Versions Compared


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In our software, the Dynamics and UI Elements page serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding and configuring various dynamic behaviors and UI components. This guide covers a wide range of topics, including appearance settings, text input/output, hyperlink and security configurations, and other essential aspects of designing a user interface for optimal interaction with automated processes. These features allow objects in the user interface to change in appearance, position, or behavior in response to user actions, events, or changing conditions. 

The Dynamic Properties feature allows to connect the properties of the graphical UI elements, like color, position and others, to the values of tags and other real-time values from the runtime namespaces. It also enables to define custom actions for mouse and keyboard actions, input and output text, and run scripts when the UI element on the screen is enabled.  

This flexible functionality enables you to create the User Interaction with the display that matches exactly your specifications. It's also used to create custom symbols, extending the builtin Library. 

On this page:

Table of Contents


The Dynamics and UI Elements page is dedicated to providing comprehensive information about the various dynamic configurations available in FactoryStudio. These configurations, ranging from Action and Shine dynamics to TextOutput and Security dynamics, enable users to create interactive and visually engaging user interfaces.

Interactive Dynamics

This includes Action Dynamic and Hyperlink and Security Dynamic, which enable user interaction, such as triggering actions or navigating to different pages based on user inputs.

Visual Enhancement Dynamics

This category encompasses Shine Dynamic, Fill, Line, and Text Color Dynamic, and BarGraph Dynamic. These configurations enable dynamic visual alterations to objects, such as color changes and bar graph adjustments, to improve data representation.

Visibility and Movement Dynamics

This includes Visibility Dynamic and MoveDrag Dynamics, which control the visibility and movement of UI elements. These features allow for dynamic hiding, showing, and positioning of objects in the interface.

Transformation Dynamics

This group comprises Scale Dynamic, Rotate Dynamic, and Skew Dynamic. These configurations allow objects to be dynamically resized, rotated, and skewed, providing greater flexibility in visual design.

Text and Security Dynamics

This includes Text I/O Dynamic, TextOutput Dynamic, and Security Dynamic configuration. These configurations provide dynamic text output and input capabilities and enable security features for user interface elements.

These key concepts, when applied effectively, can greatly enhance the user experience and data visualization capabilities in FactoryStudio.

Working the Dynamics and UI Elements

Dynamics allow you to configure real-time changes for an object's appearance, position, size, colors, the value the object reflects, the user action for when a user clicks, and more. This dynamic behavior is configured by creating links between the object properties, tags, or other runtime properties for the solution.

In some systems, "animation" is used to refer to these dynamic runtime changes. For FactoryStudio, we elected to use the term "Dynamics" to provide a clear distinction between the WPF animations features. WPF animations also refer to changes that occur in a graphic's object properties when running the displays. This occurs when timers and other object statuses are used to guide the animation, not real-time database values.

When you double-click an object, click the Dynamics button — or select it on the right-click context menu — to show a list of compatible dynamics that can be applied to the selected object.

Dynamics types


Dynamic Action defines actions in response to events, such as mouse clicks and keyboard inputs.You can select from options such as setting object values, toggling values, opening or closing displays, or executing scripts.

Action Dynamic configuration is a feature that enables the execution of an action triggered by the user interface. It offers different options for events like mouse clicks, movements, or keyboard inputs, allowing developers to choose the appropriate action, such as setting an object's value or running a script. This tool creates dynamic and engaging user interfaces that respond to user actions in real-time, enhancing FactoryStudio usability and interactivity. Dynamic actions are a powerful tool in user interface design. 

Action Dynamic configuration  


Choose events for mouse's actions. More than one event can be selected for each action. For example, you can set one action for MouseLeftButtonDown and another action for MouseLeftButtonUp.


Select an action for the given event:

None: No action.

SetValue: Sets the value of the object.

Object: The object that will receive the value.

Value: The value that will be passed to the object.

Toggle: Toggles the object value. If the object's current value is zero, the value will be 1. If the object's current value is different from zero, the value will be 0.

Object: The object that will be toggled.

OpenDisplay: Opens a display.

Display: The name of the display that will be opened.

CloseDisplay: Closes a display.

Display: The name of the display that will be closed.

OpenLayout: Opens a layout.

Layout: The name of the layout that will be opened.

