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This section contains the reference links for the User Controls used to display information about the Solution Modules.

The Module folder are platform native controls. The following components are available:


: platform native drawing primitives: Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Polyline and Path (Path is combination of shapes)
  • AlarmViewer: Graphical images imported and embedded into the solution, from various graphical file formats. 

  • AssetsTree: native platform feature to allow easy use of most typical industrial icons for navigation and User Interface information.

  • DataGrid: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.

  • TagBrowser: User Interaction Elements, like Buttons, Text Elements, and typical Windows Controls like CheckBox or RadioButton,

  • Displays alarm zones and their statuses within a facility or system. It categorizes alarms based on severity, type, or location, enhancing situational awareness. See AlarmAreas Control for more details.


    Shows current and historical alarm data in a user-friendly interface. It allows for quick filtering, sorting, and analysis of alarm records, aiding in prompt response. See AlarmViewer Control for more information.


    Presents a hierarchical view of assets, such as equipment or resources, within an organization. It enables easy navigation and organization of assets for efficient management. See AssetTree Control for read more.


    Displays data in a structured grid format, making it easy to view and manipulate large datasets. It supports sorting, filtering, and editing functions to streamline data handling. See DataGrid Control for learning more.



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