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Download the Solution Example Here: AlarmChangeMessage AlarmHistoryFilter.dbsln

Solution Name: AlarmChangeMessageAlarmHistoryFilter

Software Version:  10.0.6

Keywords:  Alarm. Message. History Filter Runtime.


This solution example is represented in HTML5 and WPF modifies the Alarm Message during Runtime.

Technical Information

In this example, the Message appears when Tag1 = 1 for Primary State, when Tag2 = 5 the Message changes to Alarm is Locked.

The definition of an AlarmItem has 3 mandatory fields: TagName, Condition and AlarmGroup. That means, the Tag value that will be evaluated, the alarm condition to be verified, and if there is an Alarm, which AlarmGroup will guide the tag processing behavior.

To create or modify AlarmItems: Go to Alarms → Items.

In order to apply custom action using .NET scripts, subscribe to notifications of Alarms and events. These notifications are typically used to send SMS or email warnings, execute custom calculations, add custom notification Messages or audio Alarms, text-to-speech audio Alarms, and to perform any kind of action defined by custom programming.

Select the method in the Notification Method column on Alarms → Groups.

The name of the method can vary; The important is the expected parameters.

sample shows how to filter Alarm History data using start and end dates and SQL statements as filters.

The Alarm Viewer object allows to show Online Alarm, Historian Alarms or Audi Trail logs. 

In order to select the historian time-frame, the Alarm Viewer object uses the fields Start and EndDateTIme.

This example shows use calendar or SQL queries to populate the Start and End fields.


Technical Information

The Alarm Viewer object allows to show Online Alarm, Historian Alarms or Audi Trail logs. 

In order to select the historian time-frame, the Alarm Viewer object uses the fields Start and EndDateTIme.

This example shows use calendar or SQL queries to populate the Start and End fields.

Reference Information

See Alarms and Audit Trail for more information

Reference Information

For more information, access the CodeBehind of the solution's MainPage display.