RunScript: Runs a script that is placed in the display CodeBehind tab. Do one of the following:

Enter the new method name and click New.

Select one of the existing methods in the comboBox.

RunExpressions: Runs the given expression.

Expression: Enter the expression. For example: Tag.a + 1, or Tag.a + Tag.b, or Math.Cos(Tag.angle) * Math.PI.

Result (optional): Enter the tag or the property that will receive the expression value.


Action Dynamic configuration  


Executes an action triggered by the user interface.


Choose events for mouse's actions. More than one event can be selected for each action. For example, you can set one action for MouseLeftButtonDown and another action for MouseLeftButtonUp.


Select an action for the given event:

None: No action.

SetValue: Sets the value of the object.

Object: The object that will receive the value.

Value: The value that will be passed to the object.

Toggle: Toggles the object value. If the object's current value is zero, the value will be 1. If the object's current value is different from zero, the value will be 0.

Object: The object that will be toggled.

OpenDisplay: Opens a display.

Display: The name of the display that will be opened.

CloseDisplay: Closes a display.

Display: The name of the display that will be closed.

OpenLayout: Opens a layout.

Layout: The name of the layout that will be opened.

RunScript: Runs a script that is placed in the display CodeBehind tab. Do one of the following:

Enter the new method name and click New.

Select one of the existing methods in the comboBox.

RunExpressions: Runs the given expression.

Expression: Enter the expression. For example: Tag.a + 1, or Tag.a + Tag.b, or Math.Cos(Tag.angle) * Math.PI.

Result (optional): Enter the tag or the property that will receive the expression value.


Shine Dynamic Configuration enables dynamic object appearance changes with various features such as mouse-over and selection effects, scale adjustments, and reference position settings. 

Shine Dynamic configuration  


Changes the object appearance dynamically.


Enter a tag that will receive the OverValue or the NotOverValue.


The IsMouseOver value when the mouse is over the object.


The IsMouseOver value when the mouse is not over the object.

Mouse Over Appearance

The object appearance when the mouse is over it.

Opacity: The object opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque).

Scale: The object size (0.5 = half, 1 = the same size, 1.5 = one and a half, 2 = double size).

OuterGlow: Defines the OuterGlow color, the check box enables or disables it.

TextColor: Defines the text color, the check box enables or disables it.

Mouse Not Over Appearance

The object appearance when the mouse is Not over it:

Opacity: The object opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque).

Scale: The object size (0.5 = half, 1 = the same size, 1.5 = one and a half, 2 = double size).

Is Selected Appearance

The object appearance when it is selected:

IsSelected: Defines whether the object is selected.

Opacity: The object opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque).

Scale: The object size (0.5 = half, 1 = the same size, 1.5 = one and a half, 2 = double size).

Scale Reference



Set to show the Uid of the object on hover


Set to show as a tooltip on hover


Dynamic Security configuration is a feature that allows you to set object runtime permissions to execute actions. This configuration includes a Disable setting, where you can enter a tag, a property, or an expression that returns a value. If the resulting value is greater than zero, the object will be disabled. The Verify Permissions setting allows you to select specific permission groups that can access the object, providing an additional layer of security. The Confirm Message setting enables you to show a dialog box with a message before taking any action, and the ESign Required setting determines whether an electronic signature is required before the action is executed. This feature enhances the security of your solution and ensures that actions are executed only by authorized users. 

Security Dynamic configuration  




Sets the object runtime permissions.


Enters a tag, a property, or an expression returning a value. If the resulting value is:

Zero: Object will be enabled.

Greater than zero: Object will be disabled.

For more information, see Configuring Expressions.

Verify Permissions

When selected, only the chosen permission groups can access the object.

Confirm Message

Shows a confirmation dialog before taking some action:

textBox: Enter the message that will appear in the dialog.

checkBox: Enables or Disables the Confirm Message.

ESign Required

Sets if the Esign is required


  • TextColor - Changes the object text color dynamically. 

A dynamic configuration that changes an object's text color and can be customized in real-time using expressions and valid color names/hexadecimal codes, providing a flexible way to adjust the appearance of objects' text. 


  • LineColor - Changes the object line color dynamically. 

