The MapsESRIMap controls implements map functionality based on ESRI maps.
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This component is Portable. It runs both on Windows and on Web Pages hosted in any platform.components runs only on Windows, on RichClient and SmartClient clients.
MapControl configuration |
Field | Description |
Control Name | Defines a name for the control so it can be accessed in the CodeBehind script. See Display Code Behind. |
A Tag that will receive the value of the calendar.
Defines how the name of the days of the week will be shown.
The depth that the calendar will get (Month, Decade, Year).
Base Map URL | Map URL from ArcGIS provider (default: http://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer) |
BaseMap ID | Name just to represent the base map. |
Wms Layer URL | The WMS service URL from the layer you want to show. |
Wms Layer ID | The WMS service ID from the layer you wish to add to the display |
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Runtime Execution
In Runtime, the control has embedded controls to allow the Operator to modify the date.
Typically the configuration settings of Value is attached to a Tag exposed in the Display User Interface
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