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DrillingChart is similar to TrendChart, but it is adapted for drilling operations. It also allows axes customization, label and grid line settings, pen configurations, and SPC settings. Users configure it by setting control names, binding tags, and defining pen properties. Usage involves selecting tag objects, setting up axes, and configuring visual elements for data display and interaction in monitoring production metrics and quality control.

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Table of Contents


This component is Portable. It runs both on Windows (WPF) and on Web Pages hosted in on any platform.


  1. Go to Displays / Draw.
  2. On the Components Panel, select Charts, then DrillingChart.
  3. Click or drag-and-drop it on the Drawing area to use it.
  4. Double-click the object to open the configuration window.

DrillingChart Settings 



Control Name

Defines the name for the control, allowing it to be accessed in scripts. See Display CodeBehind.

Bind to Tag

Specifies the object property where the Drilling configuration will be saved.

Bind Pens to Tag

Specifies the object property where the Pen values will be saved.


Sets the orientation of the DrillingChart (Horizontal or Vertical). Options available:

  1. Horizontal: Sets the DrillingChart to display data horizontally.

  2. Vertical (Top to Bottom): Sets the DrillingChart to display data vertically, starting from the top and moving to the bottom.

  3. Vertical (Bottom to Top): Sets the DrillingChart to display data vertically, starting from the bottom and moving to the top.


Sets the background color of the Drilling control.


Defines the color of the Drilling control labels.

Grid Lines

Sets the color of the grid lines in the Drilling control.

Grid Lines Stroke

Defines the settings for the grid line stroke.


Enables or disables cursor settings in the Drilling control.

Mouse Actions

Enables or disables mouse actions on the Drilling control.

Marker Tooltip

Enables or disables tooltips for markers on the Drilling control.


Enables or disables the ability to drop elements into the control area.

X Axis

The X-axis represents drilling parameters over time or depth.

Drilling X Axis configuration




Sets the time span for the X-axis defining a specific time window for the X-Axis and displays the Drilling over that period. In this mode, the X-Axis are representing time.


Configures a depth-based range for the X-axis values.


Specifies the number of labels on the X-axis.


Controls how the time or value format appears defining the format of the X-axis labels.

Navigation Controls

Enables scrolling and zooming along the X-Axis, providing user-friendly data exploration.

Y Axis

The Y-axis typically assumes values related to physical or operational parameters measured during the drilling process.

Drilling Y Axis settings 



Y scale for each pen

Uses the min and max values of each pen for the Y-axis scale.

Y Range

Defines a fixed range for the Y-axis.


Specifies the number of labels on the Y-axis.


Defines the format of the Y-axis labels.

Stack Y scales

Enables stacking of similar Y scales for easier comparison between pens.

Merge similar Y scales

Merges similar Y scales.

Using Y Axis Scaling


Y-axis Min = 0;

Y-axis Max = 100;

The Drilling control allows many pens to be displayed together. When your pens do not have the same range, you can use the tips below to fit your data in the same chart and for better visualization:

  • If a pen has a lower range, 0 to 1 for example, you can set the max property of the pen to 1. When the real tag value is 1, the value 100 will be displayed in the chart. (100/1 scale).

  • If a pen has a higher range, 0 to 1000 for example, you can set the max property of the pen to 1000. When the real tag value is 1000, the value 100 will be displayed in the chart. (1/10 scale).

  • Added new property "FilterExpression" (string) in TDrillingChart and TTrendChart controls. This property is used with "select" command in where condition while getting samples from SQL historic.

  • Added new property "DisableXMinMaxChecking" (bool) in TDrillingChart control. This property is used to disable checking while scrolling X Axis, such as: depth < 0 and depth > current hole depth.

  • Created new properties and method in TDrillingChart and TTrendChart controls [only Windows Desktop]:

double RegionBeginPoint;

double RegionEndPoint;

DateTimeOffset RegionBeginDateTime [only GET];

DateTimeOffset RegionEndDateTime [only GET];

bool EnableRegionMode;

bool EnableRegionScroll;

Brush RegionOutsideBrush;

Brush RegionInsideBrush;

Brush RegionInsideStrokeBrush;

int RegionInsideStrokeThickness;

public void SetRegionDateTime(DateTimeOffset begin, DateTimeOffset end);

  • Add event handler while region is changed [only Windows Desktop]:

public event RegionChangedEventHandler RegionChangedEvent

  • Added new property "FilterExpression" (string) in TDrillingChart and TTrendChart controls. This property is used with "select" command in where condition while getting samples from SQL historic.

  • Added new property "DisableXMinMaxChecking" (bool) in TDrillingChart control. This property is used to disable checking while scrolling X Axis, such as: depth < 0 and depth > current hole depth.

  • Created new properties and method in TDrillingChart and TTrendChart controls [only Windows Desktop]:

double RegionBeginPoint;

double RegionEndPoint;

DateTimeOffset RegionBeginDateTime [only GET];

DateTimeOffset RegionEndDateTime [only GET];

bool EnableRegionMode;

bool EnableRegionScroll;

Brush RegionOutsideBrush;

Brush RegionInsideBrush;

Brush RegionInsideStrokeBrush;

int RegionInsideStrokeThickness;

public void SetRegionDateTime(DateTimeOffset begin, DateTimeOffset end);

  • Add event handler while region is changed [only Windows Desktop]:

public event RegionChangedEventHandler RegionChangedEvent


Pens represent individual data series, variables, or metrics that are displayed on the chart. Each pen typically has its own color, style, and scale.

Pens Properties 




Identifier for each pen.


Sets the tag that provides the value for each pen.


Configures the pen settings, including line color, stroke, and marker type.

titlePen Settings


Defines the minimum value for the pen according to the Y-axis range.


Automatically sets the pen value based on the defined range.


Defines the maximum value for the pen according to the Y-axis range.


Sets the name of the pen.


Removes points less than the tag's Min value and greater than the tag's Max value.


Fills the pen points with a square wave.


Specifies the filter level to group points on the XY axis, calculating the average.


Defines the position of the legend in the Drilling control (e.g., RightPanel). Options available:

None: No legend is displayed.

TopLeft: Positions the legend at the top left of the drilling control.

TopRight: Positions the legend at the top right of the drilling control.

BottomLeft: Positions the legend at the bottom left of the drilling control.

BottomRight: Positions the legend at the bottom right of the drilling control.

RightPanel: Positions the legend in the right panel of the drilling control.

BottomPanel: Positions the legend in the bottom panel of the drilling control.

Runtime Execution

During runtime, the DrillingChart visualizes time-series data, enabling users to monitor and analyze data drilling effectively. Users have previously configured the Drilling Chart by setting control names, binding tags, and defining pen properties. They have also customized the Y and X axes, label and grid line settings, and SPC settings.

When the runtime environment is initiated, the DrillingChart displays the configured data. Users can interact with the chart, adjusting axes and visual elements to refine their data analysis. The DrillingChart dynamically updates to reflect real-time data changes, providing a comprehensive view of production metrics and quality control parameters. This tool facilitates detailed process monitoring and supports informed decision-making based on the visualized data.

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