A dynamic configuration that changes an object's line color and can be customized in real-time using expressions and valid color names/hexadecimal codes, providing a flexible way to adjust the appearance of lines in objects. 


  • FillColor - Changes the object fill color dynamically. 

A dynamic configuration that changes an object's fill color and can be customized in real-time using expressions and valid color names/hexadecimal codes, providing a flexible way to adjust the appearance of objects' fill. 

Expressions can be used in various places using VB.Net syntax to determine values or set conditions. They are compiled using the standard VB.Net compiler and accept everything that would be accepted in the code editor. The syntax is similar to C#, but does not require a semicolon at the end. Both VB.Net and C# programmers can use expression fields without any issues. In expressions, it is not necessary to prefix tag names with "@" since there are no local .NET variables, and the solution object is used directly. Arithmetic operands use standard .NET operands. 

To allow single-line evaluations, the .NET language has the IIF command, which currently is used only with VB.Net. The IIF command has three parameters.  


IIF (A, B, C) 

The first parameter is a condition. This method will return B if condition A is true, and it returns C if the condition is false. 


IIF (tag.A = 1, "True", "False") will return the string "True" if the value of tag.A is 1, or "False" if tag.A has a different value. 

In this .NET method, all three parameters are evaluated independent of the condition. For instance, if you have IIF (tag.A = 1, script.class.client.Func1(), script.class.client.Func2()), both Func1 and Func2 will always be executed. Only the return value will be different based on the value of tag.A. 

Run Expression Example IF: 

In this example of an expression, we have used an IF statement for its implementation. In this case, when the Tag equals 1, a Messagebox containing the word "True" will appear on the screen. Otherwise, if the Tag contains any other value, when the button is pressed, an action will trigger the event and a second Messagebox will appear on the screen containing the word "False". 

If(Tag.Integer = 1, MessageBox.Show( "True "), MessageBox.Show("False "))

Image Added


Action Dynamic configuration  


Executes an action triggered by the user interface.


Choose events for mouse's actions. More than one event can be selected for each action. For example, you can set one action for MouseLeftButtonDown and another action for MouseLeftButtonUp.


Select an action for the given event:

None: No action.

SetValue: Sets the value of the object.

Object: The object that will receive the value.

Value: The value that will be passed to the object.

Toggle: Toggles the object value. If the object's current value is zero, the value will be 1. If the object's current value is different from zero, the value will be 0.

Object: The object that will be toggled.

OpenDisplay: Opens a display.

Display: The name of the display that will be opened.

CloseDisplay: Closes a display.

Display: The name of the display that will be closed.

OpenLayout: Opens a layout.

Layout: The name of the layout that will be opened.

RunScript: Runs a script that is placed in the display CodeBehind tab. Do one of the following:

Enter the new method name and click New.

Select one of the existing methods in the comboBox.

RunExpressions: Runs the given expression.

Expression: Enter the expression. For example: Tag.a + 1, or Tag.a + Tag.b, or Math.Cos(Tag.angle) * Math.PI.

Result (optional): Enter the tag or the property that will receive the expression value.

Expressions can be used in various places using VB.Net syntax to determine values or set conditions. They are compiled using the standard VB.Net compiler and accept everything that would be accepted in the code editor.

The syntax is similar to C#, but does not require a semicolon at the end. Both VB.Net and C# programmers can use expression fields without any issues. In expressions, it is not necessary to prefix tag names with "@" since there are no local .NET variables, and the solution object is used directly. Arithmetic operands use standard .NET operands. To allow single-line evaluations, the .NET language has the IIF command, which currently is used only with VB.Net.

The IIF command has three parameters.  

Example IIF (A, B, C) 

The first parameter is a condition.This method will return B if condition A is true, and it returns C if the condition is false. 

Example IIF (tag.A = 1, "True", "False") will return the string "True" if the value of tag.A is 1, or "False" if tag.A has a different value. 

In this .NET method, all three parameters are evaluated independent of the condition. For instance, if you have IIF (tag.A = 1, script.class.client.Func1(), script.class.client.Func2()), both Func1 and Func2 will always be executed. Only the return value will be different based on the value of tag.A. 

