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As you do the Solution Configuration, the system automatically compile Scripts and Displays, with no user intervention. 

Is specific situations, like preparing the solution for Deployment, or creating a solution backup, or just willing to have a deeper validation, this page provides the following optional commands:

Build: compile and verify Scripts and Displays, apply a Build Number to facilitate version control.

Publish: create a read-only copy of the Solution for deployment in controlled areas.

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The Build feature compiles the solution's displays and scripts for final verification before production deployment. It ensures thorough verification of the application's scripts and components as part of the preparation for production.

Build compiles all the solution's displays and scripts, providing a final check before deploying the application into production. During development, this process is not necessary as modifications are automatically and transparently compiled in the background while editing the solution.

The section Build and Publish is detailed in the following image.



Build button, The Build command does not need to be executed after a solution is edited as it happens automatically in the background. The Build command only needs to be used as a final verification before a solution is deployed or for when a build number is needed. 


If checked, a backup copy of this build will be created with the extension .dbbak


Be sure to use this option if you have made changes to the symbol library. This option applies to all symbol library changes throughout the solution.


Checking this box will make sure debug information is included.


Publish button create an only read version of this solution, with the next configured version.


Option used for managing solution versions.


Option used for managing solution versions.


This table shows the current status of each script and display potential errors or warnings.


Executing a Build is useful for achieving complete verification of an application's logic when it is being prepared for final production, but it is not necessary during the development process. Any modifications you make on a solution are automatically and transparently compiled in the background while you are editing. 


 The Publish command generates a read-only protected version of a solution ready for field deployment. This command produces a new Solution file (".dbsln") with the chosen version number. The Published Solutions (".dbrun") mirror the current solution but are accessible only in read-only mode, offering a secure backup of published applications.

Click the Runtime Build and Publish icon.

The Publish command creates a read-only protected version of a solution that is suitable to be deployed in the field.

When the Publish command is executed, a new Solution file (with the extension ".dbsln") is created with the version number selected. The Published Solutions (with the extension ".dbrun") are similar to the current solution and can be opened only in read-only mode. This provides you with a safe backup version of published applications.


A solution does not need to be published unless a read-only protected version of the file is warranted. Otherwise, the file needs to be copied to the target computer. 

It is NOT necessary to publish the solution to install it for production. If the solution is expected to have continuous changes when in the field, it is easier to put the main file (.dbsln) directly on the production computer. 

The main benefit of publishing is that the system creates a compact and read-only version of the solution file. The created file has the same name of the solution and it has the publish version number along with the ".dbrun" extension. This allows the system to comply with regulated industries. 

The publish commandis usually used in case you want to:

  • Protect the solution from modification. When deploy a read-only version of the solution. For instance, to be in compliance with certified and regulated environments.

  • Use the automatic version numbering system. The result of publishing is a ".dbrun" file that also contains a major (1.0) or minor (0.1) version number as part of the file name. In addition, Track Changes helps you manage the files published to the field, including which solution build they are.


The ".trun" file is always read-only, but you can optionally hide the solution configuration from the end-user as well. This is an independent option defined in the Security System. If you do not want end-users to see the configuration, remove the permission of the GUEST user and other users to edit the solution before publishing it. 


The platform constantly compiles the module you edit in the background and validates all scripts and displays. If you have not run a full build, the BuildStatus column reflects any warnings or errors found during the background compile process. 

If a row has a red X, double-click it to go to the source of the warning or error. Warnings are informational and do not stop the script from running. Errors prevent the specified script from running, but do not affect the whole application. Even if a script or display has a warning, it will still run. 

Periodically, you should run a full build:

  • When you have made many changes and you want a full validation and to recompile the whole solution.

  • When you want to assign a build number to a version.

  • When you want to pack the database. When the build executes, the system creates a backup of the current solution file. If you want to save the solution as it was for the build, rename the backup file.

  • When you are getting ready to publish, that is, create the read-only runtime application.

To build the application:

  1. Go to  Runtime / Build and Publish.

  2. Configure the parameters according to your needs.

  3. Click Build.


When checked, a backup of the solution that is connected with the build is automatically created. It is also possible to pack a solution without building. To do this, click the Pack button.

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