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This document provides information on configuring and running the MQTTspB Simulator, including its integration with Data Explorer Tools and runtime behavior. The simulator can be started from the DataExplorer UI or by executing it with command line parameters, creating an MQTTspB Client that connects to a configured broker and publishes simulated data to mapped topics.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Included Features

The following features are supported:

  • Connection to brokers (local and remote) with or without username and password.
  • Customization of topic parameters: GroupID, NodeID, and DeviceID.
  • Creation of multiple NodeIDs within the same GroupID, each with its own DeviceIDs.
  • Creation of multiple DeviceIDs within the same NodeID.
  • Modification of DeviceIDs attributes using a configuration file.
  • Publishing of NBIRTH, DBIRTH, DDATA, NDEATH, and DDEATH messages.

The MQTTspB Simulator is integrated with the Data Explorer Tools, making testing easier and faster by enabling the publication of up to 30,000 simulated values to the MQTT broker from the same design environment. This facilitates project testing, communication validation with the software platform MQTT client, and testing of the new Dynamic Tag Provider functionality with MQTT.

Simulator Execution Window

You can start the simulator using the Designer at DataExplorer → MQTT tools, or directly thought its executable at the product installation protocols folder MQTTspBSimulator.exe


Closing that window will terminate the execution the simulator. You can minimize if you want to keep the simulation in background. 

The Execution window has the Data TreeView and EventLog at the button, and configuration panels for:

  • Simulation Control
  • Connection Parameters
  • Payload Settings

Simulation Control

The Simulation Control in the MQTTspB Simulator allows users to manage the data publication process.

  • Publish One Data Sample: Sends one DDATA message for each Device created in the session.
  • Publish Continuous Data: Sends continuous DDATA messages with a time rate of 1 second.
  • Stop Publishing Data: Stop publishing continuous data.

When the simulator is connected with a Broker, those options are disabled for editing. 

You can Connect or Disconnect with the Broker with the buttons at the top of Window.

Connection Parameters

MQTTspB Simulator - Connection Parameters Configuration

Broker URL

MQTT Broker (Server) Default value is loopback (local) ip (

Broker Port

Username defined on the Broker. This will be requested if the Broker needs this configuration (optional).


Allows to enter the username required for authentication with the MQTT broker. This is used to verify the identity of the client connecting to the broker.


Password defined on the Broker. This will be requested if the Broker needs this configuration (optional).

Start Minimized

Application starts minimized (valid for the next time the application is started).


Make configuration fields read-only.

Connect On Startup

MQTTspB Client tries to connect to Broker automatically when application is started (valid for the next time the application is started).

Publish Data On Startup

MQTTspB Client tries to publish Data to Broker automatically when application is started (valid for the next time the application is started).


The Simulator does not support SSL Protocols.


The Connection Parameter are only applied when starting the connection with the Broker.

Payload Settings

The Payload Settings of the MQTTspB Simulator Configuration dialog allows users to manage settings related to the data payload being sent, such as GroupID, Number of NodesIDs and the Edit Data Structure button. 

GroupID:Specifies a unique identifier for a group of clients or devices. This identifier helps organizing and managing clients within the same group.

Number Of NodeIDs:Indicates the number of nodes or individual devices within the specified group. This value helps structuring the data to be sent, ensuring that the correct number of nodes is included in the payload.

Edit Data Structure: This button allows users to modify the data structure that will be used in the payload. Clicking this button opens a configuration popup where users can define or adjust the data points, types, and hierarchical organization of the data to be published.

Payload Data Structure

The structure is defined based on a hierarchical structure illustrated below:

Code Block
<GroupID Name="<GroupName>">
|-- <NodeIDs>
|   |-- <NodeID Name="<NodeName>">
|   |   |-- <DeviceIDs>
|   |   |   |-- <DeviceID Name="<DeviceName>">
|   |   |   |   |-- <Variables>
|   |   |   |   |   |-- Var1
|   |   |   |   |   |-- ... 
|   |   |   |   |   |-- VarN
|   |   |   |-- <DeviceID Name="<DeviceName2>">
|   |   |       |-- <Variables>
|   |   |   |   |   |-- Var1
|   |   |   |   |   |-- ... 
|   |   |   |   |   |-- VarX
|   |-- <NodeID Name="<NodeName2>">
|       |-- <DeviceIDs>
|       |   |-- <DeviceID Name="<DeviceName>">
|       |   |   |-- <Variables>
|   |   |   |   |   |-- Var1
|   |   |   |   |   |-- ... 
|   |   |   |   |   |-- VarY
|       |   |-- <DeviceID Name="<DeviceName>">
|       |       |-- <Variables>
|   |   |   |   |   |-- Var1
|   |   |   |   |   |-- ... 
|   |   |   |   |   |-- VarZ

To edit the structure, click on the Edit Data Structure button to customize your Payload at the dialog window, describe in next topic. Alternatively, you can modify directly the XML configuration file.


The DataStructure can only be edited while the OPC Server is not running.

Customize the Simulation Data Structure

There are some properties to be defined for Variables:

  • Type: Define the Variable DataType. Options are:
    • Double
    • Integer
    • Boolean
    • String
  • VariationFlag: Flag that indicates if variable value will be simulated every second in Runtime.
  • Min: Defines the minimum value for simulated data.
  • Max: Defines the maximum value for simulated data.
  • InitialValue: Defines an initial value for the variable.

