset Tree.
- New TagProvider Connection: Establish a TagProvider connection for data retrieval.
- Insert data from TagProvider: Insert TagProvider data into the folder on the Asset Tree.
- Edit Element: Modify element properties in the Asset Tree.
- Rename Element: Change the name of an element in the Asset Tree.
- Create Data Template: Define a data template based on the selected element.
- Collapse All: Collapse all Folders in the Asset Tree.
Move Tags to selected folders: Just drag tags from the BaseTags folder — or other location — to the desired placement level at the tree.
The image below describes an example of a solution's hierarchy.
By right-clicking any folder or tag, you can also rename it directly from the Asset Tree. You can copy/paste Asset from one folder . By doing so, all Tags (and their Alarms, Historian, and Device .
You can also have the same name Tag in more than one folder.
Once your solution is running, you will be able to monitor the TagConfiguring the Asset Tree
Configuration Workflow
The Asset Tree configuration is located at Unified Namespace / Asset Tree.
The Asset Tree has a pre-defined folder called "RootTags," which contains all local tags not placed in any other folders. For system integrity reasons, it is not possible to create new asset folders inside the RootTags folder; this is the only exception in the software.
The image below describes an example of a solution's hierarchy.
Adding New Asset Folders
- Click the "Add Asset Folder" icon on the toolbar of the Asset Tree
- Right-click on the RootTags folder on the Asset Tree.
- Right-click on a created Asset folder on the Asset Tree.
Adding New Tags
- Click the "New Tag" icon on the toolbar of the Asset Tree
- Right-click on the RootTags folder on the Asset Tree.
- Right-click on a created Asset folder on the Asset Tree.
- Use the "New Tag" button in the main toolbar.
You can add Dynamic Data from the ExternalTags inside your treeview structure. For more information, please refer to the External TagProviders documentation.
To create tags and folders in the Unified Namespace, follow these simple steps:
Go to Unified Namespace → Asset Tree.
Add New Asset Folders
Add New Tags
If you don't specify a folder, the new tag will be placed in the 'Base TagsRootTags' section of the tree.
Working with the Asset Tree
Showing the Asset Tree on displays
Once your Asset Tree is defined, you'll be able to see it in the Draw Environment, on the right-side of the screen, where you can drag them into any display.
Add the component to your display, and customize it according to the settings described below. Does this still exist in v10?
The parameters are described as follows:
At Displays / Draw, under the Modules components, you can find the AssetTree Control. Simply drop this control onto your display, and the Asset Tree will be available in Runtime Displays for operators.
→ Go to AssetTree Control for more information.
Accessing Variables on the AssetTree
Tag Syntax
Access a tag directly using its full name, including folders.
Example: Tag.Area1/linha1/state
Asset Path Syntax
Use the Asset keyword to dynamically show the selected tag’s path.
Example: Asset("Area1/linha1/State1")
Useful for dynamic mapping or accessing values from TagProviders.
Example: Asset(client.Context.AssetPath + "State1")
In this example, the expression combines the selected folder with “State1” to display the corresponding State1 element from the Asset Tree.
Customizing the Alias for a selected node
After creating a TagProvider Connection, it will create and map a folder on the Assets Tree. To customize the Alias, right-click on the selected node and select the Edit Asset Folder option to open the configuration dialog.
AssetsControl Configuration
Element's reference name so its properties can be accessed and manipulated in CodeBehind.
Tag that will be receiving the selected Asset Name in Runtime as a String.
Selected Path
Initial Path
Branch Filter
Attribute Filter
Select OneWay or TwoWay or OneWay to Source.
Tag that will be receiving the selected Level Name in Runtime as a String.
Show Only Tags
Flag that indicates if the Asset Tree will display only Tags or other project objects (such as Displays).
Show 'Root Tags' On Root
By default, all common type Tags (Integer, Digital, Text, etc) are added to the Root. By unchecking this option you can filter these elements out.
Expand Tags
Flag that indicates if multi-level Tags can be expanded (Templates, Arrays). If unchecked, only the main Tag will be in the Asset Tree.
Show Client Tags
Flag to define if client domain Tags will be displayed in Runtime. If unchecked, only server domain Tags will show up.
Show 'LinkedTags Sources' on root
Prefer Display Text
Flag to indicate if the text that will show up in the Tree is the TagName or its Alias (defined in Unified Namespace > Asset Tree > DisplayText). If checked and the column is empty, the TagName will be used.
If checked, Tag Names (or aliases) can be translated to different languages according to your project dictionary's settings.
CodeBehind and IO Components
You can also access the Asset elements from the CodeBehind by navigating through the TagNamespace. IntelliSense will display the Tags and their respective Levels.Similar to the ExternalTags approach, the elements from the Asset View can be accessed with the syntax: ASSET("? CompleteAssetName ?") either in a TextBox element or the CodeBehind.
Runtime Behavior
In runtime, your Asset Tree and its components will look like the image below.
The IO element mapped with the ASSET(” CompleteAssetName ”) syntaxwill be resolved similar to the TK.GetObjectValue and will display the current value of the specific Tag it was mapped to.The SelectedAsset and SelectedLevel Tags will also change according to the element you click on.
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