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<h1 style="text-align: center;">Historian <br> (Time-Series Data)</h1>


Introduction to the Historian Module

Image Added

The Historian module Module enables the storage of tag values and their corresponding timestamps in SQL databases or third-party time-series databases. This module is designed to streamline the collection and storage of data in its time context. 

The Historian module Module provides an out-of-the-box solution for archiving historical data without programming requirements. Although it is possible to include custom data logging procedures can be included in your solution using Scripts (.NET programming) and Datasets (SQL storage), the standard configuration tools of the Historian module Module can fulfill most typical data logging needs. 

On this page:

Table of Contents

Purpose and

Key Concepts

Archive Location

The Archive Location defines in which database variables will be archived or read to be used in charts and calculations. You can use any SQL Database. If you want to integrate third-party products designed to store long-term time-related values, known as time-series databases or Historian tools, you need to use the Tag Provider.

Historian Tables

Historian Tables group Tags for historical archiving. Using the Historian Table, you can define the Tags to archive to each Target Database. Moreover, you can configure additional standard settings to apply to all tags in one particular group, such as when to save new data or how long to keep the data on the database.


and Terms


Tags whose values are stored in a HistorianTable, including A Historian Tag refers to any internal or external Tag whose values are archived into a Historian Table. In addition to Tags from the platform, you can include dynamic references to external data using the Tag Provider function.

Understanding the Historian Module

The Historian Module provides an out-of-the-box solution for archiving historical data without programming requirements. Although it is possible to include custom data logging procedures in your solution using Scripts (.NET programming) and Datasets (SQL storage), the standard configuration tools of the Historian Module can fulfill most typical data logging needs. 


Groups Tags for historical archiving, defining settings for storage and retention.


Defines where historian variables will be archived or read for charts and calculations.

Understanding the Historian Module

Module Features

You can use the data archived through your application's Historian Module in Alarms and Displays.

Feature Highlights

  • Embedded Canary Historian includes 500 100 free Canary Historian Tags historian tags with any license – Edge to Unlimited.
  • The Historian Module works with the industry's major players (OSISoftPI, InfluxDB, and more).
  • Store and Forward function ensures your data will not be lost if the database is unavailable. 
  • Universal Time and Daylight Saving

Technical Overview

  • You can define a Tag representing any data point you want to track over time.
  • You can then add this Tag to a HistorianTable and configure settings like:
    • How often to sample and store data (e.g., every second, every minute)
    • Conditions to store the data (e.g., only when the value changes)
    • Data retention policies (e.g., keep data for 1 year)
  • The HistorianTable is associated with a StorageLocation, determining where the data will reside.
  • The Historian Module regularly samples the tag's value and writes the time-series data to the designated StorageLocation according to the settings in the Historian Table.

Configuring the Historian Module

Configuration Workflow

Historian Module Configuration Workflow



Configuring the Historian module

Configuration Workflow 

The typical configuration workflow for the Historian Module has the following sequence:

Historian module configuration workflow


Define the default TagHistorian  SQL Database

Historian → Archive Storage Location

By default, TagHistorian maps to a SQLite database named and located equal the same as the Solution itself, followed by the proper FileExtension. You're able to change it as needed. Learn more at Historian Storage Locations.

If using Canary, modify the default target to the  the Canary Historian

Historian → Archive Storage Location

If using Canary, a connection with the local embedded Canary Historian is already included in the new solution. Just You can use that connection , or modify it willing to connect to an external Canary System instead. Learn more at Historian Storage Locations.

If necessary, add other Target Databases

Historian → Archive Storage Location

If archiving or retrieving data from other Historian tools is necessary, such as InfluxDB or OSIsoft PI, add the connection in the Tag Providers, making sure to mark  .  Mark the "Set as Historian Server" checkbox when creating the provider. Learn more at Historian Storage Locations.

Create and Edit HistorianTables

Historian → Historian Tables

Add or modify HistorianTables, organizing how the Tags will be grouped for archiving and the Target Databases. Learn more at Historian Tables.

Add Tags to the HistorianTables

Historian → Historian Tags

Connect Tags to the Historian tablesHistorianTables. Either by typing, browsing, pasting or any of the available import methods. Learn more at Historian Tags.



Storage Location

When you create a new solution with the platform, the default database (Tag HistorianDataset.DB.TagHistorian) uses , by default, the embedded SQLite database provided in the Datasets Module. However, you can change the default option at any moment.  The Our platform lets you choose from various Historian options, including SQL databases, Canary Historian, or any available TagProvider powered by Historian tools. For a large quantity of tags, you can create HistorianTables to organize the storage into groups. Data is saved to a SQLite database by default.  You can customize this to save in any other SQL database or external storage.


You can use multiple Historian system with the same solution. One, already pre-defined, its the platform built-in Historian using SQL databases. Additionally, you can other Historian engines to solution, using the TagProviders to Historian packages, or using Script extensions.

External Tags Historian. The table below describes the options available.

Database Option


SQL Database


You can use any SQL-style database defined in the object 

Tag Historian

HistorianTag available on Datasets → DBs.

Canary Historian

The platform includes an embedded Canary Labs Historian, and you can also use it with external Canary systems.

Read more information on the Canary Labs page.

External Tags Historian

TagProviders for Historians (InfluxDB,

OSIsoft PI



External Tags

TatProviders feature allows you to seamlessly integrate with third-party products, which can act as native and fully integrated historian repositories. This feature enables you to use current interfaces or additional products, which can be incorporated using the driver toolkit.