Run Expression Example IF: In this example of an expression, we have used an IF statement for its implementation. In this case, when the Tag equals 1, a Messagebox containing the word "True" will appear on the screen. Otherwise, if the Tag contains any other value, when the button is pressed, an action will trigger the event and a second Messagebox will appear on the screen containing the word "False". If(Tag.Integer = 1, MessageBox.Show( "True "), MessageBox.Show("False "))Image Added


Shine Dynamic Configuration enables dynamic object appearance changes with various features such as mouse-over and selection effects, scale adjustments, and reference position settings. 

Shine Dynamic configuration  


Changes the object appearance dynamically.


Enter a tag that will receive the OverValue or the NotOverValue.


The IsMouseOver value when the mouse is over the object.


The IsMouseOver value when the mouse is not over the object.

Mouse Over Appearance

The object appearance when the mouse is over it.

Opacity: The object opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque).

Scale: The object size (0.5 = half, 1 = the same size, 1.5 = one and a half, 2 = double size).

OuterGlow: Defines the OuterGlow color, the check box enables or disables it.

TextColor: Defines the text color, the check box enables or disables it.

Mouse Not Over Appearance

The object appearance when the mouse is Not over it:

Opacity: The object opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque).

Scale: The object size (0.5 = half, 1 = the same size, 1.5 = one and a half, 2 = double size).

Is Selected Appearance

The object appearance when it is selected:

IsSelected: Defines whether the object is selected.

Opacity: The object opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque).

Scale: The object size (0.5 = half, 1 = the same size, 1.5 = one and a half, 2 = double size).

Scale Reference



Set to show the Uid of the object on hover


Set to show as a tooltip on hover


Dynamic Security configuration is a feature that allows you to set object runtime permissions to execute actions. This configuration includes a Disable setting, where you can enter a tag, a property, or an expression that returns a value. If the resulting value is greater than zero, the object will be disabled. The Verify Permissions setting allows you to select specific permission groups that can access the object, providing an additional layer of security. The Confirm Message setting enables you to show a dialog box with a message before taking any action, and the ESign Required setting determines whether an electronic signature is required before the action is executed. This feature enhances the security of your solution and ensures that actions are executed only by authorized users. 

Security Dynamic configuration  




Sets the object runtime permissions.


Enters a tag, a property, or an expression returning a value. If the resulting value is:

Zero: Object will be enabled.

Greater than zero: Object will be disabled.

For more information, see Configuring Expressions.

Verify Permissions

When selected, only the chosen permission groups can access the object.

Confirm Message

Shows a confirmation dialog before taking some action:

textBox: Enter the message that will appear in the dialog.

checkBox: Enables or Disables the Confirm Message.

ESign Required

Sets if the Esign is required


  • TextColor - Changes the object text color dynamically. 

A dynamic configuration that changes an object's text color and can be customized in real-time using expressions and valid color names/hexadecimal codes, providing a flexible way to adjust the appearance of objects' text. 


  • LineColor - Changes the object line color dynamically. 

A dynamic configuration that changes an object's line color and can be customized in real-time using expressions and valid color names/hexadecimal codes, providing a flexible way to adjust the appearance of lines in objects. 


  • FillColor - Changes the object fill color dynamically. 

A dynamic configuration that changes an object's fill color and can be customized in real-time using expressions and valid color names/hexadecimal codes, providing a flexible way to adjust the appearance of objects' fill. 

Text, Line and Fill 




The value used for the dynamic.

Change Color

UsingLimits: The resulting color is determined when the value is equal or higher than one of the limits.

AbsoluteValue: The color will be the expression value. The value must be a valid color name or hexadecimal color. For example: "White" or "#FFFFFFFF"


Bad Quality

Selects color when the related tag quality is bad.

Undefined Quality

Selects color when the related tag quality is undefined.


It is possible to configure a solution so that an object blinks only for a pre-determined period, without using scripts or expressions.

To do this, the "Expression" field in FillColor needs to be filled with a Timer type Tag, which contains the following parameters:

Image Added

Model: DelayOff Interval: <desired time for the object to blink>

In this way, the object configuration will be as follows:

Image Added

Following the steps above, when the value of Tag.timer2 is equal to 1, the object will blink during the defined interval, and at the end of this time, the Tag returns to 0 and the object stops blinking.


