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Data Templates enable users to extend the platform’s predefined data types by defining custom types with properties tailored to their business needs. This feature offers flexibility for modeling solution-specific data structures that standard types can’t represent, such as machine data, equipment status, and other asset attributes within an industrial plant.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Defining Data Templates

To define a tag template:

  • Go to Unified Namespace → Data

Introduction to Unified Namespace

The Unified Namespace is a powerful concept in industrial automation and data management systems that provides a centralized data repository and a standardized method for organizing and accessing data from various sources. This concept streamlines data management, improves system interoperability, and simplifies the development of applications that utilize data from multiple sources.

By understanding the fundamentals of the Unified Namespace, you will be able to design and implement more efficient and scalable systems, reducing the complexity and effort required to manage and maintain your data infrastructure.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Purpose and Key Concepts

The main objective of a Unified Namespace is to consolidate relevant data into a single, coherent structure, promoting greater interoperability and data clarity. By streamlining data access, it accelerates the implementation of analytics applications, monitoring systems, and other solutions, ultimately leading to reduced maintenance efforts and improved overall performance. Additionally, the Unified Namespace enhances data context and comprehension, empowering users to easily navigate and understand the information they need.

The key data modeling concepts to organize an Unified Namespace include:


Tag is the basic building blocks of a Unified Namespace, representing individual data points or variables in your system.

Organizing Tags with Assets Templates

A Template allows the creation of reusable data structures and organizing your Tags into Assets, a hierarchical and logical representation of an equipment or information model.

Using TagProviders for External Data Definitions

A Tag Provider is a powerful tool for integrating data from external sources and systems, allowing you to incorporate their data into your Unified Namespace seamlessly.


In the context of this platform, the term "tag" refer to real-time variables and their associated historical data.

Tags are accessible for read, write and subscription by the various Modules. For example, the Devices Module can map the value of the Tag with field equipments , such as PLC registers; or the Datasets Module can connect tags with SQL databases tables and queries;  or the Scripts Module can perform calculation and analytics with the tags. The Historian Module allows you have a time-series archive of the Tag Values. The graphical Operator Displays shows values mapping to the Tags, independently of the data source for its value.

The Tags can be created in the project FactoryStudio project (Local Tags) or you can use remote tags, which definitions  are dynamically accessed using the TagProvider connectivity. 

Tag Attributes are are additional pieces of information or metadata automatically presenting when creating tags. Examples of attribute includes the Tag's last update time, quality status, and its description.


Templates are user defined data structures, also known as UDTs (User Data Types).That data structure can variables of any type, as well include reference to other templates, creating an hierarchical data structure.

Typically, the equipments on the field will have various variables for realtime monitoring. Instead of creating one Tag to each variable, it is possible to create a Template with those variables, then create one Tag with that Template type.  

When creating Tags based on Templates, each variable is the template is referred as a Property. Example of Template is a simple PID information, with the properties ProcessValue, Setpoint and ControlValue. 


Assets refer to the physical equipment in the production environment, which is related to a group of Tags representing the real-time state of that equipment.

The definition of Assets in data model is easily accomplish by creating tags based on the Templates, so they share the that common definition for a set a variables.

You can also Folders to further organize the Tags and Assets in the Unified Namespace in an hierarchical representation of your process.

How the Unified Namespace Operates

Real-time Database, Event-driven data exchange

FrameworX applications are organized around the real-time data Unified Namespace. The functional Modules, such as Alarms, Scripts, or Graphical Displays, runs independently using the centralized Data Model to exchange the real-time information, using event-driven data exchange.

Image Removed

Modular configuration and scalability

Building a Unified Namespace

The e User Interface to build your models is in the Project Designer tools, under the  section Tags - Unified Namespace.

From that centralized interface, you can create or import Tag definition, organize the hierarchy and monitor the current values of your variables. 

When you start a new Project, there already 2 folders pre-defined in the model.

  • The "Root Tags" folder is where all new Tags are created by default.
  • The "Tag Providers" foder is where all new TagProvider connections are added by default. 