This configuration popup in the MQTTspB Simulator allows users to define and customize the data payload that the simulator will publish to the MQTT broker. Here is a detailed description and explanation of each section and its components:


    • NumberOfNodes: Specifies the number of nodes (or groups of devices) included in the data structure. Default value is set to 4, meaning there are four groups of devices.
    • Node List: Lists the node names. By default, the nodes are named "Barcelona," "Bilbao," "Madrid," and "Sevilha." Users can add or remove nodes using the add (+) and remove (–) buttons.


    • Device List: Lists the devices under the selected node. By default, the devices are named "Panel_1," "Panel_2," and "Panel_3." Users can add or remove devices using the add (+) and remove (–) buttons.


    • Tags Table: Defines the tags associated with each device. Each row represents a variable with the following columns:
    • Name: The name of the variable (e.g., "Name," "State," "Latitude," "Longitude").
    • Type: The data type of the variable (e.g., "String," "Boolean," "Double").
    • VariationFlag: Indicates whether the variable should vary over time. When checked, the variable's value will change according to the specified range.
    • Min: The minimum value of the variable when it varies.
    • Max: The maximum value of the variable when it varies.
    • InitialValue: The initial value assigned to the variable when the simulation starts.

When defining many nodes or properties, it likely easier to edit directly the XML configuration file, TMQTTBroker.config.xml, located the ToolSettings folder

Data Browser TreeView

In this region, you will be able to see the Payload Structure existing in the Broker.


The Simulator is Write-Only! You will not be able to subscribe to any topic; only publishing is allowed.


This log displays useful information regarding the MQTTspB Simulator activity.

Command Line Parameters

The MQTTspB Simulator can be executed with custom parameters through the command line. The syntax is as follows:

Code Block
"..\MQTTspBSimulator.exe" /param1:<param1Value> ... /paramN

The existing parameters are listed below:

  • Minimized: Application starts minimized.
  • ConnectOnStartup: MQTTspB Client tries to connect to Broker automatically when application is started
  • PublishDataOnStartup: MQTTspB Client tries to publish Data to Broker automatically when application is started
  • BlockConfigurationFields: Make configuration fields read-only.
  • BrokerUrl: MQTT Broker URL
  • Port: MQTT Broker listening port
  • UserName:  Username defined on the Broker. This will be requested if the Broker needs this configuration (optional)
  • Password:  Password defined on the Broker. This will be requested if the Broker needs this configuration (optional).
  • GroupId: Defines the initial GroupID for the Payload Structure.
  • Config: Full path for *.xml configuration file with Server Configuration and custom DataStructure. More details on the syntax for the *.xml file in section 4.
  • Path: Full path of a FrameworX solution directory in which a configuration file can be found


Code Block
"..\MQTTspBSimulator.exe" /Minimized /AutoStart


The input parameters are not case-sensitive

XML Configuration File

Modifying the default XML configuration file, or using a new by Command Line options, you can customize all its settings.  

Custom Configuration(*.xml)

With a custom configuration file, you will be able to define your own Broker Configuration and DataStructure. The syntax for the configuration is described below:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<GroupID Name="GroupID">
				<NodeID Name="NodeID1">
						<DeviceID Name="DeviceID1">
								<Variable Name="Name" Type="string" VariationFlag="false" InitialValue="City"/>
								<Variable Name="State" Type="boolean" VariationFlag="true"/>
								<Variable Name="Latitude" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="-5" Max="2" InitialValue="0"/>
								<Variable Name="Longitude" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="40" Max="43" InitialValue="40"/>
								<Variable Name="PanelPower" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="200" Max="500" InitialValue="200"/>
								<Variable Name="PanelVoltage" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="-220" Max="220" InitialValue="0"/>
								<Variable Name="PanelCurrent" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="-10" Max="10" InitialValue="0"/>
								<Variable Name="TemperaturePort" Type="integer" VariationFlag="true" Min="15" Max="35" InitialValue="0"/>
						<DeviceID Name="DeviceID2">
								<Variable Name="Name" Type="string" VariationFlag="false" InitialValue="City"/>
								<Variable Name="State" Type="boolean" VariationFlag="true"/>
								<Variable Name="Latitude" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="-5" Max="2" InitialValue="0"/>								
				<NodeID Name="NodeID2">
						<DeviceID Name="DeviceID1">
								<Variable Name="Name" Type="string" VariationFlag="false" InitialValue="City"/>
								<Variable Name="State" Type="boolean" VariationFlag="true"/>
								<Variable Name="Latitude" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="-5" Max="2" InitialValue="0"/>
								<Variable Name="Longitude" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="40" Max="43" InitialValue="40"/>
								<Variable Name="PanelPower" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="200" Max="500" InitialValue="200"/>
								<Variable Name="PanelVoltage" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="-220" Max="220" InitialValue="0"/>
								<Variable Name="PanelCurrent" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="-10" Max="10" InitialValue="0"/>
								<Variable Name="TemperaturePort" Type="integer" VariationFlag="true" Min="15" Max="35" InitialValue="0"/>
						<DeviceID Name="DeviceID2">
								<Variable Name="Name" Type="string" VariationFlag="false" InitialValue="City"/>
								<Variable Name="State" Type="boolean" VariationFlag="true"/>
								<Variable Name="Latitude" Type="double" VariationFlag="true" Min="-5" Max="2" InitialValue="0"/>

In this section:

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