The Visibility Dynamic Configuration changes an object's visibility and opacity dynamically by hiding or showing objects based on tags, properties, or expressions, setting opacity based on a range of values, and providing a security option for hiding components for certain users. It is useful for creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces. 

Visibility Dynamic configuration  


Changes the object visibility and opacity dynamically.


Enter a tag, a property, or an expression returning a value. If the resulting value is:

Zero: Object will be hidden.

Greater than zero: Object will be visible.

For more information, seeConfiguring Expressions.

Hide when security is enabled

Hides the component when security is enabled for the current user. 


Expression: The value used to set the opacity.


Text, Line and Fill 




The value used for the dynamic.

Change Color

UsingLimits: The resulting color is determined when the value is equal or higher than one of the limits.

AbsoluteValue: The color will be the expression value. The value must be a valid color name or hexadecimal color. For example: "White" or "#FFFFFFFF"


Bad Quality

Selects color when the related tag quality is bad.

Undefined Quality

Selects color when the related tag quality is undefined.


It is possible to configure a solution so that an object blinks only for a pre-determined period, without using scripts or expressions.

To do this, the "Expression" field in FillColor needs to be filled with a Timer type Tag, which contains the following parameters:

Image Removed

Model: DelayOff Interval: <desired time for the object to blink>

In this way, the object configuration will be as follows:

Image Removed

Following the steps above, when the value of Tag.timer2 is equal to 1, the object will blink during the defined interval, and at the end of this time, the Tag returns to 0 and the object stops blinking.


The Visibility Dynamic Configuration changes an object's visibility and opacity dynamically by hiding or showing objects based on tags, properties, or expressions, setting opacity based on a range of values, and providing a security option for hiding components for certain users. It is useful for creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces. 

Visibility Dynamic configuration  


Changes the object visibility and opacity dynamically.


Enter a tag, a property, or an expression returning a value. If the resulting value is:

Zero: Object will be hidden.

Greater than zero: Object will be visible.

For more information, seeConfiguring Expressions.

Hide when security is enabled

Hides the component when security is enabled for the current user. 


Expression: The value used to set the opacity.

Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum opacity.

Opacity: The minimum and maximum opacity (0 - invisible, 0.5 - a bit transparent, 1 - opaque).


MoveDrag Dynamics is a feature for dynamically moving objects in a display, commonly used in interactive applications and user interfaces. It can be configured with different modes, expressions, and settings, and even use previous objects as a reference for position. This tool is powerful for creating dynamic and interactive solutions. 

MoveDrag Dynamic configuration  




Moves the object dynamically.


TwoWay: Input moving and output moving.

InputOnly: Input moving only. The object does not move when the object value changes.

OutputOnly: Output moving only. The object does not move with user interaction.

Horizontal Move

Expression with the horizontal move reference.

Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum horizontal position.

Position: The minimum and maximum horizontal position.

Vertical Move

Expression with the vertical move range.

Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum vertical position.

Position: The minimum and maximum vertical position.

Use previous object for position reference

Reference the current object's position based on the previous object

Moving Objects

Image Removed

Use the code below to move objects on the screen:

Image Removed

We emphasize that the MoveDrag property is made for this type of application and can be used if desired.

Below is an example of how the MoveDrag property works.

The image below illustrates the Range and Position fields of the Vertical Move section:

Image Removed

The YPOS Tag added to the expression is set in the TextBox present on the screen.

The Position field represents the range of pixels in which the object can move on the screen.

The Range field represents the range of values that the Tag can assume.

Therefore, in the example shown in the image, the user can type a number from 0 to 4, which will be converted to the range of pixels between 0 and 400.

That is, if the user types 1 for the Tag value, the object will move 100px down. If they type 2, it will move 200px, 3 - 300px, and 4 - 400px.

This is just an example, you could leave both the Range and Position fields with equal values, such as 0 and 400 for both.

Then, the user would be allowed to type values between 0 and 400, being displaced exactly the value that was typed by the user, following a 1:1 ratio in this case while in the previous case a 1:100 ratio was being followed.


Scale Dynamic configuration enables dynamic resizing of an object with Width and Height Scale settings that can be specified as a percentage of minimum and maximum values. Scale Reference allows choosing the reference point for scaling. This configuration provides flexibility in designing and displaying visual elements by adjusting the object size based on changing values or conditions. 

