Gauges display data from real-time processes, machines, and devices. Circular gauges show machine performance and resource levels, while linear gauges monitor intervals, ranges, or tank levels. Compass gauges provide directional data, useful in navigation-related applications. These gauges adapt to various applications, offering clear data visualization. The following Gauge
This section contains the reference links for the User Controls used to display information about the Solution Modules.
The following components are available:
ArcPointer CircularGauge
CenterValue CircularGauge: Graphical images imported and embedded into the solution, from various graphical file formats.
CircularGauge: standard circular gauge
Compass: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.
LinearGauge: User Interaction Elements, like Buttons, Text Elements, and typical Windows Controls like CheckBox or RadioButton,
SemiCircle LinearGauge: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.
control designed to display data using a circular gauge with arc pointers.
CenterValue CircularGauge
shows data with a central value indicator within a circular gauge.
Standard CircularGauge
standard control for representing data in a circular gauge format.
Legacy CircularGauge
legacy version of the CircularGauge Control, possibly with different features or design.
control designed to resemble a compass, likely used for directional data representation.
control that displays data in a linear gauge format, as opposed to circular.
Range CircularGauge
A circular gauge control that specifically focuses on showing ranges of data.
SemiCircle CircularGauge
displays data in a semicircular gauge, providing a half-circle visualization.
ArcPointer CircularGauge
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CenterValue CircularGauge
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SemiCircle Circular Gauge
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