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Some Smart Symbols in the Library have an additional wizard tool to expedite the customization of their appearance.

The current Symbol Wizards includes  the following SCADA elements: Tank, Valve, Blower, Motor and Pump. 

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Inserting a Wizard Symbol

  1. Go to Displays / Draw;
  2. Click on the Symbols in the Components Panel, select Library, or Directly the Wizard folder. 
  3. Click to select the desired Symbol, the first five graphical elements are the ones with the Wizard dialog. 
  4. Click or drag-and-drop it on the Drawing area to use it.
  5. Double-click a symbol to see its runtime properties and map it to the tags in your application.

titleApplying multiple Symbol instances

If you need to reuse a similar symbol but map it to different variables, you should use the "IN SOLUTION" folder to access the symbol already created in the Solution Library, rather than retrieving a new one from the Library.

This is beneficial because if you decide to customize the symbol, as explained later in this chapter, the various instances will share the customizations.

Selecting the Symbol Appearance 

When adding the Symbol for the first time, or anytime, using the Wizard Appearance Button, you can select the visuals, according to each type of symbol. 

Then on the Symbol Links, you can setup the STATE or other symbol Parameters keys, when creating instances of that Symbol.

Setting Symbol Parameters

When Applying Instances of the Symbol, you can customize the Symbol Parameters to each instance. 

The parameters of symbols can include the follwing following keys: 

#State: result 0 sets to theme color HPGOff, Value 1 sets color to HPGOn, and 2 or greater sets color to HPGDefault

#Rotate: when the symbol has rotation,  result 0 does not rotate, result 1 add rotation.

#Speed: when the symbol has rotation, this is the RPM of the rotation

#Level: for Tanks, its the value for the Barograph, according to the #Min and #Max parameters

Customizing Wizard Symbols

After the Symbol is inserted in the Solution, and its appearance is defined with the help of wizard, you can do further customizations.

Typical customizations are adding Labels, Value outputs and other UI elements. 

The steps to customize are:\

  1. Go to Displays / Draw;

  2. Click to select the desired Symbol on the Drawing area;

  3. Click Edit Selected Symbol on the Drawing Toolbar; It will enable the Symbol Editor on the Drawing area.

When you customize a symbol created using the Wizard, a warning message will let you know the wizard will no longer be able to applied to that specific symbol.

Notice (as shown in the image below), when you press the EDIT SYMBOL icon on the toolbar, the environment title changes form DRAWING / DISPLAY, to SYMBOL EDITOR

  4. After editing the Symbol, use the Save Symbol  icon on the Left Toolbar, or the icon to Cancel the Editing. 

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