The typical process on creating the model is Creating Data Templates for Assets, Creating and Organizing Tags and Folders. Optionally you can use dynamic Tag definition from external data sources using the TagProvider features. 

Typically many of the values of Tags will be read from physical Devices, like PLC's or field devices <<Add link to modulus tutotial that shall be include in Devices module>> , or used in Scripts and other modules, but that configuration is executed in those other modules, not in the data model.

One great advantage in working with Unified Namespace is exactly being agnostic on the various data sources that can be concurrently consuming or publishing values to your model.

Creating Tags and Folders

<< add simple way to create a tag and folder using the Top toolbar, and point for the child page for more 

Creating Data Templates for Assets

<add basic explanation and example and point to child>>

Creating links to TagProvider external data

<add basic explanation and example and point to child>>

Monitor your data

Working with the Unified Namespace

Runtime Execution

When you start the execution of your project, the Unified Namespace definition in loaded into a in memory Real-Time Database. The .NET process in the computer implementing that in FactoryStudio is named TServer.exe

During the execution the Realtime Database, or just called Runtime, provides an event-driven data exchange of the values of Tags and Assets between various modules, like Alarms and Displays.

The chapter << Execute >> has detailed information on how to start and stop the execution of the project. 

The chapter << Runtime Environment >> has detailed information on all aspects and process in place when running the solution.

Integration with Other Modules

The various modules,  like Alarms, Displays can easily access any variable from the Unified Namespace just but its full name or path. 

For example, you can show the temperature of a machine1 in bargraph or text output in an operator Display, just selecting  Tag.Line.Machine1.Temperature, or the name and path you assigned the that variable in when defining your data model. 

The information on the Unified Namespace is also accessible to other application, using FrameworX bulit-in MQTT broker, or its native ability to act as OPC Server.

Third-party applications can also access that data using Integration APIs.

Advanced Features and Options

Troubleshooting and common issues

Some common issues that may arise while working with the Unified Namespace include:

Inconsistency or missing data from external systems:

When using TagProviders, FactoryStudio ins dependent on the external application to provide and maintain that section of the Unified Namespace, including the variables names and its structure. Refer the TagProvider section of the manual on how to diagnose connections with external systems. 

When mapping Tags to Device Communication drivers, the Tag Definition is the FactoryProject, so the Tag name will always show property in the Unified Namespace, but its value in depending on the connection with the remote device. Rfer the Devices section on the documentation for information on setup and diagnose connections with field devices. 

This concept applies to any external data source being used by the system, like remote SQL database or custom scripting using external APIs.

Performance issues

<<Talas about target projects,  talks about drivers, talk about displays >> but always pointing to other module when makes sense, and describing here in this chapter what you can correct in the configuration this section of the product only.

Optimize the organization of tags, assets, and templates to reduce unnecessary data overhead and improve system performance. << Need to evolve this >>

Best Practices and Recommendations

To get the most out of the Unified Namespace, follow these best practices:

Organization of the data structure

  • Organize tags into a clear hierarchy, using folders and templates, to make it easier for users to find and understand the information they need.
  • Plan your data structure carefully, considering the relationships between assets, tags, and templates.
  • Leverage templates to create reusable data structures, reducing redundancy and streamlining data management.
  • Organize tags and assets hierarchically, making it easier for users to navigate and understand the data.
  • Use TagProviders to integrate external data sources, ensuring a seamless exchange of information between systems.

Status Monitoring 

Add your project, specific Displays and Scripts to regularly monitor and report the system performance, and connection status with the external data sources. 

Implement Alarm conditions when critical connections are lost.

Accessing Tag Attributes

The Tag has attributes and methods that can be used in .NET scripts, and other system modules. 

For general information and concepts on objects namespaces and attributes, go to the section Objects and Attributes.

This section describes only some commonly used properties.

