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<h1 style="text-align: center;">Designer <br>(IDE Overview)</h1>


Introduction to Designer Workspace

The Designer is a configuration workspace for industrial solutions, designed to make solution configuration procedures even more accessible and intuitive, offering engineering features, functionalities, and configuration tools.

It provides a single, integrated environment for design, development, testing, simulation, validation, deployment, execution, and solution management, delivering high-end applications.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Key Concepts and Terms


A Solution refers to an application for real-time data built on the software platform. The platform organizes its smart applications into solutions, providing various tools and features to design and manage the end-to-end Solution Development Life Cycle. Every solution developed on the software platform generates a file (.dbsln). This file is the output of the application, containing all the engineering and business logic developed, tested, validated, and deployed according to operational requirements and ready to run. The solution files store all of an application's configuration information. All configuration items are saved in a single embedded SQL database. The file is encrypted for security and can be opened and edited with the Solution Designer and engineering tools.

Modular Architecture

Modular architecture is the foundation of the Solution Designer workspace. Its core is based on compartmentalization, breaking down complex system functionalities into distinct and standalone modules. The modular architecture provides flexibility in design and configuration while ensuring that changes or adjustments to one module won't inadvertently disrupt or compromise another.

Unified Namespace

The Unified Namespace (UNS) centralizes data in complex systems like smart manufacturing, offering semantic data structuring. It aggregates, normalizes, and provides data access, streamlining communication and integration among disparate systems. As a middleware layer, the UNS translates raw data into actionable information, ensuring device interaction within a hub-and-spoke architecture, minimizing direct communications, and maximizing flexibility.

Process Modules

Process modules refer to the software components that manage and execute a system's internal logic and data transformations. They encompass Scripts, Reports, and Datasets. They are called "process modules" because these components specifically deal with the internal processes and workflows that enable the system to function efficiently.

Application Modules

Application modules are software components that facilitate interactions between a system and its external environment or various system parts. The application modules encompass Alarms, Devices, and Historians. They are called "Application Modules" because they are applied to specific tasks or applications within the system. These modules continuously monitor, collect, and process information, ensuring that the system remains in its desired state.


Runtime refers specifically to the phase where a solution is in active execution. This phase involves running tests, carrying out validations, and handling other critical tasks associated with deploying a solution. During this phase, the software effectively utilizes all configured modules — such as Devices, Alarms, and Historians — to execute tasks, manage data, and perform automated operations based on predefined settings. The Runtime Environment operates seamlessly, integrating with the Solution Designer workspace and the Unified Namespace to ensure real-time data exchange and process control.

Understanding the User Interface

Welcome page

The Designer home page is the entry point when you design a solution using the software platform. It provides an interface for the following actions:

  • User Login: Some configuration features may be protected according to the user.
  • Solution Information: A summary of key information about your solution.
  • Local Settings / User Preferences: Allows customization of the IDE, such as themes and help messages.
  • Recent Items: Shows information about the last objects modified in the solution.
  • Help Quick Links: On the left side, information for new users on where to start.

Go to Welcome Page Settings for more information 


To return to the Welcome page, use the Home icon located in the top-left area.

Environment Navigation

On the left side of the software, you'll find the complete navigation tree, divided by modules. You can also use the shortcuts at the top of the tree to quickly jump to the Workspace homepage, the UNS module (where you'll manage your tags), the Draw Environment, and the Runtime environment. You may also search for any specific configuration section.

  1. Switch Button and Quick Navigation Icons
  2. Search Modules Configuration 
  3. Solution Explorer

Find Results and Output Window

At the bottom of the window, there are expander for different windows:

  1. Find Results:  Shows the Results for Cross-Reference requests. See more at the Find Results Panel page.
  2. Output: System messages concerning the Designer tool itself.
  3. Error List. When in the Code Editor or Draw, the Error List shows errors from the last time the document was saved.

Quick Navigation Icons

The Quick Navigation bar includes the following shortcuts:




Redirects users to the Solution Designer home page. 


Takes the user to the Asset Tree within the Unified Namespace. It is where your assets can be viewed and managed.


Navigates users to the Draw section on Displays. It is where users can create, edit, or visualize graphical representations or designs.


Directs the user to the Startup section of the Runtime. It is where users can initiate, run, or monitor processes or applications.

Navigation back

Allows users to go back to the previous page or section they were on.



Lets users navigate forward if they've previously used the back button.

Navigation history

Presents users with a list of their recent navigation actions, allowing them to quickly jump to a specific page or section they visited earlier.

Switch Button

By clicking on the logo in the top left of the Designer, a menu opens where you can access Solution Management, documentation, the forum, and video training related to design, development, and solution deployment on the software platform.

Switch to allows users to quickly switch between different interfaces, applications, or modes. Designed for quick navigation and enhancing user experience by saving time.