Scale dynamic configuration

Changes the object size dynamically.

Width Scale

  • Object: the value used for the width scaling.
  • Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum width scale percentage.
  • Scale (%): The minimum and maximum width scaling percentage.

Height Scale

  • Object: the value used for the height scaling.
  • Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum height scale percentage.
  • Scale (%): The minimum and maximum height scaling percentage.

Scale Reference:



Rotate Dynamic configuration enables dynamic rotation of an object with user-defined settings, such as angle, speed, center reference, and offset values. An expression can be used to set the rotation value, and a value range can be defined for the minimum and maximum angle. The feature also includes an on/off property. It is useful for creating dynamic and interactive visual displays or animating objects in a graphical user interface. 

Rotate Dynamic configuration  




Rotates the object dynamically.


The value used for the rotation.

Value Range

The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum



For example: 0 to 100. 


Opacity: The minimum and maximum

rotation angle. For example: 0 to 360. 


Number of rotations per minute. The value can be defined on Expression.

Center Reference

Clockwise – Check if you want Clockwise.
Offset X – Defines the distance of the center of the Rotation in X axis.
Offset Y – Defines the distance of the center of the Rotation in Y axis.


Enter with the object property that will turn ON/OFF the Rotation Dynamic

opacity (0 - invisible, 0.5 - a bit transparent, 1 - opaque).


MoveDrag Dynamics is a feature for dynamically moving objects in a display, commonly used in interactive applications and user interfaces. It can be configured with different modes, expressions, and settings, and even use previous objects as a reference for position. This tool is powerful for creating dynamic and interactive solutions. 


Skew Dynamic

Skew Dynamic configuration enables dynamic skewing of an object by distorting its shape along the x or y-axis. The setting includes values for X-axis and Y-axis skewing, ranges, and angles. The Skew Reference setting allows choosing the center of the skewing. This feature adds interactivity to your design by creating dynamic visual effects. 

Skew Dynamic configuration




Skews the object dynamically.

X-axis Skew

  • ObjectValue: the value used for the X-axis skewing.
  • MoveDrag Dynamic configuration  




    Moves the object dynamically.


    TwoWay: Input moving and output moving.

    InputOnly: Input moving only. The object does not move when the object value changes.

    OutputOnly: Output moving only. The object does not move with user interaction.

    Horizontal Move

    Expression with the horizontal move reference.

    Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum horizontal position.

    Position: The minimum and maximum horizontal position.

    Vertical Move

    Expression with the vertical move range.

    Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum

    X-axis skewing angle. For example: 0 to 100.Skew (º)

    vertical position.

    Position: The minimum and maximum

    X-axis skewing angle. For example: 0 to 180º.

    Y axis skew

    • ObjectValue: the value used for the Y-axis skewing.
    • Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum Y-axis skewing angle. For example: 0 to 100.
    • Skew (º): The minimum and maximum Y-axis skewing angle. For example: 0 to 180º.

    Skew Reference


    Get, Apply, and Replace

    After adding a dynamic to an object, the Get and Apply buttons can be used to move the dynamic's settings configuration from one object to another. Select the object with the dynamics you want to use, and click Get. Right-click the dynamic name in the left panel, in order to enable or disable the ones that will be applied. Select one or more target objects and click Apply.

    You can use the Replace button to change the tags in the dynamics of the selected objects. The String button is used to change all of the strings for the selected objects.

    Action Dynamic

    Expressions can be used in various places using VB.Net syntax to determine values or set conditions. They are compiled using the standard VB.Net compiler and accept everything that would be accepted in the code editor. The syntax is similar to C#, but does not require a semicolon at the end. Both VB.Net and C# programmers can use expression fields without any issues. In expressions, it is not necessary to prefix tag names with "@" since there are no local .NET variables, and the solution object is used directly. Arithmetic operands use standard .NET operands. 

    To allow single-line evaluations, the .NET language has the IIF command, which currently is used only with VB.Net. The IIF command has three parameters.  


    IIF (A, B, C) 

    The first parameter is a condition. This method will return B if condition A is true, and it returns C if the condition is false. 


    IIF (tag.A = 1, "True", "False") will return the string "True" if the value of tag.A is 1, or "False" if tag.A has a different value. 