Commonly used Tag PropertiesPropertyTypeDescriptionValueTag TypeLast Value of the TagQualityInteger

Data Quality field, according OPC standards:

0: bad quality
64: undefined quality
192: good quality


Date and time of the last change on the tag value

Child Pages for the section:

Assets Templates:
Building Custom Data Types

Creating and editing Data Templates

Using Data Templates in Projects
  • Assets Templates: Asset Templates allow users to create reusable data structures and organize tags into hierarchical, logical representations of equipment or information models. These templates help streamline data management and improve system efficiency by reducing redundancy and simplifying the process of accessing tag attributes.

  • Building Custom Data Types: Custom data types, also known as User-Defined Types (UDTs), can be created to represent complex data structures in the Unified Namespace. UDTs can include multiple tag attributes, allowing users to model various properties of an asset, such as its current state, operational parameters, and historical data. Building custom data types helps ensure a more accurate and comprehensive representation of assets and their associated tag attributes.

  • Creating and Editing Data Templates: To create a new Data Template, navigate to the Project Designer tools and select the "Tags - Unified Namespace" section. From there, users can create, edit, or import Data Templates for use in their projects. When creating a template, it's essential to define the relevant tag attributes, such as data types, initial values, and any required metadata. Once a template is created, it can be edited to update tag attributes or modify the template structure as needed.

  • Using Data Templates in Projects: Data Templates can be used in projects to create tags with the defined attributes and organize them into hierarchical structures that represent assets or information models. By using Data Templates, users can easily access tag attributes and manage their data more efficiently. To use a Data Template in a project, simply create a new tag and select the appropriate template type. The tag will then inherit the defined attributes from the template, allowing users to access and manipulate these attributes as needed throughout the project.
    Assets Templates:
    Building Custom Data Types

    Asset templates in [Software Name] enable users to build custom data types based on a specific data structure. These custom data types use existing built-in types or previously defined templates as the foundation, allowing users to create more complex and tailored data structures suited to their project's needs.

    Creating and Editing Data Templates
    Users can create, edit, or import Data Templates for use in their projects. When creating a template, it's essential to define the relevant tag attributes, such as data types, initial values, and any required metadata. Once a template is created, it can be edited to update tag attributes or modify the template structure as needed.

    Using Data Templates in Projects
    Once a custom data type is created, it can be used in projects for organizing and managing tags. To use data templates in projects, follow these steps:
    Step 1: On the Objects tab within the software, navigate to the "Type" column for the desired tag.

    Step 2: From the drop-down list, select the newly created custom data type. The software will automatically apply the data structure and attributes of the custom data type to the tag.

    Step 3: Continue using the custom data type for relevant tags throughout the project, ensuring consistency and efficient organization


    Creating and Editing Tags

    Main Configuration Properties

    Optional Configuration Properties

    Tag Value Formatting

    Importing Tag Definitions


    This document provides comprehensive guidance on managing tags in FactoryStudio by covering essential topics such as creating and editing tags, configuring tag properties, formatting tag values, and importing tag definitions. The instructions and information provided are tailored to help users effectively utilize the software and ensure a smooth user experience.

    Objects: Creating and Editing Tags
    In FactoryStudio, tags can be created and edited using various methods, such as:

    Creating and Editing Tags
    To create or edit tags, navigate to the Project Designer tools and select the "Tags - Unified Namespace" section. From there, you can create new tags or edit existing ones, assigning them to specific data types or templates. When creating a tag, ensure you define the relevant attributes, such as data source, initial values, and any required metadata. Existing tags can be edited to update their attributes or modify their relationships with other tags or assets as needed.

    Main Configuration Properties
    Main configuration properties are essential for defining a tag's characteristics. The key properties include:

    a. TagName: A unique identifier for the tag.
    b. Type: The data type of the tag (e.g., Integer, Digital).
    c. Address: The address or location of the tag in the PLC or data source.

    To import tags, ensure that these properties are correctly defined in the source file (Excel or CSV).