Go to Solutions Management

Directs users to a section or interface where they can manage solutions. This may include adding, editing, deleting, or viewing details of various solutions, depending on the context of the application.

Runtime .NET Displays

Refers to an interface or functionality that showcases the real-time or "runtime" displays or outputs generated using the .NET framework. This is useful for developers or users working with .NET-based applications to monitor or debug their work.

Runtime HTML5 Pages

An interface that displays pages or outputs rendered in real-time using HTML5. It allows users to preview or inspect HTML5-based web pages or applications during their runtime.

Discover allows users to explore or find new features, content, or functionalities. Can also be a search or recommendation tool, helping users find relevant information or tools.

Documentation Site

Directs users to a website or portal where they can find detailed documentation about the product, software, or service. It serves as a resource for users to access information, guidelines, and tutorials.

Users Forum

A platform or section where users can interact with each other, ask questions, share insights, and provide solutions. Forums are community-driven and allow users to discuss various topics related to the product or service.

Training Videos

Leads to a library or collection of video content designed to train or educate users about specific features or functionalities. Training videos are visual aids that help users understand and utilize the product or service more effectively.

titleNavigating to other Applications

In some scenarios, when a dialog is open and you navigate to another application and then return to the dialog, the TextBoxes (text input) in the dialog may not accept focus. To overcome this issue, you need to click on the main Designer window, which will then allow full access to the child dialogs. Alternatively, you can press Cancel or OK in the dialog that was left open.

Top Main Toolbar

At the top of the page, you have buttons that allow users to undo or redo actions, manipulate rows or objects with cut, copy, paste, and delete functions, and interact with Git for document synchronization. There are also functionalities for searching and navigating references, handling database tags, editing tag properties, and directly accessing documentation or providing feedback.

Solution toolbar

The table provides a concise reference for the commands and their associated functionalities.




Undoes an operation/change. This button is available until you save changes.


Redoes a previously undone operation/change. This button is available until you save changes.


Cuts a selected row (DataGrid) or objects (Drawing). This command will delete any select row or object in order to paste it somewhere else.


Copies a selected row (DataGrid) or objects (Drawing).


Pastes a row (DataGrid) or objects (Drawing) that was copied or cut previously.


Deletes selected row (DataGrid) or objects (Drawing).


Prints current table (DataGrid) or display (Drawing).

Export Document

It saves the selected object to the Git folder located at the following path:

Path: C:\Users\User\Documents\Framework\Solutions\Solution\SolutionData\Git\<Module>\<Configuration interface>\

Find Elements

The Find Elements button on the toolbar accesses the object cross-reference, which lets you find where objects are used in the Project and go directly to each location.

Next Reference

Navigates to the subsequent reference or item in a given list or sequence.

Previous Reference

Navigates to the preceding reference or item in a given list or sequence.

New Tag

Allows the creation of a new tag in the real-time database.

Tag Properties

Shows the properties of the tag selected in the text box.

Object Selection

Enables the user to choose a specific item from a set of objects or elements within the interface.

Open a New Window to the Selected Document

Opens the document or file currently selected in a new window, allowing for parallel viewing or editing alongside the current content.


Give your opinion in the feedback tab of the Tatsoft website.


Access the documentation on the website.

Configuring a Solution 

The process to customize the configuration of a solution essentially involves navigating to the specific module and setting up the settings and objects as required by your application.

The Configuration Workflow page outlines some typical scenarios when editing a solution.

The Working with DataGrids page provides a detailed explanation on how to manage table-style pages, as much of the solution configuration is done through tables.

Features Highlights

Tooltips and Validation

On the software platform, fields and buttons have tooltips that contain information about the field or button. Tooltips appear when you move your cursor over the related field or button. Some tooltips also include examples to help you. The system validates whatever you enter into most fields, especially tables. Validation rules may check if the input is in the correct format, if the values are within the appropriate range, or other factors. The exact rules depend on the specific item. An entry is invalid if you see a red outline around the table cell.


The IntelliSense feature presents a list of valid objects according to the characters you type into a specific input field and a list of valid entries for that field. You can insert a selected item from that list by pressing Enter, Space, the dot key, or another symbol key. All input fields that use tag names or object names, whether in data grids or drawing tools, are enabled with IntelliSense. The IntelliSense fields have built-in tooltips and validation. Hovering the mouse over a field will present the expected entries for that field. When you have an invalid input, the border of the field will turn red, and the tooltip will display the error.


Refactoring is the process of changing the definition of tag names or object names (such as alarm groups, device nodes, etc.) after the symbolic name is already in use in the application. The centralized SQL configuration allows you to rename any object by simply typing the new name in the configuration table where that object is defined. All references to that object will remain valid, using the new name with no further actions required. For instance, to rename a tag already in use across the solution, simply go to Unified Namespace → Tags and rename it. The same applies to editing alarm groups, members of templates, or any named object in the system.

In this section:

Page Tree