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The Historian module uses the classical table system to organize data. With the Historian Tables, you can define generic characteristics that will apply to all Tags linked to each table. Thus, you can customize settings such as table name, data type, and data lifespan, providing advantages in potential database architectural migrations.

With Using the Historian Tables, you can configure settings to specify the Tag's Archive Location and define customize Tags' Archive Location. You can also determine how and when the associated Tags will be archived. You can set triggers such as to archive Tags. Additionally, you can establish triggers, such as setting a time deadband, specifying which specifies the minimum interval between saves , and a lifetime value, determining which determines how long saved tag values will be retainedyour system will retain Tag values.

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Configuring Historian Tables

By default, FrameworX provide the platform provides a Historia Table you can use to group your Tags. However, you can create as many Historian Tables as you need to better organize your archives better. To create a new Historian Table, follow the steps below:

  1. Access Historian → Historian Tables.
  2. Click on the plus icon.Define the settings to the new Historian Table on the Dialog. The next section
  3. The following section on this page describes each option available.
  4. Click OK.
titleConfiguration option availability

Specific options may be unavailable depending on the selected database or property chosen. For example, you can't define a Trigger if you check the Normalized option option for the new Historian Table. Therefore, it's important to essential to consider your options carefully.

The new table will show up on the Datagrid list. If you need, you You can edit the Historian Table you can select and change by selecting and changing the desired property if you need to. ALternativelyAlternatively, you can select choose the Historian Table and click on the pencil icon.

It's a good practice to store only the necessary data at the required frequency. To achieve this, you can take advantage of You can use features like deadbands, OnTagChangeDead Bands, On Tag Change, or Trigger events to achieve this. These features help you organize your storage and save only what's required only save important data without overloading the system or slowing down data recovery.

Historian Tables Properties

When configuring a Historian Table, you need to specify some properties defining when and how data will be archived. The following table describes each of the properties available.



Archive Location

Defines the Archive Location used. By default, the TagHistorian Tag Historian based on SQLite is used. For more information, access the Archive Locations.

Table name

Name of the HistorianTable object. This name is also the table name inside the SQL DB for SQL databasesHistorian Table object. For other databases, this name is used as a logical grouping name.

Auto create

If you check select this option, the Historian module verifies will verify if this table is has already been created in your SQL DBdatabase. If the table does not exist, it will create a new one will be created.

Save on Change

If you check this option, an action event to archive Tag data is generated whenever the Tags value changes.


The Trigger option enables you to choose an event that, when it happens, will ignite trigger the acrchiving archiving of all Tags in associated to with the current Historian Table to in the database. You can use any tag, object, or property from the objects object's namespaces as a trigger. Click on the elllipses Elllipses button (...) to access all options available.


Specify the minimum logging interval using HH:MM:SS:MS (Hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) format. This parameter determines the duration the system must wait after storing one tag value before storing a new one. It is used to prevent prevents excessive record creation in the database, especially if you're using the SaveOnChange option.

If left as zeros, this setting is inactive. 

As an example, consider you set a 5-second DeadbandDead Band. After a Tag is archived, the counter begins. While the counter doesn't reach 5 seconds, no Tag information will be saved, independent of how significant big its value change waschanges. The table below exemplifies the example.

Tag's valueCurrent TimeWill be saved on Database?

Life Time

Set the duration in days for retaining records on the Archive Location. The system automatically deletes data older than the specified lifetime.

If you set the value to 0 or leave it blank, the system will not perform automatic data deletion, ensuring the data remains untouched.

Save Quality

When checked, a column in your SQL DB stores the Quality property of the Tag argon with the value. The quality level defines how much reliable is the Tag value is, and it follows the OPC standard specification.   


When checked, the system uses the Normalize table schema for SQL database databases or the Standard schema otherwise. For more information on SQL database schemes, refer to to the Archiving Process.

Value Columns Type

Select the type for of value to be stored in the value columns used to store the tag values , which defines the Tags' value type in the SQL database. This field can be edited You can change this property only when first creating the HistorianTableHistorian Table


Description for this HistorianTable Historian Table object.

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