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Introduction to Historian Module

The Historian module enables you to store tag values and their corresponding timestamps in SQL databases or third-party time-series databases. With this module you streamline the collection and storage of data in its time context. 

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Historian Functionality

The Historian module provides an out-of-the-box solution for archiving historical data without programming requirements. Although it is possible to include custom data logging procedures in your solution using Scripts (.NET programming) and Datasets (SQL storage), the standard configuration tools of the Historian module can fulfill most typical data logging needs. 

You can use the data archived through the Historian module in Alarms and Displays in your application.

Feature Highlights

  • Embedded Canary Historian, that includes free 500 Canary Historian Tags with any license – Edge to Unlimited.

  • The Historian module works with all industries major players (OSISoftPI, InfluxDB, and more).

  • Store and Forward 

  • Universal Time and Daylight Saving

Archiving Process

The Historian module has a three-step archiving process:

  1. An event triggers the request to archive a group of values. There are two types of events (Trigger or TagChange), which are configured in a Historian Table.

  2. The Historian archives the values in the Target database. The Target Database can be a SQL Database or a TagProvider that is configured to act as a historian.

  3. If Store and Forward is enabled, the data synchronization is executed. This option stores data in a local database if the Target Database is not available, and sends it to the target when it becomes available.

For a more detailed Historian execution explanation, check Archiving process.

Main components

To configure the Historian module, you need to understand and set up three main components:

  • Archive Databases
  • Historian Tables
  • Historian Tags

You find a briefly description of each featue below.

Archive Database

The Archive Database defines where variables will be archived or read to be used in charts and calculations. You can use any SQL Database. In case you want to integrate third-party products designed to store long-term time-related values, known as time-series databases or Historian tools, you need to use the TagProvider Extensibility (not sure what it is).

Historian Tables

Historian Tables group Tags for historical archiving. You can define the Tags to archive to each Target Database using the Historian Table. Moreover, you can configure additional standard settings to apply to all tags in one particular group, such as when to save new data or how long to keep the data on the database.


A Historian Tag refers to any, internal or external, Tag which values are archived into a Historian Table. In addition to Tags from the FrameworX, you can also include dynamic references to external data using the Tag Provider function.

Configuring the Historian module

The typical configuration workflow for basic proccess to configure the Historian Module has module follows the following sequence below:

  1. Define the default TagHistorian SQL Database thorugh Archive Databese menu. By default, FrameworX uses TagHistorian maps , mapping tags to a SQLite database named and located equal as the Solution itselfdatabase. The default database uses TagHistorian as its name and is located at the TagHistorian repository. Learn more at at Archive Locations.

  2. If necessary, you can add other Target Databases to better organize the Tags archived

  3. Create and Edit HistorianTables. Learn more at Historian TablesHistorian Tables. Access the Historian Tables page to learn more about it.

  4. Add Tags to the HistorianTablesHistorian Tables. Learn more at Historian Tags.

  5. Use the Historian Monitor to suppervise your data on Runtime. Learn more at Check the Historian Monitor page for more information.

The above steps, are a simplified explanation about the configuration process. For additional information on how to configure the Historian module, access Configuring The Historian Module.

How Archiving works

The Historian module follows a three-step process to archive information:

  1. Trigger: An event triggers the request to archive a group of values. There are two types of events, Trigger and TagChange, which you configure in a Historian Table.

  2. Archive: The Historian archives the values in the selected database. You can set to use a SQL Database or a TagProvider, configured to act as a historian.

  3. Synchronize data: If Store and Forward is enabled, the data synchronization is executed. This option stores data in a local database if the selected database is not available. The system sends the stored data to the selected database when it becomes available.

For a more details about the Historian execution, check Archiving processFor detailed information, see Configuring The Historian Module.


More on the Historian Module

To learn more about the Historian Module we recommend you visit the following pages:

Working with the Historian Module.

  • Information on Runtime Execution

  • How to Display TrendCharts

  • How to Query Data on Scripts

Advanced Historian Topics

  • Information on Archiving Processes

  • Historian Runtime Attributes

Historian Best Practices

  • Best Practices 

  • Troubleshooting

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