
The Solution Settings interface provides a centralized location for configuring various aspects of your solution. Users can adjust parameters related to licensing requirements to run the solution, Python interpreter paths, among others. This page includes Solution Information, Target Platform and License, Solution Options, Modules in Runtime Process, and Python Interpreter. 

On this page:

Solution Settings User Interface

Access the Solution Settings through Solution → Settings to tailor your solutions to specific requirements and ensure seamless integration with external systems. Here, you'll find the configuration options that apply to the entire solution and you can view and change the solution settings that you configured when you created the solution.

Solution Information: includes solution information (read-only), such name, file size, description, solution path and tag counters for local and external.

Target Platform and License: iIncludes options to modify the solution's target platform and enables license customization, allowing you to select the best family and product model for your solution. You can also customize the historian license.

Solution Options: Defines runtime behavior, including language settings in "Culture Info," enabling client-side tasks for WPF applications, and activating diagnostic logging for system analysis.

Run Modules inside main Runtime process: Checkboxes allow the use of script-based tasks and enable the primary communication channel utilized for device interactions.

Python Interpreter: Users must specify the location of the Python interpreter when running Python scripts and tasks within the application. There are two options available: "Local," which refers to a Python installation on the user's machine, and "Server," which points to a Python installation on a remote server.

Settings Configuration

The Solution Settings navigation on Solution Explorer has general settings that applies to the entire Solution to assist the creating and maintenance of the solution. It includes: 

Solution Information

Includes all the basic information about your solution.

Solution information


A description for the solution.

Solution Path

Read-only path to the solution.

Tag Count

How many tags the solution has.

Help URL

This feature allows users to integrate additional support for their solution by adding Help URLs for knowledge bases and documentation.

Target Platform and License

Provides an overview for understanding the capabilities and limitations of your selected solution.

Target Platform and License

Target Platform

Shows the target platform selected in the solution creation procedure.

Product Family

A basic description of the product families is

FrameworX — Complete FactoryStudio functionality

FactoryStudio — Scales based on the number of Tags & clients. 

Edge HMI — Use for smaller applications and embedded systems.

Edge Gateway — Create a solution to work as an OPC server or Data Acquisition Gateway, providing data to other applications from the native protocol drivers.

Changing the family settings may cause some configurations to be invalid. For example, some features are only available in the FrameworX version.

Check Product Series for more information.

Product Model

The product model is connected with the maximum number of real-time communication points you are allowed on that solution.
Check Managing Licenses for more information.

Solution Options

Here, the users can fine-tune the following configurations:

Solution Options

Culture Info

Select the target language for the runtime application. This setting controls the formatting of dates, numbers, and other information so they are in compliance with the selected language. It is possible to change this setting later.

Allow Client Tasks (WPF only)

This checkbox allows the execution of client-side tasks in WPF.

Diagnostics Log Files Location

This dropdown let's you define the location of diagnostic data, aiding in system analysis and troubleshooting.

Retentive Database Settings

In the Solution Option, click on the gear icon next to the Retentive Database to open the Edit Database Connection popup window.

Edit Database Connection Popup window


Defines the database connection name.


A brief overview informing the purpose or specifications of the database connection.


Data providers serve as bridges between applications and specific types of databases. While some providers like ODBC and OleDb offer multi-database support, others like OracleClient, SQLClient, SQLite, and PostgreSQL are specialized for their respective databases.


The databases you can connect to will vary depending on the selected Provider. 


If the database you want to connect to isn't on the local computer, the ServerIP should be the IP address or network name of the computer with the database. If a tunneling service is required to access the remote computer, the TWebServices utility must be enabled and running on the remote computer.

Test button

To test the connection.


Displays the configuration string used to connect to the SQLite database. This string specifies the file path and name of the database file, directing the system to the correct database location. The format typically follows "Data Source =ExecutionPathAndName.dbRetentive". 


The security key to authenticate and access the database.

Provider and supported databases

Run Modules Inside Main Runtime Process

Here, the users configure the solution settings related to module executions.

Solution Options

Script Tasks

Enables script-based tasks on the solution.

First Device Channel

Selects the primary route for communication between a software application and connected devices, ensuring a stable and reliable exchange of data and commands.

Python Interpreter

Specifies the folder where the Python interpreter is installed.

Python Interpreter


Defines the path for Python installation folder on the local machine.


Defines the path for Python installation folder on the remote server.

In this section:

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