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This page explains how to use the GetSamples method.

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Understanding How to use GetSamples Method

When you create a trend chart and have data logging defined on Tags → Historian or Historian → HistorianTags or are using an OSIsoft PI System, the product will automatically look for the archived data to plot the chart.

When you want to draw the trend chart mapping to external data, you have the following options:

  • You can populate the Historian archive (SqLite Database, Microsoft SQL, PI System, or another database) from another application
  • You can customize the GetSamples method used by the trend chart when plotting the data

Customizing Getting Samples

The trend chart object calls the Historian server to get the data to plot the charts. In some scenarios, you may want to override that configuration and define a .NET code to provide the values. This is used, for instance, to plot recipe calculated data, future data, data from other SQL tables, or any custom scenario.

The custom GetSamples method should be defined for any Script Class, and this method must be defined for the column GetSamplesMethod on Tags Historian HistorianHistorianTags.


The prototype of the method is:
DataTable GetSamples(string[] tagNames, object startRange, object endRange) 

When creating tables that are used on time charts, the StartRange and EndRange are DateTimeOffset type. When getting data to X-Y charts, the Range arguments are double variables.

The Returned DataTable for time Charts shall have the columns:

  • DateTime: Date and time of the sample
  • TagName: The name of the tag is used as the FieldName to the column with Double values of the tag.
  • _TagName_Q: Optional column with the quality of the data

The Returned DataTable for XY Charts shall have the columns:

  • X: The name X is used for the column with Double values
  • TagName: The name of the tag is used as the FieldName to the column with Double values of the tag
  • _TagName_Q: Optional column with the quality of the data

Configuring the GetSamples Method

The first step is to create the method itself. On Scripts → Classes → ServerMain, the following method must be created:

Code Block
public DataTable GetSamples(string[] tags, DateTime start, DateTime end, TimeSpan interval, out bool hasMoreSamples)
// Insert Code here

Now, we need to fetch data from the external database. This can be done by executing a select command in a Query and saving the result on a temporary table.

In this example, we will fetch data from a table called ”externalDbValues" that is formatted as follows:

The SQL Statement executed in our class will be:

Code Block
int sts = 0; string msg = "";
@Dataset.Query.FetchData.SqlStatement  =  @"SELECT  *  FROM  externalDbValues";
DataTable TemporatyTable = @Dataset.Query.FetchData.SelectCommandWithStatus(out sts, out msg);

For the next step, we must start creating our final table with the same format as the default Historian Table. The columns that are required for the GetSamples method to work properly are:

  1. Timestamp (in ticks) or DateTime
  2. Item Value
  3. Item

A similar table is manually created using the code below:

Code Block
hasMoreSamples = false;
DataTable table = new DataTable("Values"); table.Columns.Add("DateTime", typeof(DateTime)); foreach (string tag in tags)
table.Columns.Add(tag, typeof(double)); table.Columns.Add("_"  +  tag  +  "_Q",  typeof(double));

Now, we need to populate the newly created table with the information fetched from our external database and return that table to our project.

Code Block
foreach (DataRow foundRow in TemporatyTable.Rows)
DataRow row = table.NewRow(); foreach (string tag in tags)
row[tag] = TConvert.To<double>(foundRow["<Column Name - Tag Value>"]); row["DateTime"] = new DateTime(TConvert.To<long>(foundRow["UTCTimestamp_Ticks"])); row["_" + tag + "_Q"] = 192;
return table;

At ’foundRow[”<Column Name - Tag Value>”] ’, the inserted column name will be the one with the data that will be trended.

To plot a tag value into a TrendChart element, you will need to create a Tag, add it to Tag Historian Table, and insert it to the Pens list.

In order to avoid saving the fetch sampled data to the local historian database, you can disable the "Save On Change" configuration option.

You also need to add the newly created method into the GetSamplesMethod field.

Example Using GetSample Method

In the example below, the procedure to display DB data in a Trend is presented.

In Script > Classes, create a class and add the method below:

Code Block
public DataTable GetSamples(string[] tags, double start, double end, double interval, out bool hasMoreSamples)
	DataTable table = null;
	hasMoreSamples = false;

	int sts = 0;
	string msg = "";

	// Get DataTable 
	DataTable TemporatyTable = @Dataset.Query.GetTable.SelectCommandWithStatus(out sts, out msg);

	table = new DataTable("Values");
	// This column name MUST be "X" to refer to X-Axis when the X-axis is an interval of the variable. When the X axis is DateTime, is necessary to use "DateTime"
	table.Columns.Add("X", typeof(double));

	foreach (string tag in tags) {
		// Is necessary always the column to the name of the Tag 
		table.Columns.Add(tag, typeof(double));
		table.Columns.Add("_" + tag + "_Q", typeof(double));
	string nameMyTag = @Tag.MyValueY.GetName().Substring(4);

	foreach (DataRow foundRow in TemporatyTable.Rows) {
		DateTime date = new DateTime(TConvert.To<long>(DateTime.Now));
		DataRow row = table.NewRow();

		foreach (string tag in tags) {
			@Info.Trace("Tag Name: " + nameMyTag);
			row["MyValueX"] = TConvert.To<double>(foundRow["Value"]);
			row["_" + tag + "_Q"] = 192;
			row["X"] = TConvert.To<double>(foundRow["AxisX"]);
	return table;


A Tag can be created to be used as a Pen within the Trend. To get values from a table or elsewhere, this tag needs to be added to the Historian (Edit > Tags > Historian). After that, create the GetSamples(...) method within the ServerMain class. This method is where the values to be displayed on the chart will be placed. In this example, on line 27, the table value is added to the Tag, which is our Pen.

On line 29, values are added to the X-axis, which we also get from a column in the table. In this line, the row["X"] needs to be X so that WD can internally recognize that it is an XY graph.

Additionally, you need to go to Edit > Tags > HistorianTables, in the GetSampleMethod column and add the class and method that was created. This table is related to the tag that was created.

To add more tags within the same table, the tags need to be added in this way to the GetSample script:

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