    Optional Configuration Properties
    Optional configuration properties offer additional customization for tags. These properties can be edited after importing the tags into the project. Examples of optional properties include:

    a. Alarm configurations: Settings related to alarms triggered by tag values.
    b. Historian settings: Configurations for data logging and archiving.
    c. Other project-specific attributes: Custom properties specific to the project requirements.

    Tag Value Formatting
    Tag value formatting allows you to display the tag values in a more readable and meaningful format. This includes setting:

    a. Data types: Integer, Digital, etc.
    b. Units: Appropriate units for the tag values, such as temperature or pressure.
    c. Precision: The number of decimal places to display for the tag value.

    Proper formatting ensures that the tag values are displayed accurately and are easily understood by users.

    Importing Tag Definitions
    To import tag definitions into a project, you can use several methods, such as:

    a. Copy-pasting from other projects or Excel
    b. Importing from CSV files (individual or extended)
    c. Using the Import Tag Wizards
    d. Utilizing the EngWrapper API

    After importing the tags, you can organize them using the Asset Modeling feature, which enables you to create a hierarchical structure for your project's tags.

    Tag Providers:
    Integrating External Data Sources

    Introduction to Tag Providers

    Types of Tag Providers

    Connecting to External Data Sources

    Tag Providers: Introduction
    Tag providers in FrameworkX serve as intermediaries between the software and external data sources, facilitating the exchange of data and enabling the software to access, process, and display information from various sources. By configuring and connecting to tag providers, users can efficiently integrate and manage data from different devices, systems, or protocols within the software.

    Types of Tag Providers
    In [Software Name], there are several types of tag providers, each catering to specific data source requirements and communication protocols. Examples of tag providers include:

    a. OPC UA: A popular and widely-used tag provider that supports the OPC Unified Architecture (UA) communication protocol for industrial automation systems.
    b. Modbus: A tag provider that facilitates communication with devices using the Modbus protocol, commonly found in industrial control systems.
    c. Custom Tag Providers: Proprietary or user-defined tag providers that cater to specific communication protocols, data sources, or project requirements.

    Selecting the appropriate tag provider depends on the data source's communication protocol, system compatibility, and project requirements.

    Connecting to External Data Sources
    To connect to external data sources in [Software Name], follow the steps below:
    Step 1: Identify the appropriate tag provider based on the communication protocol of the external data source (e.g., OPC UA, Modbus, Custom).

    Step 2: In the software, navigate to the tag provider configuration section and create a new tag provider instance. Provide necessary information such as the provider's name, communication settings, and any required authentication credentials.

    Step 3: Configure the tag provider's settings to ensure proper communication with the external data source. This may include specifying the IP address, port number, or other communication parameters specific to the data source or protocol.

    Step 4: Test the connection between the tag provider and the external data source. If the connection is successful, the software will be able to access and process the data from the external source.

    Step 5: Import the tag definitions from the external data source using the methods described in the previous document (e.g., copy-pasting from other projects or Excel, importing from CSV files, using the Import Tag Wizards, or utilizing the EngWrapper API).

    Step 6: Organize and manage the imported tags within the software using features such as Asset Modeling or custom templates.

    Integrating external data sources with tag providers in [Software Name] enables users to efficiently manage and process data from various systems within the software. By following the guidelines outlined in this document, users can successfully configure and connect to tag providers, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced software functionality.

    Defining Local Tags

    All tags have a specific type for its value, such an integer, text or DateTime. The many pre-defined Tag Types are the Built-in tag types. In addition, the tag type can be an UDT (User Defined Type) or Tag Template .

    Tags have also pre-defined properties, such as Description and Array size. Different tag types may have specific properties, but most properties are available to all Tags.

    When creating the Tag, some of those properties are defined in the configuration — such as the Description —, some of the properties are only accessible when the application is running — like Value, Quality and Timestamp. The complete set of Tag properties when running the project is referred as the Runtime Tag Properties. 

    Built-in Tag Types

    The built-in tag types are based directly as extensions of the .NET datatypes. The tag types are summarized in the following table:

    Built-in Tag Types

    Tag Type

    .Net Type

    Description and Value Range



    Binary value, 0 or 1. 



