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The software platform establishes Channels to manage communication using protocols. Users configure these channels with compatible protocol drivers to enable simultaneous connections to multiple devices.  Channels allow the module to access devices (such as PLCs) using the defined protocol and interface. You can find channel configuration within the Solution Explorer, under Devices → Channels.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Configuring Device Channels

Device Channels are the pathways for communication between the HMI and the devices in the system. The sections below describe how to create and edit Device Channels on the platform in more detail.

Creating and Editing a Device Channel

To create a new channel, follow these steps:

  1. Access Devices → Channels.
  2. Click on the plus icon.
  3. Choose a Protocol and fill in the Channel Name and Description fields. The table at the end of this section describes each option available.
  4. Click OK.

To configure or edit an existing channel, follow these steps

  1. Access Devices → Channels.
  2. Double-click the property you wish to edit on the row corresponding to the channel you want to modify.
  3. Edit the property fields.

Device Channel Properties

The following table describes each available property you can configure when editing a channel:



Protocol Options

Defines the options for this protocol. The options depend on the selected protocol. Check each protocol documentation to guide you.


Defines the interface type for this channel.

Serial: Use this option to configure the serial parameters for RS232/485 networks.

Multi Serial: Use this for configurations with multiple RS-232 ports.

TCPIP: Use for Ethernet or wireless networks. 


Defines the settings for this channel. The available values will depend on the interface the channel is using.

For a serial interface, typically keep the defaults.

For a Multi Serial interface, enter the number of RS-232 ports to use in the Ports field.

Node Connection: The number of parallel requests sent to each node (asynchronous communication).  

Accept Unsolicited: Allow to accept unsolicited input from the slave.

Listening Port: The TCP port where the slave device is connected (default is 502). 

Node Connection: The number of parallel requests sent to each node (asynchronous communication). 

Max Simultaneous Connections: The maximum number of concurrent connections. 

Share Node Same IP: Several slaves are connected to a single IP address. For example, RS485/Ethernet Converters. 

Use Single Thread: Use a single thread for the same IP nodes. 

Use Ping To Check Connection: Check for connection before sending a packet.  


The settings here must match the settings on the slave device.


Defines the timeout options for this channel. Typically, keep the default value.


Defines the initial state for this channel, the states can be as follows:

Enabled: The channel is loaded and execution starts when the project starts.

Disabled: The channel is loaded, but does not starts execution going the disabled state.

Remote: The channel is local in a remote Computer defined that the Remote Settings. See more information at Remote Channels. 

Reserved: The channel is not loaded, it acts as the channel was temporarily deleted from the project.

Remote Settings

Defines the primary IP and backup IP to configure the remote computer where this channel will run.

Driver Version

Defines the version of the current driver being used.

Restarting Channels

After creating a solution, you may face issues that compromise the communication with the field device. In such moments, instead of restarting the entire system, you may solve the problem by restarting the channel. You can perform such tasks using scripts, avoiding shutting down the entire system. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Access Scripts → Classes
  2. Create a new class using the C# code below, where "XXXX" refers to the name of the used l.

    Code Block

You can create a Task or Expression to call this class when needed and do it in other ways that don't use the class. See the Remote Channels page for more information.

Code Block
public void Stop()

Remote Channels

Remote Channels configuration allows an out of-the-box setup for gateway and tunneling applications. 

System Requirements

To try to use this feature, be sure that these requirements are met:

  • All computers must be on the same network.
  • The product must be installed on both computers.

Using Remote Channels

To use the remote the Device Module, your project should use a communication protocol ir order to use this feature. llow the steps below to enable the emotechannel feature.

  1. Access Devces → Chanels.
  2. Create a new channel clicking the plus icon.
  3. Once created, in the Initial State column, select the Remote option rom the Combo Box.

  4. Nw, in the Remote Settings column, inset the IP Address where the device will run reotely.

If the Remote settings column is not visible on the grid, enble i by rght-clicking the grid header and selecting it frm the list.


Someprotocol drivers that ctain specific access permissions (e.g.,PI) must be executed by Windows Users. Tis means that the TWebServer or IIS must be executed by the same Winds User (even whenhe Prject runs as a service).

This feature is available for all available protocols.If the channel is either PI, Tundra or Prdiktor, the tag's Historical Data that was configured in the Devices → Points tab is returned by the Remote Computer. Any other tab related to those Channel settings (Nodes and Points) are configured as they would be in a local configuration.

Remote Channels Execution

Before running the solution, there are some important details that must be taken into account:

  • The Remote will be executed remotely using the settings from the Device/Channels/RemoteSettings option.
  • The Solution (TStartup) will connect to the remote computer that is running the TWebServer or IIS through the SolutionServer. It will be formatted in an IP:Port format (For example:

    TWebServer or IIS only needs to be executed on the Remote Computer.

  • Windows Firewall or any other firewall in every router must enable some Inbound and Outbound ports on both computers.
    • WebServer ports: 80, 3100, or other.
    • TServer port: 3101 or other.

Once you launch the solution, you will notice the following things.

  • You will see a non-default message in the TStartup dialog window stating that the Device was started remotely.
  • A process called TRemoteDevice can be found running the Tsk Manager on the Server computer. This application is responsible for launching the Device Module on theP.
  • On the Remote cyou can see the same TRemoteDece proces runnng in hetask manager. The command line for this procss will show re informaion related to th we are running on the remote machine, uch as the Channel Name, Server’s IP, and Port Number

System Requirements

To try to use this feature, be sure that these requirements are met:

  • All computers must be on the same network.
  • The product must be installed on both computers.

Using Remote Channels

To use the remote the Device Module, your project should use a communication protocol ir order to use this feature. Follow the steps below to enable the remote channel feature.

  1. Access Devices → Channels.
  2. Create a new channel clicking the plus icon.
  3. Once created, in the Initial State column, select the Remote option from the Combo Box.

  4. Now, in the Remote Settings column, insert the IP Address where the device will run remotely.

If the Remote settings column is not visible on the grid, enable it by right-clicking the grid header and selecting it from the list.


Some protocol drivers that contain specific access permissions (e.g., PI) must be executed by Windows Users. This means that the TWebServer or IIS must be executed by the same Windows User (even when the Project runs as a service).

This feature is available for all available protocols. If the channel is either PI, Tundra or Prediktor, the tag's Historical Data that was configured in the Devices → Points tab is returned by the Remote Computer. Any other tab related to those Channel settings (Nodes and Points) are configured as they would be in a local configuration.

Solution in Execution

Before running the solution, there are some important details that must be taken into account:

  • The Remote Device will be executed remotely using the settings from the Device/Channels/RemoteSettings option.
  • The Solution (TStartup) will connect to the remote computer that is running the TWebServer or IIS through the SolutionServer. It will be formatted in an IP:Port format (For example:

    TWebServer or IIS only needs to be executed on the Remote Computer.

  • Windows Firewall or any other firewall in every router must enable some Inbound and Outbound ports on both computers.
    • WebServer ports: 80, 3100, or other.
    • TServer port: 3101 or other.

Once you launch the solution, you will notice the following things.

  • You will see a non-default message in the TStartup dialog window stating that the Module Device was started remotely.
  • A process called TRemoteDevice can be found running in the Task Manager on the Server computer. This application is responsible for launching the Device Module on the Remote PC.
  • On the Remote computer, you can see the same TRemoteDevice process running in the task manager. The command line for this process will show more information related to the Channel we are running on the remote machine, such as the Channel Name, Server’s IP, and Port Number.

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