When to use the SQLite database

The SQLite database is suitable for databases with a size limit of up to 10GB. It is recommended to use another option if the stored data exceeds this limit. You can use another SQL database for the Tag Historian, the Canary Historian, or any available External Tags Historian targets.

Despite the limited size, no other restrictions prevent you from using SQLite in a production application.

Refer to the Dataset Module configuration to configure a different SQL Database for the Tag Historian connection.

See the list of Historian TagProvider at the page UNS TagProvider Connections.


There is a programming Interface that allows a class within the Script Module to act as the Historian repository, the call to archive and retrieved data are directly to that Script Class, and your solution has the complete freedom on customizing the responses to those requests.

Using SQLite or other SQL databases

By default, the SQLite is selected when creating new solution, but our built-in SQL Historian can work with any other SQL database.

See at Dataset Module configuration how to set a different SQL Database for the TagHistorian connection.

For other TagProvider For other External Tags Historian targets, please refer to the  External Tags UNS TagProvider Connections configuration to define and configure their use.


Working with the Historian Module

Runtime Execution

You can control the Historian module execution while running your solution. You can To Run,   Pause, or or Stop   the Historian module directly from the platform. Access from the platform, go to Access Runtime → Runtime Diagnostics  to find the three buttons that you can use to control the module.

When the Solution runs, the Historian Module Historian runs operates in an isolated process on the Server Computerserver computer.   The main procedures executed by the module include:

  • Check Checking if a request to archive store from a HistorianTable was generated (by the Trigger or OnTagChange events).
  • Archive Archiving the Data data as needed.
  • Synchronize Synchronizing with remote archives if store and forward or redundancy is enabled.
  • Reply Replying to requests from Displays displays and Scripts scripts on querying the archived data.

Those procedures as described in detail in the Archiving Process page.

Monitoring Historian


For deeper and advanced understanding of the execution see Historian Advanced Topics / Archiving Process

Monitoring the Historian Module Execution

When the solution is in runtime, the Historian Monitor menu provides a way to monitor real-time information related to the Historian Module operation.  

You can read more information an see a list of properties on the Historian Monitor page.

Intra-Module interaction

→ Read more about the Historian Monitor.

Displaying TrendCharts

 It is possible to display Trend Charts charts to analyze and compare historical and real-time data. This functionality makes it easy to identify patterns and trends in system performance. For more information, see the Displaying Trend Charts or Examples page.

Unified Namespace Module


That is accomplished on displays using the TrendChart ControlThe Historian Module creates a time-series archive of tag values, by storing them and their corresponding timestamps in SQL or third-party time-series databases.

Querying Data on Scripts

It This enables the querying and retrieving of data from variables and historical tables through scripts. This functionality empowers the creation of custom logic and solution-specific analysis. For a comprehensive understanding, refer to the Querying Data on Scripts.

Wrong link, note to myself: find and fix!

External System Interaction

Trough the Datasets Module, the Historian module can integrate with external databases to create a time-series archive. The following is a list of possible databases you can connect:

  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • Excel

Read more information on the Dataset DBs page and its sub-pages.


That is accomplish by using directly the methods and properties available on the Historian Runtime Attributes.  

Historian Advanced

Advanced Historian


Archiving Process

The Archiving Process is the process of receiving new data from Tags and storing it in databases defined by the Archive LocationStorageLocation. You can define different configurations to trigger storing actions based on your needs and database restrictions. Access

Read more about the Archiving Process for further information about the process and configurations available.

Historian Runtime Attributes

The Historian Namespace exposes properties and methods from the .NET objects used by the Historian Module execution. You can use these properties and methods on your Displays or to create Scripts and Alarms. The 

Read more about Historian Runtime Attributes page lists all options available.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

Common Issues and Solutions

Data Not Being Stored

Check the HistorianTable

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

Table of Contents

Troubleshooting and Common #Issues

The Historian module may encounter some issues in its operation. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

#Data not being archived

Check the Historian Table configuration, Trigger or TagChange settings, and Target Database. Ensure the settings are correctly set up, and the database connection is valid.


Incomplete data

Ensure that the Historian module is started (IsStarted flag) and the archiving process is functioning correctly. Check for any error messages in the OpenStatusMessage string.

#Slow data retrieval

Enable the caching feature (EnableCache) to optimize performance when requesting large amounts of data.


Store and Forward

not working

Not Working

Verify if the Store and Forward feature is enabled and configured correctly. Check the local database and target database connections.

#Database connection error

Database Connection Error

Check the database connection settings and ensure that the database is reachable.

Best Practices and



To ensure the smooth operation of the Historian module, follow these best practices:

#Use descriptive names

Use Descriptive Names for Historian



Use clear and descriptive names for Historian TablesHistorianTables, tags, and other related objects.

#Optimize data retrieval

Optimize Data Retrieval

Optimize data retrieval by enabling caching when working with large datasets.

#Ensure data integrity

Ensure Data Integrity with Store and Forward

Use Store and Forward to ensure data integrity in case of temporary database connection issues.

#Plan your data storage strategy

Plan Your Data Storage Strategy

Determine how much data you want to store and for how long you want to store it. It is important to plan your data storage strategy in advance so that you can optimize the historian module for your specific requirements.

#Document yours historians configurations

Document Your Historians Configurations

Document your historian module configuration to make it easier to manage and maintain. This includes documenting data sources, data types, sampling rates, storage options, and performance optimizations.

#Use security best practices

Use Security Best Practices

Protect the historian module from unauthorized access by implementing security best practices such as user authentication, access control, and data encryption.

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