    Integer values, range  -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647



    Long integer values, range  -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647



    Floating point value. ranging -1.79769313486231570E+308 through -4.94065645841246544E-324 for negative values; 4.94065645841246544E-324 through 1.79769313486231570E+308 for positive values



    Extended precision floating point., ranging 0 through +/-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 with no decimal point; 0 through +/-7.9228162514264337593543950335 with 28 places to the right of the decimal; smallest nonzero number is +/-0.000

    The Decimal type allows calculation with higher precision than the Double type. However, math operations using Decimal can be 40 times slower than using Double. So the Decimal type should only be used when Double precision is not enough.



    Text strings composed of Unicode character. Maximum length of the sting is the integer range. 



    Timer is a built-in integer type that can be used to generate precise timing signals and wave pattenrs. Timers have the following models: 

    • SquareWave:  The value toggles between 0 and 1. SquareWave exampleImage Removed
    • Pulse: The tag changes to 0. Then immediately changes to 1. Pulse exampleImage Removed
    • DelayOff: The tag behaves as a PLC Timer Off. If you set the tag with a value other than the StartValue during runtime, the tag will hold that value for the period specified in the Interval. The tag goes back to its StartValue after the period of time (Interval). 

    DelayOff exampleImage Removed

    • Comparer: The tag is set to 1 after the specified comparer Interval, and then goes back to zero at midnight. Comparer exampleImage Removed

    For SquareWave, Pulse, and Comparer, the tag toggles between 0 and the StartValue (instead of 0 and 1) if you set the tag StartValue.



    From 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001 to 11:59:59 P.M., December 31, 9999



    Data Interval in Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds, where each of those properties can hold a Double value



    Standard Microsoft Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)



    Holds an in-memory DataTable



    Can hold an Image file or any binary content. The Long value is the maximum size of the content. 

    Reference Type

    Reference tags allow dynamic addressing of variables. 

    The way you use Reference tags in the project is similar to how you use references in .NET programming, as they both have a defined type. The target type for the Reference is defined in the Parameters columns.

    Typed references bring advantages in both the engineering stage and in runtime. In the engineering stage, it allows IntelliSense to directly browse the template members if a reference is pointing to a template. In runtime, it allows string data validation. 

    All Reference tags have an additional runtime attribute: the Link property, which specifies which tag that the reference will be linked to during execution.

    Essentially, the Link property is a string property that needs to receive the target tag name before using the reference tag. You can assign a string directly or by using a string expression. The best way to set the link property is to use the method GetName(), which will create the string based on the current tag name. This way, you can rename the tag without having to search the strings. This also shows the tag names linked on the cross-reference utility. 


    Code Block
    @Tag.Reference1.Link = @Tag.TagName.GetName();
    Code Block
    @Tag.Reference1.Link = @Tag.TagName.GetName();
    Code Block
    @Tag.Reference1.Link = "Tag.TagName";
    Code Block
    @Tag.Reference1.Link = "Tag.TagNa" + "me";

    The reason for using the GetName() method instead of using strings directly is that with GetName() you retain the benefits of Cross-Reference and Refactoring. 

    Creating and Editing Tags


    To create new local tags:

    • Go to Edit → Tags → Objects and insert a new row with the tag properties defined in the columns.
    • or, in any configuration windows, just  click the  <<< IMAGE >>>. New Tag button on the Top Toolbar
    • or, when at the Edit → Tags → Assets, use the NewTag toolbar button <<IMAGE >> to create a tag at the selected asset level
    • or, by copy-paste the data form Excel or another project;
    • or, using the other Importing tags tools.

    To edit the properties of existing local tags:

    • Go to Edit → Tags → Objects and edit the row with the tag definition you want to modify. Multiple rows selection is allowed. << Link editing data grids >>.
    • Select a Tag Name at the top toolbar << IMAGE >> and click the Tag Properties button at the toolbar << IMAGE >>

    Either creating a new tag, or editing tags, in the datagrid view or the properties dialogs, the tag has the following configuration fields: 

    Tag main configuration properties 




    Specify the Parent Level where the Tag is located in Asset tree.