    In this .NET method, all three parameters are evaluated independent of the condition. For instance, if you have IIF (tag.A = 1, script.class.client.Func1(), script.class.client.Func2()), both Func1 and Func2 will always be executed. Only the return value will be different based on the value of tag.A. 

    Run Expression Example IF: 

    In this example of an expression, we have used an IF statement for its implementation. In this case, when the Tag equals 1, a Messagebox containing the word "True" will appear on the screen. Otherwise, if the Tag contains any other value, when the button is pressed, an action will trigger the event and a second Messagebox will appear on the screen containing the word "False". 

    If(Tag.Integer = 1, MessageBox.Show( "True "), MessageBox.Show("False "))

    vertical position.

    Use previous object for position reference

    Reference the current object's position based on the previous object

    Moving Objects

    Image Added

    Use the code below to move objects on the screen:

    Image Added

    We emphasize that the MoveDrag property is made for this type of application and can be used if desired.

    Below is an example of how the MoveDrag property works.

    The image below illustrates the Range and Position fields of the Vertical Move section:

    Image Added

    The YPOS Tag added to the expression is set in the TextBox present on the screen.

    The Position field represents the range of pixels in which the object can move on the screen.

    The Range field represents the range of values that the Tag can assume.

    Therefore, in the example shown in the image, the user can type a number from 0 to 4, which will be converted to the range of pixels between 0 and 400.

    That is, if the user types 1 for the Tag value, the object will move 100px down. If they type 2, it will move 200px, 3 - 300px, and 4 - 400px.

    This is just an example, you could leave both the Range and Position fields with equal values, such as 0 and 400 for both.

    Then, the user would be allowed to type values between 0 and 400, being displaced exactly the value that was typed by the user, following a 1:1 ratio in this case while in the previous case a 1:100 ratio was being followed.


    Scale Dynamic configuration enables dynamic resizing of an object with Width and Height Scale settings that can be specified as a percentage of minimum and maximum values. Scale Reference allows choosing the reference point for scaling. This configuration provides flexibility in designing and displaying visual elements by adjusting the object size based on changing values or conditions. 

    Scale dynamic configuration

    Changes the object size dynamically.

    Width Scale

    Object: the value used for the width scaling.

    Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum width scale percentage.

    Scale (%): The minimum and maximum width scaling percentage.

    Height Scale

    Object: the value used for the height scaling.

    Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum height scale percentage.

    Scale (%): The minimum and maximum height scaling percentage.

    Scale Reference:



    Rotate Dynamic configuration enables dynamic rotation of an object with user-defined settings, such as angle, speed, center reference, and offset values. An expression can be used to set the rotation value, and a value range can be defined for the minimum and maximum angle. The feature also includes an on/off property. It is useful for creating dynamic and interactive visual displays or animating objects in a graphical user interface. 

    Rotate Dynamic configuration  


    The value used for the rotation.

    Value Range

    The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum angle. For example: 0 to 100. 


    The minimum and maximum rotation angle. For example: 0 to 360. 


    Number of rotations per minute. The value can be defined on Expression.

    Center Reference

    Clockwise – Check if you want Clockwise.


    Offset X – Defines the distance of the center of the Rotation in X axis.
    Offset Y – Defines the distance of the center of the Rotation in Y axis.


    Enter with the object property that will turn ON/OFF the Rotation Dynamic


    Skew Dynamic configuration enables dynamic skewing of an object by distorting its shape along the x or y-axis. The setting includes values for X-axis and Y-axis skewing, ranges, and angles. The Skew Reference setting allows choosing the center of the skewing. This feature adds interactivity to your design by creating dynamic visual effects. 

    Skew Dynamic configuration




    Skews the object dynamically.

    X-axis Skew

    • ObjectValue: the value used for the X-axis skewing.
    • Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum X-axis skewing angle. For example: 0 to 100.
    • Skew (º): The minimum and maximum X-axis skewing angle. For example: 0 to 180º.

    Y axis skew

    • ObjectValue: the value used for the Y-axis skewing.
    • Range: The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum Y-axis skewing angle. For example: 0 to 100.
    • Skew (º): The minimum and maximum Y-axis skewing angle. For example: 0 to 180º.