    Enter a name for the tag. The system lets you know if the name is not valid.

    • If you edit the name of an existing tag, the system automatically updates the name throughout the project.


    Select the tag type, which may be a built-in type or a user-defined Tag Template.


    Configure any parameters. The parameters vary based on the tag type. Once the type is entered, you can double-click the parameters field to see a dropdown menu with any applicable parameters.

    • DeadBand — It is used as a limitation to save new values to the tag. It defines the difference necessary between the old value and the new value. It is also possible to set the DeadBand as an percentage and with decimal numbers such as: 10.5; 10%; 300%; 17.8%.

          Example 1: If the DeadBand is Set to 5 and initial value of the tag is 0, the next input possible to be saved, need to be >=5 or <=-5.

          Example 2: If the current value of the tag is 100 and the deadband is set to 10%, the next input possible to be saved, need to be >=110 or <=90.

    • EnumerationSet: You can also use dictionaries to "translate" tag values into text. These dictionaries are called Enumeration Sets.

    For example, a device may have a value of 0 (grey lightbulb) or 1 (lightbulb). Rather than display "0" or "1", you can display the strings "on" or "off."

    The definition for the Enumeration Set dictionary is on Tags → Enumeration Sets

    When configuring a display component to use these tags, set the TextOutput to one of the following:

    • Tagname or Tagname.Value: show the numeric value of the tag.
    • Tagname.ValueAsString or Tagname.DisplayValue: show the enumeration string.


    When this field is blank, the tag is not an array.

    When the field contains an integer value of N, an Array is created from position 0 to N.

    For example, if the field contains the value 5, the Array is created from Tag[0] to Tag[5]. This means that 6 elements are created.

    Two programming styles are accommodated by this method; one that counts elements from 0 to less than 5, and one that counts from 1 to 5.


    String message with additional information about the Tag, maximum string length is 1024

    The fields above are visible by default on the datagrid view. To add or remove columns, right-click the column heading area and check or uncheck the columns that should be visible.Tag optional configuration propertiesField / Column Description MinEnter the minimum value that is valid for the object.MaxEnter the maximum value that is valid for the object.ScaleMinStores a minimum value to assist scaling charts or communication devices.ScaleMaxStores a maximum value to assist scaling charts or communication devices.Units

    String with the Engineering units of measure, simplifying the visualization of the value on Displays, and allowing the dynamic change of metric systems.

    More information at Dictionaries Units.
    FormatDefault format for displaying tag value. E.g.: N2 for 2 decimals; See the next table, Formatting Tag Values.StartValueInitial value set to the Tag when the project first runs. This value is overridden if a Retentive option is used.Retentive

    Select this option to save the value of the tag and its internal properties to the database every time the value changes. This retains the value when the application shuts down and makes the value available when the next next application starts.

    • None — Does not retain the value or properties.
    • ValueOnly — Retains only the value.
    • Properties — Retains all properties, including the value.
    • PropertiesOnly — Retains all properties, except the value.

    The values for Retentive Tags are stores at the database defined at Datasets → DBs → Retentive, and it can be customize to use any database. 

    Retentive can be applied to Tags of Domain Server, in this case, you can easily allow the cold-start from the Project, without losing Operator-Inputed values or other Tags that shall keep the last value in between a shutdown and a startup.

    Retentive can be applied to Tags of Domain Client, in this case, you can falsity create concepts as User Configuration settings, that are stored and located according the client or user connection. 


    Defines if the tag value has Server (global) or Client (instance) scope.

    Server (Default): the value of tag is unique, synchronize across all operator stations accessing the project. All tags used by Devices Communications and Historian must be or Type Server.

    Client: The value of tag is local at each Client Displays Instance accessing the project. Common use for client tags are to manage the user interface.


    Select the value visibility of your tag to external connection and the built-in OPC server.