    Skew Reference


    Get, Apply, and Replace

    After adding a dynamic to an object, the Get and Apply buttons can be used to move the dynamic's settings configuration from one object to another. Select the object with the dynamics you want to use, and click Get. Right-click the dynamic name in the left panel, in order to enable or disable the ones that will be applied. Select one or more target objects and click Apply.

    You can use the Replace button to change the tags in the dynamics of the selected objects. The String button is used to change all of the strings for the selected objects.

    Image Removed

    Text I/O

    The Text I/O dynamic enables the configuration of text input and output, including parameter settings like input range and maximum length. Objects can be bound to tags and set for input, output, or both, allowing for system customization. 

    Text I/O Dynamic configuration  




    Text input and text output Dynamic. If text is a tag value or a property, it must be between curly brackets. For example: {Tag.analogInt1}

    Binding Mode

    Associate an object with a tag:

    • TwoWay: Input and output allowed.

    • InputOnly: Only input allowed (the current tag value is not shown, but new values can be entered).

    • OutputOnly: Only output allowed.

    Object or Expression

    Object (input) or Expression (output only) connected with the Text Box.


    The value shown in design mode:

    • ShowObjectNames: The content of the text field is shown exactly as it is.

    • ShowPlaceHolders: The characters ### are shown, the number of characters is defined by the MaxLength field.

    Input Range

    Defines the numeric range for the entered value.


    Defines the maximum number of characters.


    Defines the text format for the field, example:

    mm/dd/yyyy, is a format used to express a date time input; 0.00, is a format of a decimal number with two digits after the point.


    TextOutput Dynamic configuration is a setting that enables text output dynamic. The configuration includes options such as Expression, which indicates the text to be shown, and Localizable, which indicates whether the text should be translated. Additionally, there is DesignModeCaption, which displays the value in design mode, and MaxLength, which defines the maximum number of characters. The Format setting allows specifying the field's format. 

    TextOuput Dynamic configuration  




    Text output dynamic.


    Indicates the text that will be shown in the object.


    Indicates whether the text must be translated when the dictionary changes.


    • The value shown in design mode:

    • ShowObjectNames: The content of the text field is shown exactly as it is.

    • ShowPlaceHolders: The characters ### are shown, the number of characters is defined by the MaxLength field.


    Defines the maximum number of characters.


    Specify the format of the field

    Hyperlink dynamic

    The Hyperlink dynamic configuration enables opening links of various types, while the Security configuration defines runtime permissions, including Esign requirements, confirmation messages, and access restrictions for specific permission groups. 

    Hyperlink Dynamic configuration  




    Opens a hyperlink.


    Selects the hyperlink type:

    • http

    • ftp

    • file

    • mailto

    • telnet


    Sets the URL to open.



    Bargraph Dynamic

    The Bargraph Dynamic Configuration creates dynamic bar graphs by defining an expression for the value, setting the fill percentage range, color, and orientation. It is useful for displaying data in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way. 

    Bargraph Dynamic configuration




    Bargraph dynamic.


    The value used for the bargraph dynamic.

    Value Range

    The minimum and maximum values that will correspond to the minimum and maximum fill percentage.

    Fill (%)

    The minimum and maximum bargraph fill percentage.

    Bar Color

    The bar graph color.


    The bar graph orientation:
     to up
     horizontal center
    to down
     to right
     vertical center
     to left

    Available Dynamics

    Action: Executes actions and commands triggered by the user interface.

    Shine: Changes the object appearance dynamically.

    CodeBehind: Event > OnDisplayOpening, OnDisplayIsOpen and OnDisplayClosing.

    Code Execution > SetValue, ToggleValue, RunExpressions, ServerRequest and HTTPRequest.

    TextIO: Text input and text output Dynamic.

    HyperLink: Opens a hyperlink.

    Security: Sets the object runtime permissions to execute actions.

    FillColor: Changes the object fill color dynamically.

    LineColor: Changes the object line color dynamically.

    TextColor: Changes the object text color dynamically.

    Bargraph: Bargraph dynamic.

    Visibility: Changes the object visibility and opacity dynamically.

    MoveDrag: Moves the object dynamically.

    Scale: Changes the object size dynamically.

    Rotate: Rotates the object dynamically.

    Skew: Skews the object dynamically.

    TextOutput: Text output dynamic.

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