    Private: Tag is visible only to the local project and redundant pair.
    Protected: Tag is visible on the external connections for read-only operations. 
    Public: Tag is visible on the external connections, for both reading or writing. 

    If not defined, the visibility is Public by default. 

    CommentEnter a short comment about this tag. The comment field is typically used to show a friendly name to the operator on the displays. For instance, a tag name "LV102KP" can have the Comment as "Level Tank 102". The Description field is typically the longer engineering definition of the tag usage. Category

    Allows to define metadata labels to the tag. Categories are useful for project organization during the engineering phase.

    Categories are also useful when copy pasting tags directly the draw area, automatically creating symbols. 

    For more information on Categories, go to Dictionaries Categories
    DevicePointRead-only property. Show which communication point address is related to the tag (if any).DisableWhen checked disable the use of the Tag in the project execution. Default is enabled. Other ColumnsFor definitions of other columns that are available in this table, see Common Column Definitions.

    Tag Value formatting 

    The format property defines the display format of tag values. For example, N1 defines a number with one decimal place, like 2.1

    These formats follow the specifications provided in Microsoft .NET.

    For valid numeric formats, refer to Standard Numeric Format Strings.
     For valid date and time formats, refer to Standard Date and Time Format Strings.
    For a more in-depth discussion of format strings in .NET, refer to Formatting Types.

    Numerical values formatting




    Number with no decimal places


    Number with n decimal places (replace n by any integer number)


    Hexadecimal (supported only for integral types)




    A string that can round-trip to an identical number


    Number multiplied by 100 and displayed with a percent symbol


    The more compact of either fixed-point or scientific notation


    Integral and decimal digits with optional negative sign


    Exponential notation


    Integer digits with optional negative sign

    Date/time formats 



    T (only)

    Long time pattern (equivalent to HH:mm:ss).

    d (only)

    Short date pattern (equivalent to M/d/yyyy (month/day/year) for en-us).


    Show the day of the month as a number from 01 through 31.


    Show the abbreviated name of the day of the week.


    Show the full name of the day of the week.


    Show the month as a number from 01 through 12.


    Show the abbreviated name of the month.


    Show the year as a two-digit number.


    Show the year as a four-digit number.


    Show the hour as a number from 01 through 12.


    Show the hour as a number from 00 through 23.


    Show the minute as a number from 00 through 59.


    Show the second as a number from 00 through 59.


    Show the millisecond as a number from 000 through 999.


    Show the A.M./P.M. designator.

    Import Tag Definitions 

    There are many ways to import Tag definition to the project:

    Import from Excel

    Importing Tag and PLC Addresses

    You can copy and paste the contents of an Excel table. As long you include the title of the columns when you copy and paste the contents of the table, the tables in your project can have different columns or can be ordered differently. The system will put the data in the expected columns, even if the order is different in the source.

    To create and import Tags:

    • In Excel, make a table with the columns that are shown below. 

    Table example created in ExcelImage Removed

    To successfully import the tags, you need the TagName, Type, and Address columns. 

    • After you chose the device protocol and create a new node, click the Import button. Then, choose the .CSV file that contains the tag's information and click the Ok button. 

     Import optionsImage Removed

    • The Tags and Points will be created automatically in  Tags.

     Objects tab in TagsImage Removed

    • Device → Points 

    Points tab in DeviceImage Removed

    After you use the Import tool for the first time, the system will save whatever settings you used. The import button turns into the "Sync" button. This make the button execute a synchronization that verifies the previously imported addresses and the new ones.

    Import from CSV Files

    Individual CSV File

    In this scenario, we are importing items for each individual table that is available throughout the Engineering Environment.

    In your Engineering Environment, you should find a toolbar located on the top of the display with green arrow in it.

    In Tabs that do not contain a table, the import icon is unfocused and is unable to be selected.

    Import button locationImage Removed

    For Tabs that do contain grids, the import button is available when the grid is on focus (selected). When the import button is clicked, a dialog window will open.

    Browse for the csv file and click Open.

    Image Removed


    To better understand how to use this feature, we are going to add Alarm Items into our sample project.

    Assuming we have two Tags, Tag1 and Tag2, in our project. Each tag must have an alarm configured to it.

    1. Tag1 - Belongs to ’Critical’ Alarm Group and triggers an alarm when its value is lower than 20.

    2. Tag2 - Belongs to ’Warning’ Alarm Group and triggers an alarm when its value is higher than 80.

    The import steps are:

    • Go to  Alarms → Items, create a dummy row, and copy it (Ctrl + C).
    • On your external Table Editor (e.g. Excel, Google Docs, Notepad, etc), paste the copied content.

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    3. Fill your table with the required information.

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    4. Save the file as a ‘.csv’.

    5. Go back to the  Alarms → Items page and click the Import CSV File Button.

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    If you used a text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, etc), you need to add the comma separator (‘ , ’) between each column.

    Extended CSV Files

    In this scenario, we are using a single .csv table to import information on Tags, Devices, Alarms and historian items.

    In your Engineering Environment, navigate to Run → Extensions → Import. You should see many supported files that can be imported into a project.

    Select the CSV file and browse for your Table File.

    CSV file import buttonImage Removed

    The table must obey a certain format. The required columns can be obtained by following the same method as in the previous section; copy from project and paste on Sheet Editor.

    The difference in this method is that the final table is a concatenation of the various grids from the project.


    To illustrate the usage of this feature, we will add a couple of items to our sample project. The following items will be added:


    • MyTag1: Integer DataType and StartValue = 0.
    • MyTag2: Digital DataType.

    Alarm Items:

    • MyTag1:
    1. HiHi alarm limit (configured for ‘Critical’ alarm group) set to 95
    2. Lo alarm limit (configured for ‘Warning’ alarm group) set to 10
    • MyTag2:
    1. Hi alarm limit (configured for ‘Critical’ alarm group) set to 1 and Message ’Tag Alarm is Hi’.
    2. LoLo alarm limit (configured for ‘Warning’ alarm group) set to 0, Priority set to 1 and Message ’Tag Alarm is LoLo’.


    • MyTag1: Added to default Historian Table ‘Table1’.
    • MyTag2: Added to default Historian Table ‘Table1’.

    The table that contains all the columns and rows required to import the items described above can be found in the pictures below (with additional columns):

    Following the importation procedure in Run → Extensions → Import, select the CSV option, browse for the filled csv file, and click Import.

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    Creating Templates

    Templates allow you to create new tag types based on a data structure using existing built-in types and previously defined Templates.

    To create a tag template:

    • Go to Tags →


    • Click New.

    • The "Create New Tag Template" dialog will open.

    • In the "New


      Name" field, enter a name for the tag type. In the Description, enter a description of the




      Click OK. The Templates tab displays with the name of the new template at the top of the tab.

      Click the insertion row to

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    To create a new attribute for this

    tag template.Enter or select information, as needed

    Data Template, type into the first row of the table next to it and press enter after adding all the information. The properties here are the same ones for Tags. See Creating and Editing Tags


    for more information. 

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    To delete a template, select it from the User Custom Type drop-down list, then click 

  • On the Objects tab, you can now use this new template in the Type column.
  • Editing and Viewing Assets AnchorAssetsAssets

    Assets allow to organize the tags of your project into a hierarchy.

    For information on the Assets, go to the child page Asset Modeling.

    For an example on how the Asset tree can be used the projects, go to Self-aware Asset Displays

    The Tag Namespace

    Delete Item.

    Using Data Templates for custom Tag Types

    Data templates streamline the creation of tags by supplying predetermined attributes. By employing these templates, users can efficiently manage data by upholding a logical and hierarchical structure representing assets or informational models.

    To implement a Data Template in your project:

    1. Navigate to the 'Tags' tab and click on 'New Item' to create a new tag.

    2. In the 'Type' dropdown row, you can select the desired template. If a tag has already been created, select the desired template from the 'Type' column.

    3. The tag will inherit the attributes from the chosen template.

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